
My Cultivation System

********* "You will become an immortal cultivator, right?" "Yes, mother. I promise," ********* An old cursed building with many trials, A system that helps with cultivation, A bloodline that was envied by many, With the help of these three things, a young man named Henrick wanted to fulfil a promise he made to his mother. However, there were many cultivators that were after his bloodline who would do anything for his bloodline. Follow Henrick to see whether he can fulfil his promise with the world full of enemies or will he become a stepping stone for others?.

vinayraj · Fantasy
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311 Chs


Next day,

"Time to refine my legs and enter stage 1 of the body cleansing realm,"

Henrick woke up early in the morning and as soon as he woke up he was very excited about today because he was finally going to start his cultivation.

'Eek eek'

The baby fire monkey which was sound asleep beside him was awakened by his excited shouts and shouted back at Henrick.

"Sorry, Spark. I am just excited a little about today. You can go back to your sleep,"

Henrick patted the baby fire monkey and asked it to sleep.

Spark was still feeling sleepy. So, it didn't waste any time and went back to its sleep.

'Now it's time to check about internal fire energy in my dantian,'

Henrick silently thought in his head before a holographic screen appeared in front of him.


Internal fire energy:- 5% of the dantian (Pure)