
Chapter 54 WAITING


I looked in the cabinets, and I noticed that there were many distinct kinds of coffee, the majority of which were really pricey and imported coffee beans, granules, and powder. I gave a little shake of the head and reached into my bag for something. A zip lock bag containing coffee beans; they were the identical beans that were used at Mrs. Wales' coffee shop. I bought it from the supplier because we ran out of stock in the house. Even Mom and Rina enjoyed drinking the coffee I always made for them.

After an hour had passed, I was still in the kitchen waiting for Mr. Ellison to wake up and ask for his coffee. I checked the time on my wristwatch, and it was already forty-five after five in the morning.

I decided to make a coffee for myself, and set it down on the table. I knew within a minute that my boss would call me, and ask for his coffee.

However, another half an hour had gone by, and there was still no sign of Mr. Ellison.