
my creation system.

please don't expect regular updates, this is a passion project and I'm already stressed out, throwing regular updates on that would be difficult o say the least mike came from another world with a chance to live a better life. his background was riddled in abuse and neglect. mike works hard in a new work to grow stronger but can he measure up? ( this is heavily influenced by pocket hunting dimension, and while others cultivate I level up in my sleep using the doungen system) please check these out if you like this novel.

Lukas_Fields · Fantasy
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14 Chs

5. the endless doungen

mike looked at level one of the endless doungen in shock. there was around 1,000 km

of ground, there were trees and mountains that would stretch up to 500km tall. the largest mountain had what looked like a huge cave entrance at the very top, it wal located in the center of the map and it had hundreds of rabbits around it.

on the flatter parts of the map there were rabbits that can in the largest group of 13, it was rare that mike saw a group of rabbits that didn't have 4 or more members. mike looked at the large terrain and took a deep breath. as mike approached one of the small rabbit groups with 3 members he looked at there status.

name: evil rabbit





name: evil rabbit





name: evil rabbit





mike looked at the rabbits and pondered if he could fight them all at once. after a little of contemplation, Mike decided to throw the remaining rabbit claws to try and pick off some rabbits. mike took aim at one of the rabbits neck and threw with all of his might.

gug gug. 60dmg + bleeding

mike missed the rabbits neck but still managed to hit the rabbit in the cheat causing bleeding. this also alerted the other rabbits around it, causing the rabbits heads to snap the the place where the claw was thrown. with there beady red eyes looking at mike, he decided to keep throwing. he threw 3 more claws while keeping his last one. only one of the claws managed to hit it's target in the leg, the other two just bounced off the rock. it was only now that mike realized that he didn't pick up the claws that he threw at the rabbit guard.

mike didn't have time to continue bro think about this as the two remaining rabbits ran at his, showing there teeth to intimidate him. mike looked at the two and saw the one with bleeding fall to the ground from the blood loss and leg hit. mike held onto his rabbit claw tightly and ran to the rabbits.

the rabbit ahead of the other swung at mike as he tried to dodge. mike barely cot cut on the cheat, -20hp. mike then counter strikes and sliced at the rabbits neck, 70dmg. the other rabbit caught up and threw it's claw twords Mike's face, mike jerked his head back but the claw still sliced his face. -60hp. mike could feel blood rushing down his face. mike then thought that if his durability was any lower than he would be dead right now.

mike pushed the thought oft of his head and attacked the damaged rabbit while being cautious of the other. mike ran to the left and swerved to the right to trick the rabbits. rushing twords after the swerve, mike ran twords the rabbit with furry in his eyes. he threw his fist with the claw at the face of the rabbit. the rabbit moved left but mike expected it to dodge, mike threw his bare fist twords the left and hit the rabbit in the jaw.

critical, 50dmg

the rabbit flopped to the floor and mike looked back, the other rabbit got even more furious after it watched it's friend die. it ran twords mike with it's red beady eyes and threw it's claw at mike, mike dodged this easily as the rabbit was blinded with rage. mike quickly counter attacked the neck of the rabbit, mike was looking to one hit this rabbit but it took another hit to the neck. the rabbit wailed as it was killed and started melting into the floor.

mike waited for this body to melt and he went to look for the other loot. once mike got all the itams he heard a loud rumble. mike looked at where the sound cane from, it took his a while but he eventually saw what the dots were. there were hundreds of rabbits running at mike ready to kill him. at the front of the rabbits was a giant rabbit that was 10 meters tall, it's claws were one forth the size of mike. when Mike saw this he turned tail and ran. mike almost died fighting 3 rabbits, he definitely would die from hundreds, not to mention the giant rabbit.

mike ran with all his might and he heard the rabbit heard following close behind, mike decided in a quick decision to run up the large mountain. the mountains had large steep parts that were hard to run on and parts mike had to climb. the rabbits gained while mike climbed but they were still 50 meter behind mike. it took a little to reach the peak of the mountain but when he did the rabbits were right behind him. mike got to the peak and saw the entrance to the mountain. mike ran inside and as soon as he did the rabbits stopped, they patiently waited. with no where else to go mike entered farther into the cave.