
My cruel sex master

"Where's she?" Master Khalid asked as he trailed his eyes around for his target. He found her beside her sister but still walked by and went to lean against a table. "Come over" he ordered and Octavia knew the order was for her. But when she tried to move, she noticed her legs were too heavy. Oh damn it! She needed to do this. She swallowed hard and forced her legs to move, walking closer to him. And as she approached him, she noticed the rings on his fingers. He had gold rings on all his left handed fingers. She got to where he was and stood before him, her gaze low. A mixed smell of cigarette and delicate fragrance clunged around him. "You want to be a part of my clan, huh?" He asked and Octavia only nodded - slowly. "Hm",- he moved from the table. "You have a lot to learn, young lady" he spoke calmly as he moved behind her. Octavia brows arched,,wondering why he was going to stand behind her. Suddenly, he touched her hair. "First", he held and yanked the hair and Octavia winced. "When you're talking to me, you don't just nod. You make use of your tongue". Octavia nodded in deep breaths, but getting a grip of herself, she quickly added: "yes master". Khalid huffed and let go of her hair, then went to stand in front of her. He lifted his hands to her chest and Octavia's eyes dimmed. "What?" She almost called out, but bit her lips to prevent her from talking. Khalid got hold of her b**bs and pinched her nipple and Octavia couldn't help but wince out. "Ah" she gave a very slight sound and was almost forced to move away from him. "Still a virgin?" He asked and she nodded but quickly added "Yes Master". Khalid chuckled immediately, alongside his boys who actually laughed. "Are you being serious?" A dark smirk still lingered on his lips. "You can't be a virgin and work for Master Khalid. You'll need to chose one". * Khalid was known as the cruel leader of his group of bad companions - a group known to be involved in all forms of illegal activities. They were worst than a mafia group. Innocent Octavia shows up one day and begs to be a part of his group for reasons best known to her. But in order to achieve that, she had to let go of her innocence, had to let go of her cold lifestyle and act like one of them. She had to obey all the Master's rules.

Dark_Queen07 · Teen
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

CH 33: An Attack on Khalid

"Come with us. Master Klaus is calling

for you".

That was the moment Octavia knew the

human heart could stop beating even

when the human was still alive.

Goodness! No. No. Master Klaus?

Cold shiver ran down her spine as she couldn't even move.

"Get her!" The boy commended and the

other went to her and grabbed her roughly by the arm.

She was dumbstruck; the ability to talk

suddenly obliterated from her memory

as she couldn't say a word.

Oh God! How could she be so stupid to

think she could survive this night

without getting hurt?

Her heart beat rapidly as they took her

back to the heart of the party. They

walked paas so many tables until they

finally got to the section of the clan

Masters and stopped.

If there was a word greater than fear, Octavia would've used it on herself. She was terrified.

A lot of Masters were there, having the

usual fun; but most of them stopped to

look at her when she arrived.

Khalid was there as well with Becca

beside him. He had been taking a drink,

but when he saw the guards bring Octavia in, he paused.

"Tell me I'm mistaken" one of the Masters suddenly chuckled.

"Isn't this the same lady that crashed Klaus?"

There was a heated laughter among few

of the Masters, but Octavia could tell it

only meant more trouble for her as

Master Klaus face had gotten swollen with rage.

He dropped his glass of wine and stood up.

"Of course, she's the one" he grunted,

taking the few steps needed to cover

the distance between both of them.

Octavia's hands were almost shaken

beside her. Oh! Please, she couldn't

think of putting herself in more trouble.

She couldn't think of using her powers

again never!

Klaus was seething with anger as he

stood very close to her and gripped her

Jaws in a rough way, lifting them up to

look at him.

"She's the little br@t" he added.

Octavia's breath wavered as she was

forced to look into his cold eyes.

Oh! It was so obvious - the coherent anger in his eyes; the hunger to hurt her badly.

They made her so Scared.

"I'm going to make sure you pay for

that" he added whisperingly and let go

of her Jaws roughly.

She winced.

He went round to stand behind her and

his mere presence was making her

shiver. She couldn't see him and didn't

know what he would do. Her eyes were

pinned to the floor as she didn't want to

look into the faces of any of the

Masters - she didn't want to look at him.

"On your knees" she felt the Master's

breath on her neck and slowly, she lowered her knees to the floor.

Her entire system screamed and racked of anxiety.

They were already drawing attention from the rest of the people in the party as all eyes started focusing on them.

Even the strippers on stage had

slackened their pace in delayance to

watch the mini drama.

Klaus reached for her the collar of her

dress and tore it open from the back

and a little gasp escaped the crowd.

To strip her n@ked - that was his plan.

He went to stand in front of her and

tried ripping it down to her chest, but a

stunned silence took over when Khalid

suddenly spoke up.

"Is that really necessary?" He scoffed.

Klaus paused. His brows arched.

What's he talking about?

The rest of the Masters murmured and

turned to Khalid, but he didn't try to look

at any of them.

"Did you say something?" Klaus asked,

wanting to believe it was just a mistake.

And in the twinkle of an eye, something

happened something unexpected.

An arrow flew from no direction and

landed straight on Khalid's chest,

piercing into it.

There was a louder gasp.


Confusion set into the place, it became


"Khalid!!!" Becca screamed.

Octavia felt her heart drop out of her

chest as she stared at the sight in front

of her

There was no mistake; it had happened

right in her presence.

Khalid...the master was shot! He was


Hah! How did it happen??

He was being attacked!

"Khalid!" Becca screamed again, gripping him tight as he groaned with the arrow stuck in his chest.

The entire place was already in chaos; people running hectar sectar.

Guards from the Khalid clan ran up

immediately and ifted Khalid up - carefully.

He was still consious, but it was obvious the arrow was having effect on him as he grunted painfully from time to time.

"Help him! Take him out of here!" Becca

screamed at the top of her voice as the

guards leaned Khalid on themselves and

led him out of the party.

That was when Octavia actually realized

she was still on her knees.

She stiffened and stood up immediately,

confused of where to go or what to do.

Her eyes were pinned on Khalid the whole time and the disturbing image

seemed to muddle her so much. She

couldn't think straight; she doesn't know


She had almost forgotten she was being

punished by Master Klaus some

minutes ago.

"Octavia!" She felt someone slap her

arm and turned to see it was Mica.

It jerked her out of thoughts.

"Come on! Let's go!" She half yelled

admist the noise and Octavia, just like a

robot who was being controlled, followed her out.




Mica was able to get some space in the van and with Octavia, they drive out of van and with Octavia, they drive out of the building.

"What the f**k just happened in there?!?"

A lady in the bus cursed.

"I felt it coming! felt something bad was going to happen at the party. I should've said it out" someone said, almost whisperingly.

"But who'd have the nerves to raise an

attempt on Khalid? Who'd have the guts

to shoot him right in the heart of the

party?? Who?? Another yelled. I swear on my mother's grave, I'm definitely going to find that scumbag and make sure he pays with his life! I'll make sure of that!"

So many voices went on in the fastly moving van Octavia felt her hands sweating.

She covered them on her legs and they

ended up shaking. What's wrong with


Could it possibly be a result of what

Master Klaus had almost done to her?

Well, of course. It was the trauma.

"Are you okay?" Mica touched her shoulder and asked and to her surprise, Octavia had shaken out of fear.

"Ye... Yeah, I'm fine" she replied and

gulped nervously.

Oh! What is wrong with her! She couldn't

understand why she was acting this way,

feeling this way and shaken.

She clenched her hands tight on her legs and breathed heavily.

So many voices and thoughts ran through her mind. And admist the cacophonic sounds, she found herself asking

"How could the Master be?"

It was jsut an arrow, right? Of course, it

was just an arrow.

They probably wanted to do more to him,

but couldn't succeed. So, definitely, he'll

be fine.

An arrow can't just kill someone like

Khalid. Never.




To be continued!