
my creation system.

please don't expect regular updates, this is a passion project and I'm already stressed out, throwing regular updates on that would be difficult o say the least mike came from another world with a chance to live a better life. his background was riddled in abuse and neglect. mike works hard in a new work to grow stronger but can he measure up? ( this is heavily influenced by pocket hunting dimension, and while others cultivate I level up in my sleep using the doungen system) please check these out if you like this novel.

Lukas_Fields · Fantasy
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14 Chs

3. the new world

Mike's eyes fluttered open slowly, staring at what seemed like a metal ceiling mike looked around and guessed he was in his home. he sat up and kicked off a big thick blanket, standing up mike got a little light headed as he started to look around.

the room was pretty simple, he saw a tv sitting on a tall dark wood shelf right to the right of the bed. to the left of his bed was almost 50kg in weights, the smallest of which was some 10kg dumbbell's. in front of the bed mike saw a door with a little light under it and guessed it lead to the rest of his house.

mike then walked to the door and opened it casually, he entered a hall and saw two other doors. looking for the bathroom mike went to the first door and slowly opened the door.

"eek!" came a girly screen when mike entered the room

mike looked ahead of him wondering what the scream was for, he saw a pink room with a large bed in the center. to the right of the bed was a large closet and to the left was the same looking dresser and tv from his room. in the center of the room was a girl covering her chest with a loose t-shirt, it mike a little time but eventually noticed the girl was naked.

"get out of my room you pervert" yelled the girl while reaching for something to throw.

mike immediately slammed the door getting out before she could do anything. a small thump sounded from the door, assumedly from whatever she threw. mike stood on the side of the door but then ran to the other door.

mike entered the door carefully praying it was a bathroom. when he entered he saw that he was correct. he locked the door behind him so that he wouldn't be chased into the bathroom.

mike looked into the mirror seeing a slim muscular body staring back at him. mike looked completely different. his hair was completely black and his muscles were bulging. his eyes were hazel. he looked really handsome. he stared before he began thinking.

"system?" mike asked

*ding* "yes host*

this confirmed his thoughts. the system was with him no matter what.

" system fill me in on this body's life." demanded mike

*ding* "would the host like a instant memory transfer"

a menu appeared in front of mike and he pressed yes immediately. suddenly a huge pain hit him like a sledge hammer, images flashed through his head of the life of this body. he saw that the girl he walked in on was his adopted little sister and that they lived together in the house of his dead parents. the memory transfer also made mike start to immediately look at the girl named Lin li as a sister.

mike opened his eyes slowly at if that would help with his throbbing head. when the pain settled down mike got out of the bathroom and say Lin li looking at him.

"why did you come into my room!?" she asked him furiously

Mike's mind raced for an explanation

"I was still a little asleep and was looking for the bathroom" mike said quickly

"do you really think I would believe that you pervert!" she said as she went to slap his

mike felt a little slap but it didn't hurt at all. he then laughed inside his head. he looked at her in his best sorry look.

"I won't forget this." she said as she stormed into the

mike sighed as he went to the kitchen, he knew the house like the back of his hand because of the memory transfer. he began cooking some breakfast but went ahead and made Lin li some. after a short time he placed two plates of eggs and bacon at the table and began eating his portion. not long after he finished Lin li entered and sat at the table.

she began eating looking at his furiously.

after a while mike broke the silence

"look Lin li I'm sorry about earlier" he said in a song voice

*sigh* "it's fine but if it happens again your dead." she said after the sigh. she then looked at him strangely. "brother why aren't you getting ready for school" she asked after a while

Mike's eyes widened. he didn't remember that from the memory transfer. he then ran to his room and began looking for the green and black school uniform. he found in and changed as fast as he could. he heard a door slam and he raced twords it leaving out of it. running up to his sister mike began breathing heavily. they then waited at the bus stop together before a flying bus came to pick them up.

it was only a minute drive or fly if you want to put it like that, but it covered a 50km radius.

when the bus stopped it was right in front of a prestigious marble looking School. all the students wore the same black and green uniform as him, the boys a suit and the girls a knee-length skirt.

"wait what day is it again" mike said to Lin li before she walked away

"it's Thursday you dimwit" she said walking to her friends.

with this in mind mike went to class and prepared for a boring day as this body normally experienced. he got to class like normal and sat at his desk. the class started and the teacher named Jin won

"today we will be preparing our mind to inherit the school's personalized cultivation technique." Jin won said in a excited voice

"you will simply close your eyes and imagine that energy in entering your pore's, you can see this as wind but it will get more advanced as your cultivation level raises." he said to the students.

"remember a little headache is normal but if it gets to severe just sit out for 5 minutes." he reminded the students.

every student closed there eyes except mike, it took him some time to catch on but he closed his eyes. they then all tryed to imagine pure energy flowing into there pore's. only a few students could do this, the rest has to rely on the wind method.

30 minutes went by without so much as a peep from the students. with all the silence it was easy to draw in energy, at least it was for mike. it was clear that others were struggling.

" that's enough for now students" Jin won interrupted "if you were to go on for longer then the energy would have been sucked out of the entire room." he said after they all opened there eyes

the class went by with the normal studying.

" don't forget to use this technique at least 30 minutes a day" the teacher called out to the students before they were dismissed.

mike left the building and waited in front of the school gaits for Lin li. it took her 3 minutes to get there but when she did they both border there bus. 10 minutes flew by really quickly and they got the bus in front of there house they entered and both went to change into casual clothing. it took 5 minutes but they Lin li emerged into the living room as mike stayed in his room to cultivate.

mike sat on his bed with his legs crossed and his back as straight as possible. he then started imagining energy the size of dots enter his pore's and going straight to his mind. 2 hours flew by without mike noticing, it was only untill a knock was heard out side of the door that mike opened his eyes

" mike get ready, we have to go to the store" Lin Li's voice call out on the other side of the door.

mike got up with a sigh and got his wallet, he always paid. mike walked out of the door and paid a visit to the bathroom. he looked in the mirror, his hair was a little messy but other than that he looked good. he fixed his hair then went to the door and put on his shoes, waiting for his sister.

"you ready to go" mike asked when Lin li finally came out of her room.

"yeah, let's go" she said walking out of the door

thank you for reading

Lukas_Fieldscreators' thoughts