
My cruel sex master

"Where's she?" Master Khalid asked as he trailed his eyes around for his target. He found her beside her sister but still walked by and went to lean against a table. "Come over" he ordered and Octavia knew the order was for her. But when she tried to move, she noticed her legs were too heavy. Oh damn it! She needed to do this. She swallowed hard and forced her legs to move, walking closer to him. And as she approached him, she noticed the rings on his fingers. He had gold rings on all his left handed fingers. She got to where he was and stood before him, her gaze low. A mixed smell of cigarette and delicate fragrance clunged around him. "You want to be a part of my clan, huh?" He asked and Octavia only nodded - slowly. "Hm",- he moved from the table. "You have a lot to learn, young lady" he spoke calmly as he moved behind her. Octavia brows arched,,wondering why he was going to stand behind her. Suddenly, he touched her hair. "First", he held and yanked the hair and Octavia winced. "When you're talking to me, you don't just nod. You make use of your tongue". Octavia nodded in deep breaths, but getting a grip of herself, she quickly added: "yes master". Khalid huffed and let go of her hair, then went to stand in front of her. He lifted his hands to her chest and Octavia's eyes dimmed. "What?" She almost called out, but bit her lips to prevent her from talking. Khalid got hold of her b**bs and pinched her nipple and Octavia couldn't help but wince out. "Ah" she gave a very slight sound and was almost forced to move away from him. "Still a virgin?" He asked and she nodded but quickly added "Yes Master". Khalid chuckled immediately, alongside his boys who actually laughed. "Are you being serious?" A dark smirk still lingered on his lips. "You can't be a virgin and work for Master Khalid. You'll need to chose one". * Khalid was known as the cruel leader of his group of bad companions - a group known to be involved in all forms of illegal activities. They were worst than a mafia group. Innocent Octavia shows up one day and begs to be a part of his group for reasons best known to her. But in order to achieve that, she had to let go of her innocence, had to let go of her cold lifestyle and act like one of them. She had to obey all the Master's rules.

Dark_Queen07 · Teen
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76 Chs

CH 72: Zack's demand

"How did it happen?" Khalid asked as he stood with his boys in the room.

"According to Mica, they were on their way to the hospital when a van pulled way to the hospital when a van pulled over and grabbed Octavia" Santa replied and for a long time, Khalid didn't say a word.

He turned around and faced the window, his hands crossed behind him.

The hospital again - he thought.

He didn't want to think about it - the bile he was beginning to feel. No, he didn't.

"Do we know who's behind this?" He asked without turning around.

"Not yet, Master. Mica said the men were putting on masks" another replied.

"And where's Mica?"

"She's receiving treatments from Leo".

A short silence.

"As soon as she's done, bring her to me". He instructed.

"Yes, Master"

A sound interrupted the moment and Khalid looked to see it was his phone ringing.

One of the boys rushed to get it for him and when he checked the caller, he noticed it was Master Klaus.


He picked the call and walked out to the balcony.

"Hello, Khalid" Klaus beamed immediately, his voice reflecting his excitement - superiority.

"Klaus?" Khalid called in one word.

Could it be a coincidence?

"Hey; hope you're fine?" He asked, but Khalid gave no response.

He was still trying to understand the intentions of his call.


"What is it?" He cut him off and Klaus chuckled.

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure Octavia's absence must've been known to you. And I want you to know she's under my possession".

Khalid arched his brows at the mention of that. He was motionless.

"She's still safe for now Khalid, but in the next 12 hours, if you don't do what I want, I might have to kill her". Klaus said and a stunned silence stepped in.

Khalid's eyes were fixed into space, his mind not having any intentions of saying a word.

Klaus was expecting him to say something, react - but he didn't.

"What I want from you is very simple" he

continued, anyway.

"Resign as one of the nominators for the next clan leader".

Khalid was still motionless, didn't say a word as he listened to the call.

Klaus couldn't hide his surprise any longer and scoffed.

"Are you even listening to me, Khalid?"

Anger was cohorent in his voice.

Then, Khalid breathed out and finally said: "You must be a fool Klaus, to think l'd ever such a thing. Stepping down for you - is something l'il never do even in death"

Klaus vibrated in anger and mockery all through but tried all he could not to let it show.

"Well..." He sighed and said. "I'd have killed her right away, since your decision is already made. But then... she still has 12 hours to live. So, l'Il keep that promise. Bye" And he dropped the call.

Khalid clenched his fists as he brought the phone down from his ear and turned around to face the balcony.

He could feel it - that anger. But it was

something he wasn't ready to do. Never.

He walked back to the room and met his boys still waiting.

"And where the hell is Mica?" He tried not to sound gruntful.

"She's still with..."

"Bring her to me. Now!"




"Mica?" Draco called as he turned into Leo's room and found Mica sitting on the bed, her stabbed arm having a bandage on already.

"The hell! You're okay. I was so worried" his brows arched as he sat in front of her on the bed.

"I'm... I'm fine, Draco. Thanks" she answered feebly, feeling so weak from the thoughts that her sister had been kidnapped.

Leo was busy with some other things, mixing other herbs and the rest and didn't have time to look at Draco.

"How did it happen? Why weren't you careful?" Draco scolded a little.

"Of course, I was careful, Draco. We didn't expect it" she sighed and rubbed her forehead.

She felt so much pains in her heart and felt it was all her fault her sister got kidnapped. It didn't make any sense, but still, she blamed herself for it.

"The Master wants you in his room - now" Draco told her and her jaws clenched.

"Goodness! Is he gonna punish me?" She asked breathlessly.

"I don't know, Mica. Master Klaus was behind the abduction. And he called Khalid just a while ago. He wants the Master to step down as one of the nominators for the clan leader, else, he's threatening to kill Octavia".

"What??" Mica moved back a bit.

"What the...What the hell?? Why would he do such a thing? I mean...Why would he think Khalid would do such a thing? He's only looking for an excuse to kill my sister!"

"I'm sorry Mica. But right now, I don't even know what Klaus is thinking. Khalid would never break down for anyone. All the clan Masters knows this. So, I sincerely don't know why Klaus would even give it a try" Draco

reminiscinced bitterly.

"He's going to kill her, Draco" Mica winced and stood up. "He's going to kill her. He'll kill my sister!"

Leo had also turned around to look at them, being baffled by the news.

"Hey Mica, calm down" Draco stood up and held her hand, but she moved away.

"Calm down? I can't calm down, Draco knowing my sister will be killed. She's all I have left. And doesn't deserve this".

For the first time in a long time, she

bursted into tears and Draco pulled her into a hug.


Being the kind of person she was, she didn't cry for long as after a long little while, she was sitting on the bed with Draco still in front of her.

"Khalid would never step down from such postion to save Octavia" Leo noted, leaning on the table closeby.

"Klaus is just being stupid".

Mica bent her head the whole time, rethinking her misfortune.

But she had no idea soemthing of that such was ever gonna happen. Else, she wouldn't had left the building. Oh! Damn it! She had no idea!!

And she couldn't believe she was going to lose her sister so easily. She knows Khalid - he was never going to make such sacrifice for anyone - not even for Becca. And there was no way he could initiate a war.

Her sister was just going to die for nothing - with the unflushed baby still in her.




To be continued!