
My Creation, My Plaything

Excerpt : This man was my art came to life. Had I seen him before? Maybe that's why the image is almost identical to this man. He stepped closer quickly and pulled up a cloth napkin wiping my drink up, his lips with the piercings curved into a smile as I looked at him still in shock. "Nancy, Freya, I'd like to introduce my cousin, Mikeal. He just got back into town yesterday." Henry spoke as he sat down, I could feel Nancy glaring at me wanting me to say something to him instead of just starring at him like a deer in headlights. I snapped out of it as he took his seat throwing the napkin to the floor for the waitress to pick it up. He was not a very well mannered person, but then again I wasn't being very well mannered either and Nancy will definitely scold me later about that. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mikeal." My voice came out very soft and quietly. Nancy looked at me and smiled quickly she looked at Henry who was smiling kindly at his cousin. "I'm so sorry Mikeal, my older sister is not use to being around people very often, she usually hides away in her home like a hermit." Nancy laughed a little, as I raised my brow looking at her, if she was only interested in Henry why would she want to bad mouth me in front of Mikeal all of a sudden? Usually when they did this she couldn't wait to get her and the other man out of the way so she could go head first into her plan to seduce the main attraction. Looking at Mikeal, piercings, tattoos, bad boy and everything I designed him to be like. He was not Nancy's normal type, but then again who isn't attracted to at least one bad boy in their life, but did she plan to take them both? Just was I was about to say something to her while picking up my new drink, which was a tequila paralyzer, I was interrupted by Mikeal as he leaned forward grinning at Nancy. "I'm sure I could find many things to do with her while she is home alone, and many ways to get her to make sounds, though they may not be words." After being forced to change her main character in her book, Freya is doing a favor for her sister only to discover something very disturbing about her sisters' new boyfriend's cousin. What will she do? What will he do to her? Freya's life gets flipped upside down as she tries to discover where the inspiration to draw this man before even meeting him came from and what he truly is. Could it be love? Or just a deadly coincidence? [the cover is my artwork] [this story is my original work, do not take from this site without my permission]

ReviveMae · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Changing Him

"Why exactly should I change Aubrey?" I sighed into the phone after listening to my editor ramble on for a half hour, about how much the publisher didn't like the main male character in my newest work.

"He said that young women don't fancy such a pretty boy." The editor's smooth voice spoke over the phone. I can just imagine him sitting there looking at my previous work glaring at my main character Aubrey, his boyish looks and cute personality. It was true though, Aubrey was more like a girl rather than a boy warranting many women vying for his attention. "Besides kitten, you could always use me as reference for your new star. " He said this in such a sultry voice, I could feel myself shiver. Though there is nothing wrong with my editor's looks, in fact many women are infatuated with him just by witnessing one of his sky smiles directed their way. With his strong jaw and smooth skin, his eyes were neither too big or too small and they were a beautiful hazel colour. His black hair always slicked back and soft looking, a strong physic and always dressed in nice suits and shoes. But his lips have touched too many women in this lifetime, and that alone made me shudder just thinking of being in love with him even just in image form on paper.

"Alright Sebastian, I'll change him, give me a couple of days to send you the new draft." I pursed my lips to the phone and spoke softly, "Oh and Sebastian, don't call me kitten." With that I hung up before he could protest about it. Tonight is going to be a long night.

Pulling out my last book, I studied Aubrey, I had to find a new way to portray him. But do I change his looks after already having so many books out with his image? Or do I decide to start something new with a new cast. Aubrey has been my crush for the past 8 years, starting in high school when I drew my first comic, it had always been Aubrey. He was gorgeous, blonde hair with dark blue eyes, slightly tanned and he only kissed 2 girls so his lips were not as soiled as other men's. Sighing I lifted a portrait of Aubrey to my face, living alone allowed me to have this embarrassing moment, and kissed his thinly drawn perfect lips.

"Goodbye Aubrey." A tear fell down my face as I put the pictures of Aubrey away, lowering my head I let out s held breath then got to business. Sharpening my pencil, check! Laying a few sheets of new paper in front of me, check!.

"Now, who are you going to be." Whispering at the blank paper in front of me I picked up my pencil.

After hearing the chime of midnight I decided I should probably actually draw something. When trying to clear my mind, is when I felt it for the first time. A strong sense of being watched.

Shaking it off laughing at myself, I finally decided to make the shapes, before I knew it I had a stunningly gorgeous man staring back at me.

Shaggy hair covering his left eye to hide a scar from his left brow to the top of his jaw. Flecks of brown sprinkled his sliver white hair, with pale skin making his extremely bright blue white left eye and dark chocolate brown right eye, pop out. A strong jawline showed he was other worldly leading to his body which was finely tuned with a sleekness combined with toned muscles, it made him hard to be not watched. His lips though they were untouched and beautiful. I wanted to make something more different about him though and decided to make him love piercings and tattoos. "This will be much different from Aubrey." Adding snake bites to his grinning bottom lip and showing one on his tongue sticking out at the viewer. A tattoo of alchemy symbols ran down from the right side of his neck to his rib cage. His nipples both had silver bars through them and a small symbol on the left side of his chest.

Smiling at this newly created bad boy I was very happy with myself. Looking at the clock it was already 6 am and I could feel my soul leave my body.

"Why did my sister want to meet at 730 in the morning? Why?!" I slid my feet to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed before I went back out to the world. Off to have breakfast with the queen of fake.

Though I was only 5 minutes late my sister was already sitting in the cafe with her woe is me look probably looking for as much attention as she can from the waiters. I knew she chose this specific cafe because it was staffed solely by men. It was the opposite of a maid cafe, a butler cafe I suppose. Walking up to her she lifted her head up and gave me her mot beautiful and charming smile that I thought there was an extremely attractive waiter behind me, but I knew she wanted to scheme, and this was the beginning.

"Sister, I'm so glad you made it! I was scared since you were late that you were not going to make it!" I smiled at her looking at her slowly. She was beautiful with her long whitish blonde hair flowing to her shoulders, surrounding her round but slim face. Her blue-green eyes shone popping out from her fair and smooth skin. She took good care not to ever let herself scar or get a sun burn or risk getting any marks even beauty marks. She was beautiful and her body was no slouch either, she was not to tall but her legs were so long that she was once called spider legs in elementary school. Though her breasts were smaller than mine hers were much more suited to her slim body frame. I was proud with how beautiful my sister was. I just wish she would not depend on men.

"Sister, I have great news! I am inviting you on a double date to one of the most lavish dinner bars there is here in Tokyo!" Her excited tone rang throughout the cafe. I looked at her and knew she was trying to pretend again, why?

"Nancy, I have no intention to go on a double date with you again to be there for the uglier man of the two just so you can act like a selfless woman. I also have a strict deadline that ends in 4 days for my book, so I just don't have time for your games." In that instance, after I spoke that sentence, I watched her mask fade away and I could tell her true self was about to be exposed.

"Listen here Freya, I'm offering to take you somewhere lavish. Somewhere you'll never get to go to in your lifetime, all you have to do is stand and talk to some ugly perv for a few hours. You are going to meet me tonight, the time will be 6pm when they men will be arriving. You will not wear sweatshirts, you will not wear pants, you will not wear shorts, you will only wear something sexy and you will brush your hair. You will not show up looking like a homeless woman!" She spoke this in such a way with such a face that it made me giggle while sipping the gratuity water at the table. She was able to switch so quickly that she should be an actress. I would much rather her use her tricks to get rid of other actresses so she could get the perfect roles. Then again that might only happen in books and movies, I let my imagination go wild. I looked into her eyes and nodded while I stood up, before though I got out of my chair she jumped at me hugging me, even though the hug was fake it was still nice to have my sister hug me.

"Text me the address and I"ll be there at 5:45 so you can inspect my hair makeup and dress." I smiled at her and she nodded feverishly. Letting me go she sat back down and waved at me, which was her way of saying I could leave now, which is exactly what I did.

By the time I got home it was already past noon, my body was so tired I didn't want to spend the next 4 hours brushing out the knots in my curly thigh length hair, applying makeup tediously while trying to shave pretty much my whole body.

Trying to get the chapters all out for you!! Hope you're liking the idea so far!

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