
My cruel sex master

"Where's she?" Master Khalid asked as he trailed his eyes around for his target. He found her beside her sister but still walked by and went to lean against a table. "Come over" he ordered and Octavia knew the order was for her. But when she tried to move, she noticed her legs were too heavy. Oh damn it! She needed to do this. She swallowed hard and forced her legs to move, walking closer to him. And as she approached him, she noticed the rings on his fingers. He had gold rings on all his left handed fingers. She got to where he was and stood before him, her gaze low. A mixed smell of cigarette and delicate fragrance clunged around him. "You want to be a part of my clan, huh?" He asked and Octavia only nodded - slowly. "Hm",- he moved from the table. "You have a lot to learn, young lady" he spoke calmly as he moved behind her. Octavia brows arched,,wondering why he was going to stand behind her. Suddenly, he touched her hair. "First", he held and yanked the hair and Octavia winced. "When you're talking to me, you don't just nod. You make use of your tongue". Octavia nodded in deep breaths, but getting a grip of herself, she quickly added: "yes master". Khalid huffed and let go of her hair, then went to stand in front of her. He lifted his hands to her chest and Octavia's eyes dimmed. "What?" She almost called out, but bit her lips to prevent her from talking. Khalid got hold of her b**bs and pinched her nipple and Octavia couldn't help but wince out. "Ah" she gave a very slight sound and was almost forced to move away from him. "Still a virgin?" He asked and she nodded but quickly added "Yes Master". Khalid chuckled immediately, alongside his boys who actually laughed. "Are you being serious?" A dark smirk still lingered on his lips. "You can't be a virgin and work for Master Khalid. You'll need to chose one". * Khalid was known as the cruel leader of his group of bad companions - a group known to be involved in all forms of illegal activities. They were worst than a mafia group. Innocent Octavia shows up one day and begs to be a part of his group for reasons best known to her. But in order to achieve that, she had to let go of her innocence, had to let go of her cold lifestyle and act like one of them. She had to obey all the Master's rules.

Dark_Queen07 · Teen
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

CH 45: A fight with Becca

"No.. please!" she continued whimpering as he seemed to apply more force on her.

Her hands were holding the bed sheets tight, while she shut her eyes and continued moaning out.

Oh! The hell, he was really hurting her.

And for a second, it made her wonder; was this really part of the training?

Sweats dropped from his face to hers and when she screamed again, he finally pulled out of her.

"Oh...God" she whimpered painfully as he laid down beside her while she had the chance to close up her legs.

It hurt, and she was almost unable to close up the legs due to the pain.

Why did he have to be so rough on her?

Why? A part of her actually felt angry at him for it.

She felt so hot and sticky and really

needed a bath. But with her condition,

she wasn't sure she'd be able to walk

back to her room. No; she wasn't.

So, she just laid down there on the bed,

not minding if he'd be mad at her for

not leaving immediately.

Hell, she didn't care. After all, he did it

to her.

So, feeling so weak and drowsy, she just closed her eyes and slept...




Octavia had woken up to a hand tapping

her hard on the bed.

The force was so hard, it made her

wake up immediately and when she did,

she discovered it was Becca.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She snapped, a scrawl on her face.

"Why're you in his bed?"

Octavia's head was dazed due to the

unusualness she had used in waking up.

She tried getting a grip of herself and sit

up and immediately, when she noticed

she was n@ked, she pulled the duvet up to cover herself.

"I'm talking to you! What're you doing here, huh?" Becca asked again, but Octavia being who she is, didn't say a word.

She spotted her clothes on the floor and

taking a sigh, she left the bed and went

to get it.

Oh goodness! Her legs were hurting like

hell and they almost made her limp.

But she tried not to show her weakness

and managed to get the clothes from

the floor.

Becca was amazed, stunned at the

silence she had gotten from the lady.

She had just woken up from her little sleep and decided to check up on Khalid. But getting to his room, she found the creepy lady sleeping comfortably and n@ked on his bed.

Like..what the heck was that!

Octavia quietly wore on her clothes and

took a quick look around the room. The

Master didn't seem to be in.

Not wanting to even look at Becca, she

started towards the door. But Becca ran

to her immediately and gripped her hard

by the hair.

"Are you dumb or you're actually trying

to snub me?" She asked between gritted


She was hurting Octavia's scalp and she

tried to get her hands away.

"Even if you got used by Khalid, what makes you think you can actually sleep in his bed whenever you like?"

"Let me go.." Octavia winced, but Becca

only tightened her grip more.

"Talk to me, b*tch! Are you in anyway,

trying to gain grounds here?"

Octavia bit her lower lip to stop herself

from fighting back. Oh! She wanted to

fight back, but she tried not to. She

couldn't add to her punishment.

"First, you tried to play some stupid

heroine by getting the antidote for

Khalid. And now, you're sleeping on his

bed? Are you on some kind of mission

or what?" She asked angrily, but Octavia

still didn't say a word.

"Answer me!" She yelled and a few seconds passed.

"I don't.. know what to say she answered in a hard gulp and it only angered Becca the more.

"No matter what, b*tch, always

remember this - you can never mean

more. And if you're here on some stupid

mission, trust me, I'll find out and make

sure you regret it for the rest of your

life" she stated angrily and finally let go

of her hair, pushing her roughly.

Her words angered Octavia a bit and

when she stood to face her, she decided

to release some words...

"If you're having a problem with me,

Miss, I think the Master is the right

person you should talk to. As long as I know, I don't think he has a problem with me staying here. And he's actually aware I was on his bed but didn't say a word either. So, you need to stop feeling insecure. I don't have any mission

against him". She stated blankly and

turned around to leave. But to her

greatest surprise, Becca pulled her back

and slapped her.


She gasped as the pain stung at her cheek and unable to control her anymore, she released her emotions powers on her and she screamed and got swept off her feet, flying backwards in the air and landing roughly on the floor.

"Argh!!" She gave a high pitched scream,

her hands on her waist.

She had hit it roughly on the floor and it created a lot of excruciating pain.

Octavia's breath was heavy as she

stared at her and that was when it

became clear to her what she had


She hurt the Master's girlfriend!

Becca was panicking as she felt

unusual pains on her legs. Her head

kept rotating

And suddenly, she felt some liquid

running down her legs and in fear, she

dipped her hand there to have a look.





To be continued!