
My Creation, My Plaything

Excerpt : This man was my art came to life. Had I seen him before? Maybe that's why the image is almost identical to this man. He stepped closer quickly and pulled up a cloth napkin wiping my drink up, his lips with the piercings curved into a smile as I looked at him still in shock. "Nancy, Freya, I'd like to introduce my cousin, Mikeal. He just got back into town yesterday." Henry spoke as he sat down, I could feel Nancy glaring at me wanting me to say something to him instead of just starring at him like a deer in headlights. I snapped out of it as he took his seat throwing the napkin to the floor for the waitress to pick it up. He was not a very well mannered person, but then again I wasn't being very well mannered either and Nancy will definitely scold me later about that. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mikeal." My voice came out very soft and quietly. Nancy looked at me and smiled quickly she looked at Henry who was smiling kindly at his cousin. "I'm so sorry Mikeal, my older sister is not use to being around people very often, she usually hides away in her home like a hermit." Nancy laughed a little, as I raised my brow looking at her, if she was only interested in Henry why would she want to bad mouth me in front of Mikeal all of a sudden? Usually when they did this she couldn't wait to get her and the other man out of the way so she could go head first into her plan to seduce the main attraction. Looking at Mikeal, piercings, tattoos, bad boy and everything I designed him to be like. He was not Nancy's normal type, but then again who isn't attracted to at least one bad boy in their life, but did she plan to take them both? Just was I was about to say something to her while picking up my new drink, which was a tequila paralyzer, I was interrupted by Mikeal as he leaned forward grinning at Nancy. "I'm sure I could find many things to do with her while she is home alone, and many ways to get her to make sounds, though they may not be words." After being forced to change her main character in her book, Freya is doing a favor for her sister only to discover something very disturbing about her sisters' new boyfriend's cousin. What will she do? What will he do to her? Freya's life gets flipped upside down as she tries to discover where the inspiration to draw this man before even meeting him came from and what he truly is. Could it be love? Or just a deadly coincidence? [the cover is my artwork] [this story is my original work, do not take from this site without my permission]

ReviveMae · Fantasy
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43 Chs

The Call


I smiled down at my little lamb before I walked out the doors motioning to the butler to get my car, I take this time to breathe in the fresh air for a moment, holding back excitement and that's when I smell the stench of way too much floral perfume.

"You know she's damaged goods right?" Freya's stepmother spoke while lighting up a cigarette as I looked over at her raising my brow.

"That means what exactly?" I spoke grinning knowing she was baiting me, nothing she says will change what I think, I'm no saint that is for sure, so I lean against the wall by the door looking at her. She gulps a little and I can tell her pulse has gone up, even she is attracted to me, which might just go in my favor.

"She was kidnapped when she was 18. They kept her for a week while her father worked with the police so he didn't have to pay a ransom, or that's what they told her anyways." When she says so nonchalantly that Freya, my lamb, was kidnapped for a week I can feel my blood begin to boil as I hold back my anger and just smirk a little.

"Oh? So what really happened?" I spoke while leaning forward speaking close to her ear while she shivers and takes another drag of the cigarette.

"Her father sold her to them for that week, they paid him for her. Then her father took the money and ran away with her mother again. She came back and acted fine, a whore just like her mother is." She spit the words out before the dropped the cigarette onto the ground grinding her teeth together before she looked up at me. By this time I'm fuming thinking of what they paid to do to her for a week. "He didn't need the money, but that whore mother of her wanted him back since she was done playing with her other toys, and demanded for her cut of money before they went off on their adventure. I either let my daughter go with them or I was left with the whore." She scoffed and leaned into me a bit, my body hard and I feel my temperature rising, understanding now why she got so fearful towards me and blacked out at my house.

"I'll ask you not to call my future wife a whore ma'dam." I spoke as calmly as I could before i leaned into her face letting her look right into my eyes as I grinned evilly. "Plus what makes you think I don't want a woman who knows what she's doing in the bedroom?" Her face goes into shock as I nod to her while seeing my car asking the butler to bring out Freya to me.

"Sire, Ms Odam is no where to be found at the moment." The words from my father's butler freeze me to the spot as the anger I was suppressing begins to rise again and I start breathing heavily remembering that night of losing my love the first time.

"Son, calm down. I'll find her." My father walked out to me putting his hand on my back instantly calming down my anger, that was a gift of his to me, the ability to help me control myself. He also had other powers, more than anyone alive now, I nodded to him almost pleading him as I walked back into the house as he took me to his study on the third floor of the house.

"I'll grab your stones." I say to him as I pull my hair out of my face while walking to a desk in the corner and remove a box full of old stones some with demonic runes on them.

"We'll find her Mikeal, don't worry, she hasn't been gone too long." He speaks monotone and sits in his chair while pulling the stones out. I watch as he clenches his fists around the stones, his eyes glow a deep red and yellow as he growls a little.


I can hear the footsteps coming back to me as I breathe slowly into the material gag that has been shoved into my mouth. I was standing there waiting for Mikeal to come back when someone in a normal suit with blonde hair came up to me asking me to come with him to Mikeal. When we got to a door everything went black and I woke up hearing footsteps leaving me, I've been trying to figure out where we might be or if we've left the mansion.

"So, you're officially his, are you?" I can hear but I still can't see anything as a I hear a familiar man's voice around me. "Why do my powers not work on you? I'll admit something to you though Freya." Trying to figure out the voice I can tell he's getting closer to me as I try as hard as I can to speak out names of colours while visualizing the colour at the same time so I don't black out or panic as I feel the PTSD crawl up my spine and over the back of my cranium. I can smell expensive men's cologne with a vanilla tinge, it's very different from Mikeal's very manly woody sent that he uses that I hadn't even realized I'd noticed until this moment. Please, let this is all be a dream, I just want to wake up in my apartment with my pencil crayons, markers, paints and inks. I hold back my tears as my hair is pulled back and I feel a tongue on my neck and I gag out of fear at the touch trying not to move. If you move or do anything you end up hurt, this I know.

"You see darling.." He moved from me, I could tell from the air that flew past me and the footsteps in the room. "I wanted you the moment I saw you, the moment you looked into my eyes even just for a second and my magic didn't work on you." His voice was full of lust as I bit my lip trying to understand what he was talking about. I tried to speak through the gag to ask him what he's talking about before I feel a slap on my face and it's a hard slap, a slap from a mans hand. I hold back my scream as I bit down on the gag.

"Shh darling, you don't need to speak, you just need to enjoy, you'll be fun I know you will, and every reaction will be from me not my magic nothing else just me." He sounds as if he is smiling as he walks back away from me and I can hear him either picking up something or putting something onto a table.

"Please accept my apology before hand. I had planned this before he marked you but unfortunately it was very unexpected he'd do it at this party." He walked back to me as I felt the corset on my back begin to loosen and my body moved back and forth. "Your sister wasn't very good to be honest, I just kept her around so I could be close to you. To see what reactions you have to me when I'm close to you. It was amazing." My brain couldn't take it as it click that the man trying to undress me right now was Henry, I couldn't understand why he would do this all this nonsense about magic made no sense to me. Suddenly my blindfold was ripped off my head as Henry squatted down in front of me unbuttoning the front of my corset grinning, but his eyes were off, they were much lighter than usual and he seemed clouded, like if he was no longer there. I gasped as he smiled pulling the corset off of me allowing the gown to fluff out a bit around my body and he grinned looking down at my cleavage and my body in front of him. His large soft hands grab me around the throat as he growls at me a little crashing his lips against mine kissing me deeply as I cry out, he didn't even remove the gag to kiss me, he seemed like a possessed man. Suddenly splinters of wood in all sizes were flying past us as I flinched trying to turn my head from the explosion of wood and Henry screamed out as he flew backwards into a wall and sunk down knocked out. Looking up I could see an outline but then my fear took me in and I blacked out.