
My cruel leveling system: I'll be reuploading this on another account

??? I run through the tunnels he is steadily gaining on me. {your speed has reduced by 50%} {Your not escaping that easily} "Why are you doing this?" my heart nearly exploding outta my chest, {Simple, cause it's fun} {you will now receive internal damage every ten steps} I try to stretch my legs to cover as much distance as possible while preparing my self for the pain on my tenth step, I count down from ten. "six......five ......four .......three........two .........one" I brace myself but there was no pain,but a little blood came out of my mouth though. "Yes I made it", I sigh relieved I take a few more steps suddenly I feel like I'm being torn apart from the inside out and I tumble to the ground with my vision red. I see one last message pop up. { Oh sorry I was to busy laughing and accidentally increased the pain ten fold, I hope that's not a problem} "You fucking curse" is all I could say before my vision went from red to black and my eyes closed, at that moment I knew I wouldn't open it again.

The1Mc · Fantasy
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Sky crest

As I walked down through the streets made of stone, I stared at the endless road beckoning me to what I believed to be the setting sun. I honestly couldn't classify what I was looking at as a star or any other thing I knew of as it seemed way more refined than that, almost near perfection even, like an actual living being. It glowed a beautiful shade of white like a thousand jewels even that couldn't compare to it and it had this royal presence almost as if it looked down upon us lesser beings and pitied us for we could do nothing but watch it in all its glory always seeming just out of reach. The weird thing was I could easily stare at it without any damage to my eyes, if I didn't want to look at it would appear just outside my field of vision but still appear in the sky again when I desired it as it would always become more beautiful to me every time I looked away. I got home without noticing while I still stared at the sun wishing it would never set, I walked into the door separating me from my family.

"Hopefully, they didn't hear that," I thought to myself,

flustered, I take a step back and breath, proceeding to yell," I'm home ",

the door opened by itself after which I walked in.

The air filled with a strange but pleasant aroma that I had never smelled before instinctually lead me to the source. I ended up in a relatively small room with a man and a woman who are my parents and a round wooden table with three chairs surrounding it, the wood seemed to be giving off incredibly pure energy, and I felt drawn to it this isn't the first time this has happened, it is all over the city, from the objects and buildings to the flowers and people and I have been trying to figure out what this energy is, I feel like I should know however I can't seem to recall what it is. Ever since I woke up today everything seems like I'm not living my own life, as if I'm experiencing everything for the first time although I have memories of this place, I wonder whether I have lost my memories spontaneously or ...

"No," I say to myself, refusing to believe such a thought,

"It's not possible. That just can't be" Thinking hard bout it before I get lost in thought, I'm snapped back to reality by a deep boisterous laugh. It belonged to the man I presumed to be my father. He was tall and well-built compared to the other male elves, who were more slim than physically fit. He had a nicely trimmed thick beard with solar red hair that was short and unkempt. He stared at me with his eyes that seemed to be burning me with his stare.

Then he said with a playful grin," Aren't you going to greet your pops".

And immediately, I did just that, and I remained in his arms. He grew warmer to the point where he radiated heat, and then, just like that all the problems I had in my head seemed to have vanished.

A pleasant female voice called me from behind. I turned around to see a woman who looked to be in her late twenties, outstandingly beautiful, average height aqua blue hair, sweet smile but cold eyes. It bothered me, but I still responded to her call then we had dinner. Afterward, I decided to retire to my room. As I walked up the stairs, past the whole, and opened the door to my room, I looked in the mirror expecting to see someone else. Instead, I see a pretty girl whose around 12 yrs old with long purple hair down her back and the loveliest violet eyes, but that wasn't me. I stared at my reflection and realized this wasn't anyone I recognized. So why did I have her memories, either my weird dream or someone's sick twisted nightmare?

Kia shoto

With arrows covered in poison and fire raining from above and the streets filled with hundreds of murder-driven soldiers chasing after me and my siblings, we are currently hiding in an abandoned house in the slums of the city. The smell of shit and rotten corpses filled the air, most of which were of people who tried to escape like us. We sit there quietly for a while, waiting for the soldier to pass, and after a second or two, a ball comes flying through the glass. I fly out the window and take off running as my feet touch the blood-stained ground. A few seconds later, the whole building is covered in a black aura, and then, without warning, it vanishes. Horrified, I pick up the pace, hoping to whatever god exists that my siblings are safe. My worries are cut off. An arrow flies right past my head with a bomb attached to it. I jumped backward, but not enough to save me from the explosion. I'm sent flying into a building and go straight through it before colliding with a wall behind it. I land on my hands and knees and cough up an outrageous amount of blood. My whole body felt like someone had broken all the bones in my body and was trying to see if he could crush them more with a hammer, so running was out of the question, and so was calling for help unless I wanted to die faster.

"DAMN, IT!!"

"DAMN IT!!!!"


There are no other ways except that.

My fear was gone, my frustration was now boiling rage and the targets of my rage were the species I originally thought were humans, but now I have accepted the truth. This isn't Earth, and the people chasing me aren't humans. With my newfound resolution

I say"Status"

I shouldn't care what happens to them.

A blue window appears, containing all the details about me. It still bothers me how they got everything down to the tiniest detail, but it's not important right now.

I scroll downward and find a lock. I tap on it, and a smaller window pops up.

{Are you sure about this? You will become a monster if you agree.}

I laugh at the system's sudden concern for my situation.

I show him the middle finger and say, "Hope that answers your question."

Suit yourself, but don't think I'll forget what you just did.

"I know you won't," I say with a confident smirk.

{Unlocking Kai's true nature}

A sudden surge of energy courses through my veins; as it increases, my pain decreases by a remarkable amount, and I can finally stand. I have grown considerably taller; my nails have become longer and sharper; my scales seem to partially cover me; and my vision and senses have become considerably sharper. I felt someone behind me and turned around sharply, using the momentum to swing my hand forward, aiming slightly lower to end it with one attack.

But the voice of my little brother stops me; he screams out of shock. I cover his mouth with one hand, and with the other, I raise a finger to my mouth, signaling for him to shut up. Apart from the crumbling buildings and occasional explosions, the place had gone quiet. Without a second thought, I ask the system to give me a quick rundown of mana.

{It's the energy inside you.}

"Any more relevant information," whispering so the humans think I don't know I'm onto them,

{You can use it for stuff.}

I want to curse at it right now, but I can't in this situation. I decided to think back to when I felt that unusual energy. It had this feeling of living water—cold and hot, ever-changing. I gather as much as I can in one spot, but even with me concentrating this much, barely any of it is gathering.

{You can't do that on your first try. Do you think you are special or something?}

{Either way, the amount you gathered should be enough for this scenario at least; just let it go out of your mouth. It is the most effective method.}

I can't argue with it; I do as it says, and a terrible taste of vapor comes out, colorless and odorless. It spreads around the area. I signal for my brother to hold his breath and cover his eyes, and he does so without any questions, thankfully. We wait, and all the humans that were in hiding start to choke with tears streaming down their faces and run away from the area.

{That was magic tear gas, and this is the part where you thank me}

As we run, I ask the system, "Why did I have to release it from my mouth, though? It's only good when it's a let-it-all-out situation; in an actual fight, it wouldn't be useful."

{Oh, that's why I didn't finish earlier. It's the most effective method of entertainment for me because you won't be able to taste food for at least a week.}

"This fucking thing," I think to myself, making a promise to figure out how to make it feel painful.

I just noticed I am much faster right now, so I can make it. I sped up towards the gate and released the gas randomly to ward off pursuers, and just like that, somehow we got out of the hellish city. Just as we got into the forest, I suddenly began losing strength and started slowing down, but I tripped and tumbled for a while before stopping completely. The last thing I see is a tall man with silver hair appearing out of the darkness of the forest, almost as if they were watching. My vision is blurred due to the impact. I try to speak, but then a ringing goes off in my ear, and that damn blue panel appears again.

{Warning: You are being forcefully sealed. You will now lose consciousness.}

Without being able to do anything else, everything turns black as my consciousness fades away.

Elvis lord

I swipe up, looking through the blue window that just opened, aka my status, and I'm repeatedly amazed the more I look through it. My age name was at the top, and underneath was my condition in health; something below it I couldn't understand, and what my body was currently capable of, like speed and strength, but I didn't go into it. I was capable of measuring what I was capable of in units, but I was expecting too much of it seeing as I could barely read, even though I am 13 years old. The original owner of this body seems to have been a spoilt brat that caused trouble since the age of 5.

I sigh in annoyance.

Why do I have to be in charge of such a body? All I ever wanted was that if I was to be reincarnated, I wanted a body that was fast, and based on how low his speed is, this guy has never bothered to train his body in the least, and based on his memories, he is a child born out of wedlock. It explains a lot; maybe he craved attention. Since I don't know what to do with myself, I guess I'll go see my father to find out what path he thinks I should follow.

With that in mind, I decide to slide off my bed and dress myself up.

While doing so, I look around my room. It was white, but in the middle, a chandelier decorated with blue jewels was all over it. As the light shined all around the room, it gave it a nice blue pigment and gave off a certain type of heat that seemed to be comforting to my body. I leave my room afterward. Once the light stops touching me, I feel like someone just released me from a nice warm hug. Anyway, I use my memories to figure out where my dad was, but when I get to the throne room, no one is there.

Suddenly, I hear a bone-chilling voice from directly behind me: "Elvis, what are you doing here? Was punishment not enough?"

I turn around to see a tall, middle-aged-looking man; all his hair was blue and was short and wavy, and his eyes, which were normal just a second ago, had turned into blue slits that weren't human. They seemed to flicker a dangerous shade of blue, almost like being lit on fire, and they were glaring dangerously down at me. It felt like I was standing in front of a 20-foot lion.

I man up and tell him, "Father, I'm not going to waste your time with useless talk, as I have already wasted enough. I didn't know what I wanted to do in life, and even now I still don't know, but right now I have the resolve to take the first step, so please will you train me and show me the right path?",

My father looks at me with genuine curiosity, and my hopes are high, but I don't know what happened. He turns around, his back facing me.

and says "no" firmly,

Before I ask why or anything else, he gestures for me to walk with him. I follow him, and we walk side by side through the hall. The atmosphere between us was awkward as hell since we have not had a proper conversation since I was born.

I decide to break the silence. " I know you don't have any trust in me, but give me a chance to prove myself, and I promise I'll deliver. Just train me, and I'll make you proud", I say in a pleading voice.

"I'm not saying no because of how you have acted up till now; you're a child; I don't have to have such expectations for you", he says nonchalantly.

I don't know why, but that kind of hurt. Ignoring it, I ask him, "Then why won't you train me?"

"Because you should be able to do that yourself," he replies.

"How is that even possible without any prior experience?" I retort

"Your royalty and my son, you can do it", he says, turning around to walk away, indicating he was done with this conversation.

In frustration, I yell, "I'm a child; how am I supposed to do that? I'm your son. "You're in charge of helping me grow so you can watch your son blossom into something great and not disappear for all my life!"

I immediately regretted it. No matter who you are, you don't yell at my father. Regardless of your relationship with him, he is still the one and only ruler in the land of beasts and hybrids, and disrespect is not tolerated.

My father spins back around, walks up to me, and raises a finger; a blue flame appears at his fingertip. He points the finger at me, and it disappears. Then the wind starts to blow from behind me, and I turn around confused, but it quickly changes to shock and horror. Once, where a big, strong, thick wall stood, there was nothing.

I feel a hand placed on my shoulder, and I nearly pass out, but then a warm, reassuring voice follows: " Elvis, do you see his land?"

I nod. "It is beautiful, isn't it?"

I nod again. "And you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to it, right?"

I just stare at him this time. "Well, I am King, and it's my job to keep this place safe, not just as the ruler but also as the strongest living being in this place. It can't be helped when sacrifices have to be made for your good and everyone's."

"I guess I'll just slack off all day," I think to myself.

"But-" my father continues, and I turn to him, my eyes filled with hope.

"You're not in any kind of bad situation; you have money, status, and the blood of the strongest man on this land running through your veins. So stop sulking when others have it worse; if you want wealth, go out and take it; if you want status, go out and take it; and if you want strength, don't mope around waiting for your daddy to come to clean your ass. You are not some guy, and you are not any royal of this continent, my son. "You are not weak-minded, you are not some bum, and you don't need help to succeed because YOU ARE A LORD."

My eyes widen as I feel something ignite inside of me. Everything suddenly has a purpose, and it's simply to make me stronger. If I want to be fast, I'll have to take speed. "That's right, I'm Elvis Lord, son of Xavier Lord,", I think to myself

With my newfound pride, I look my father in the eyes and say, "Where do I start?"

My father starts walking away, and as he walks away, he says, "You will be given a month to complete all the basics of school and will be given 1 platinum coin to start your journey. Start from guilds, go there, and build your fame and skills. There is a tournament coming up for all young geniuses in a few months; if you win, I'll train you."

He pauses and turns to look at me with one eye. The flickering I saw before is now more condensed and visible

"I hope you won't disappoint me, son," he says in a deep warning tone.

I get on one knee and bow to him in respect and say with all confidence, "Yes, Father, Elvis Lord is here and ready."

{NOTICE: Quest has been accepted}

{Title: Cub's first fang tournament

Rank: C+

Duration:6 months

Pass condition: Win the CFF

Lose condition: Come in second place or lower

Reward: Xavier lords trust and ????

Failure: ?????

Description: You have just realized the way of the Lords and must now seek it out. Attend the CFF and meet your fathers expectations.}