

It was a scary night when I saw something falling on the mountain behind the school.I was standing in my balcony and I saw him falling on that mountain from sky.I met him for the first time on that mountain.He was really a very good friend.He was really a very good friend.But maybe that is not my luck.But we will definitely meet again friend.Right now our story is incomplete.I want to complete our story, friend, I want to meet you. The story needs to know where the story started and where it would go.

Mrs_shivgora · Fantasy
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2 Chs


It was a scary night when I saw something falling on the mountain behind the school.I was standing in my balcony and I saw it falling on that mountain from sky. I wanted to see that falling thing, I started running towards the forest behind the school at night to see it. But when I reached there, there was nothing that I saw, I do not know where it went.I'm back home .I got ready to go to school in the morning and I was on my way to school. I peeped out of the school window towards the forest.A person was sitting under a tree. I was watching him since He was sitting there for a long time. As I left school, I went there with my friend.Me and my friend went to that forest.We both stood in front of that person.We both went to him, that person was very injured, he was very hurt. My friend ran away from seeing her blood-soaked. I was a little scared after she left, but I tried to go to him. The man looked at me with his eyes, after it he closed his eyes and fainted. I wanted to bring him to my home and treat him, but my mother father does not allow me. I quickly went to the drugstore and brought him medicine. I called my friend's father who was a doctor,I told Doctor Uncle this is my friend and it saved me from some people and it got very injured. Doctor Uncle treated him, When he regained consciousness, he came to know about me and opened his eyes and looked at me. Doctor Uncle got a call and he left in a hurry. That person stood up and started coming to me .I went back in fear, he fainted again after some time. I was sad to see him in trouble, I went to him and I took him to my house. We spent many months together, I knew him for me now he was not only a friend but a very good friend and love.

One day when I was not in my room, mother came to my room and at that time he was sitting in my room.Mother was scared to see a stranger in my room and shouted loudly.

I was also afraid of fear, I did not even think that it will ever happen. Before he could say anything, mother started beating him and threw him out. I explained a lot to my mother, but she did not understand my situation and drove him out of the house at night.

FRIEND :- priyanshi ,did you ever meet him again?

PRIYANSHI :- I haven't met him since that day, I searched for him a lot but I couldn't find him.

FRIEND :- Maybe now you will never get that, now it has been many years.

PRIYANSHI :- I hope I will meet him soon, I am now going to another country for my studies.

Priyanshi goes to America for her studies.Priyanshi is in his college. Priyanshi's friend says that a very handsome business man has come to his college, he is the youngest and famous business man in America.His friend takes her to where the business man stopped . Priyanshi looked at him, he looked just like that friend of her . Priyanshi's friend tells Priyanshi that the name of this businesse man is Shiva. Priyanshi comes to Shiva. Shiva is accompanied by a professor at Priyanshi's college.Priyanshi stands in front of them, she tells her professor that she has to take a business man interview.

When Shiva sees Priyanshi, he tries to ignore her. Priyanshi's professor leaves from there so that Priyanshi does not face any problem in interviewing Shiva. Shiva leaves without answering any questions of Priyanshi. Some goons harass her when Priyanshi is on her way home from college. Priyanshi shouts in fear, but no one is on that path at that time, the whole way was deserted. Priyanshi faints, When her eyes open she is in someone's house, Priyanshi is very scared and tries to run away from his house, she wearing her slippers quickly , But at the same time Shiva brought tea for her .

SHIVA :- where were you running so early in the morning ?

PRIYANSHI :- Can you tell me how I came here, what those goons did to me, please tell me, did you save me.

SHIVA :- Hey, have you forgotten what you did to those goons?

PRIYANSHI :- Don't joke i really don't remember.

Shiva moves closer to Priyanshi and speaks lightly in his ear that today our account is equal. Priyanshi asks him which account. Shiva tells her that some of his companions had planned to kill him so that he could do all of my business and become the owner of the property, but Shiva escapes from them. And when Priyanshi saved him, he was very injured. he was very thankful to priyanshi for her all of the efforts . priyanshi starts crying very loudly .

PRIYANSHI :- If you had to come back, you could have told me? it was hard for me to live without you.Why did you do this, Shiva, why didn't you tell me?

SHIVA :- It was very difficult for me to tell you anything, I did not want you to have any trouble because of me. Many people were plotting to kill me so that they could grab my property, I didn't want to put you in trouble by telling you all this .

PRIYANSHI :- But where did you go all of a sudden when mother drove you out of the house?

SHIVA :- I came to America with my uncle.

Priyanshi told Shiva about her heart and hugged Shiva.

Shiva also spoke his heart and kissed Priyanshi.

....To know the secret of the thing falling from that sky, wait for the next part...In the next part, the secret of the thing that fell from that sky will be revealed....

Finally something big will happen....