
Chapter 17 HIT ME


The tone in which Gian used to deliver those remarks caused my cheeks to flush, but I did not feel the same level of resentment toward him as I had when he had referred to me as a kid. It did not appear as though he was making fun of me in any way. But he noticed how my cheek was heating up, and he chuckled about it.

‘‘Listen, Michael…’’ he said with a serious expression on his face, as he let go of my neck. ‘‘Just be aware of your surroundings when you're around guys like Draco, okay? They pick on people who are weaker than them in order to boost their own self-esteem...''

I made an effort not to appear offended, but why should I have to steer clear of someone? In the course of my entire life, I have never avoided someone, so this is really new to me. No one ever bullied me, and I didn’t like the feeling of it as I was experiencing it in this school right now because of my appearance. ‘‘But there's nothing I've done to make him angry at me…’’