
Enter: Tsubasa Saito

She smiled, her lips curving upward. Her eyes, white as snow. Her hair, light blue. Her cheeks, rosey. Her skin, pale. Her height, tall. She wore an elegant black dress, covered in small water droplets that held their place. She had gloves that sparkled like the moonlight. She had heels that arched upward, causing her to be a few inches taller. They were made of crystals. Her hair was tied up in a bun that was tight and formal. She had one thing that stood out; her ruby necklace. It was formed from the most precious ruby ever to be mined. It was a Tanzaniarubī, otherwise known as a Tanzian Ruby. It symbolized love, but this woman was heartless, and cold.

Her name was Tsubasa Saito, otherwise known as the Great Goddess of the Evil, Tsu.

She was the definition of darkness. Her soul only thought about evil and death; she only accepted death as punishment for people who did not obey her or respect her in any little, or big way. She was cruel and unforgiving. Her heart only neared towards people like her, say the ones who graduated successfully from the Dark Academia. However, she was one of the most powerful of the Twelve Great Goddesses, which said a lot.

The first goddess is the goddess of Good, Utukushi. As in the name, she contained power opposite of Tsubasa; light and good. She showed mercy often. She treated people with kindness, and despised Tsubasa and took her as a rival. They battle every so often, and results have shown that the dark has been getting more powerful over the years. Some believe the world will be consumed by evil in a few hundred years.

The second goddess was the one of machinery. Her name was Sureiya. Her work was most often unseen by many, and was underrated. The use of machines was not needed yet; Sureiya's work was just backup. She almost committed suicide after someone insulted her about how being the Goddess of Machinery was the worst possible one there was. However, she is still a goddess and should be respected. She likes Utukushi as a friend but despises Tsubasa as well.

The third was Hotto Beibi. She refuses to show her real name and is the Goddess of Love. (Similar to Aphrodite; Or Mitsuri the Love Hashira) She is very flirtatious and loves anyone she sees, either girl or boy. Her appearance is filtered to look extremely beautiful, though in reality she might not be.

The fourth was Ankoku, the Goddess of the Devils. She controlled all the devils below her that were her servants. She admired Tsubasa and was downright the third most powerful goddess. She instructed Rosa on how to handle the students if Tsubasa couldn't. A lot of people relied on her and she had a lot of pressure on her shoulders.

Fifth Goddess Maho no Joo was the goddess of magic. She created the magic that runs through the Light Academia to the Dark. She literally was the connection between all the magic. It was her responsibility to keep the magic safe and running. She admired Sureiya.

The sixth was Miyuki. She was the goddess of all things kawaii and cute. Children admired her and tried to be like her. She didn't have a lot of weight on her shoulders but she did try to make dark times funner.

The seventh was Yuno, Goddess of Moon. She turned the sun to the darker half; the moon. She helped with the lighting, and despised the Dark Academia so she punished them with never ending darkness.

The eighth was Mai Shiranui. She was in control of water. She lived under the ocean and summoned mystical sea creatures to kill Light Academia students and peers who tried to enter her own sea territory. She favored the Dark Academia and was considered to be on the Dark side.

The ninth was Ai; the goddess of life. She granted humans the life they had and often shows mercy among many people; even some Dark. She granted life when people need it most, and is responsible for most of the lives that live currently.

The tenth is Nami; goddess of demons. She is responsible for creating the souls of demon children (children that have strange features such as horns, bulging veins, etcetera. They have a strange wanting for blood.) by possessing them at at least age 17. (Dark Academia students only) she is hated most by the Good side of the Goddesses.

The eleventh is Kuroi Tsuki. She is the goddess of the fog. She is on the Dark side of the goddesses, and creates the fog, mist, and more for both of the Academias.

The final is, obviously, Tsubasa Saito, who has already been described earlier. The two demigoddesses are Rosa and Ophelia, and they are already explained.

"She's done her work well," Tsubasa whispered, holding an orb that showed a woman all in white in an office. "She's doing great as a spy for us, isn't she?" She asked Ankoku, Kuroi, and Mai. They all nodded and respected their leader.

"How is the Light Academia doing now, Tsu?" Kuroi asked, and Tsubasa turned around from her precious orb, eyes glowing red. Her fingers turned into claws and she growled. Kuroi stepped back, intimidated.

"Don't call me Tsu. Only Utukushi can call me that!" She barked, and turned back to normal. "About your question, the school's doing great. I've been watching a duo, Yuki and Jae, I believe. They have a connection with the girl, Yamisora, who somehow was a mix between good and evil."

Ankoku spit out water she was drinking. "A girl is half good, half evil?!" She blurted, and Tsubasa sighed and stared contently at Ankoku, thinking.

"Yes, she is. And she's trouble. It hasn't happened in years," Tsubasa noted, and picked at her nails.

"This means that the schools are in danger! It might happen again! We might—we might have war again! This is bad!" Mai yelled, and Kuroi and Ankoku nodded in agreement.

"Shush, you three! We won't let that happen, we'll just go on with our plan to corrupt the Light Academia."