
The unfortunate turn in Time

Chapter no. 1

Then why does it hurts to lose someone you barely knew? Well I've got no answer for such a question that seems to haunt me more than anything else.

The crystal clear water showered an endless awry of thoughtless glimpse over me, suffocating me under the memories that took me years to suppress. Carefree leisure's under the scorching heat of summer, the euphoric sensation around festive occasions and oh those cringing fights we always ended up in….but then that day…it came in flashes and took away everything I held dear.. Carlos, grandma adoncia and…Zander.

I suddenly feel on my knees on the thought of that name. where did they go? Why did that mist chose to take away the ones I held so dear? How could I be so vulnerable in front of a mere mist..!?

After what seemed like an hour or two, I managed to walk few more miles away from the wrenched forest. Glimpsing upon the mirthless sky, the only companion to my sorrows was still there. The pearl like figure that seemed so near yet distant gave a contented feeling of a loyal friend that would be there for me no matter what.

Being so absorbed in the captivating aura of the moon, I visibly shuddered at the sound of a truck pulling over as it horned at me.

"Got any plans to die young one?" the elderly man began. His dentures slightly moving with each word he spoke. Looking down upon my feet, I knew I could no longer walk. My shoes were torn and drenched in mud water. Probably the next time I'll keep it in mind to bring an extra pair out on another one of my irrational jogs..

Knowing that there was no way I would reach in time for dinner, I, as politely as I could asked the crooked man," um.. excuse me.. can you drop me off to the nearest bus terminal..?" " no problem kiddo! Hop on" he exclaimed exasperatedly.

Opening the copper like door of the bus, a quire chill made me halt on my steps. "What was that?" I mentally exclaimed. Things like these ,they only happen when I'm around .. them .But more specifically how can it be here? The only person I could sense around me was this weird old man.

" What's the matter ninia, is anything bothering you?" the old fellow asked, curiosity lurking behind every word he spoke.

"Nothing" I blurted out almost immediately and sat on the stained front seat, opposite to the one that of the elderly figure.

As the car drove along the glassy road, I began to sense someone eyeing on me, transmitting a somewhat dismay of terror towards me.

It had barely been 15 minutes before I sensed that direction we took was one that lead to the dead end of the city, a place that solely belonged to the slithered creatures breed in venom.

"Um..ah.. Mister I think we've taken a wrong turn," I began .But was cut of by the vehicle jolting and within seconds increasing its pace. " We're heading towards the right direction ninia." He answered me back with a peculiar grin I should've this deciphered earlier when I met him, when I felt something was off about this place.

"Stop the car!" I demanded furiously, though the old man decided to ignore the insist and continued racing the car to the perished gates of the city where the repetitious creatures dwelled.

Making my patience short lived I screamed once more," I said STOP THIS CAR RIGHT NOW!!!" and with that he covered his ear before looking towards my direction and hissing .Oh no.

This was not happening again right? Oh my love for the heavenly lord and everything that's not dope on earth, please don't do this to me AGAIN!!

The old man's eyes went yellow and his tung was one that was of a snake. He's a Canima! Yayyy!!!. I mentally slapped myself on the face.

Oh my dear tiao ! where are you when I need you the most!? But that ancient serpent seemed to have been provoked by my melodious shriek, cause now, it was leaning in about half an inch away from my face. If I don't act up fast now, I won't be able to have that last slice of lassaniah I had left back at home! And instead become one for this ogling Chanima in front of me.

Hastily I began to chant verses foreign to my ears , slowly their meaning embedding it's way into my heart. These word.!! I spoke them on that day.. when the mist was formed.

"Les pourparlers de la crasse

Saa minut varisemaan

Daje te moc

Eso me hizo astillar"

And with one swift blow the car had pulled over with the chanima thrown aback out of the car. Ooh that must've hurt J!

Rambling my way towards the lethal creature, I took my chance and stood still, thinking of interrogating it or perhaps knowing it's alter motive for dragging me to this place.

But instead of whimpering over such a sudden turn of events, it seemed to have been enraged for some reason.

And as unexpected as this was, the intoxicated reptile began to shift abnormally. It wasn't until it's ginormous quills began to spike out of its back, when I noticed a gruesome smog began to encircle the serpent. Ashen and white, it was ghastly to begin with. "Alma Muerta" I silently muttered, the word in itself was enough to leave me pale. "It's back.." I whispered to no one in specific.

Without a warning an enormous tail shot out of the swirling mist. The next thing I knew was me being held 6 feet high in the air, any wrong action at this moment would surly get me toasted, flat.

The deathly grip of the serpent was of no use either, making my sufferance more torturous." What's your problem? Why aim at me out of all the folks in the town?" I questioned, knowing well that the answer that I need would not come out as simple as it seemed.

Snickering in an annoying way, the Canima began ,"Well.. that's funny .. cause .. your kinds were supposed to be dead..." something about the way he said it made my blood boil ."A very long time ago" he trailed off .And if things could get even worse, it's groveling tail began to jab in my spine. "holly molly! Its paralyzing prickles!", I managed to mummer through the unstable pain. Oh my cheesy belly burgers!!. I'm good as fried eggs now!

But out of nowhere, I heard a similar sequel.

"Finally, you've finally got yourself what you deserved". Tilting my head I managed to see who this familiar stranger was. "Daughter to the grim yet act like you're the furies serf", I stated, knowing well she'd be the one who had set me up." Better keep those nifty words to yourself , a traitor like you should better keep their mouths zipped up" she muttered bitterly, spiking me with more fule. "But this.." she began, as the serpent began to lower me to her level, its grip still pricking my spine.

In fell scoop she reached out for my neck before grasping onto my necklace and breaking it free. "Belongs to me.." she concluded

Taken aback by the sudden spur of events, I shouted atop my lungs ,"Put a stop to this nonsense ophilia and return me the amulet, NOW" I barked at her.

"Will you quieten down cousin ,your voice is as strident as your toung for heven's sake!" ophilia bawled dramatically. " And either ways I'm taking this amulet of yours back with me to the Cerebrum Lanificam, he'd put this to good use, trust me cousin," ophilia muttered menacingly, knowing well what that creature was capable of.

" ophiliea! You aren't going to do neither one of those things! This amulet is the gifted prophesy, and surrounded by such a power, that you alone cannot bear it's warth," I tried to warn her before worse misfortunes would follow. But she was unwavering as ever. It's either now or everything's gone like my math assignment, oh and a not to my self: go finish up due assignment before you die, cause who knows I'd need to give a maths exam to I enter heaven!!

" la piendra sombra hablo,

Mi ha fatto rabbrividira"

I repeated in front of ophilia, who had now turned white on hearing these words.

Instantaneously the amulet which she held began to flicker aberrantly, a crimson gold hue radiating out from it. A sudden flash turned her hand to stone, cries and ear piercing shrieks stifled up the air.

" Stop it!! " she cried, but all her pleas went unheard as I continued gazing at the now vulnerable form of my ruthless cousin. " Return the amulet before things get more stiff" I uttered sarcastically, trying to suppress that very strong urge to snort at her snobbish behavior." Take it! Just take it and undo whatever you did to my hand!!"

As the now frightened serpent lowered me down on to the damp road, releasing me from its deadly clutches, I stretched my back a little before sizing my amulet back from my whimpering cousin and wearing it back.

" What about my hand?" ophiliea complained, her makeup melting down her chin as she sniffed. And with her brown eyes turned scarlyet and irrationally puffy, I was left gazing at a highschooler who seemed to have been bullied on her " unique" hair color:>

" Well bear that thing for a fortnight cause it ain't going away that soon" I shrugged. She asked for it, and on the contrary darling, you were playing with fire!

" I don't care!! You did this to me, now make it go away or I'll feed you to this canima!!" she threathened.

Aww ! that was soo cute. But sorry princess, I ain't buying that threat of yours!

" well you can nag as much as you want, but I've got a bus to catch so toddles cous" was the last thing I spoke before making my way towards the bus terminal.

But out of the blue, an unbelievable sight caught my attention. A 50 something fet tall tornado was heading towards the city."why did she had to grab onto the amulet out of all things!" I grinted, knowing well that an ember toranado was no way near a natural climaty.

Ahhhh !! For the sake of that poor lassania I've been saving in my room for the past whole week, please let me go home!!!!!

But on other thoughts, it'll be all mouldy by the time I reach my room, so why not try being a hero and saving Tono Sambrio from a gigantic tornado? Huh? J

helloww readers!! Soo this is my first ever work at webcomics and i really hope you guys liked it!! If you guys have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know!! I'll be sure to add it up!!

fox_firecreators' thoughts