
My crazy story of being reincarnated!

‘‘Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I questioned my surroundings, whispering to myself, 'Where am I?' The answer, however, emerged not from the echoes of doubt but from the unseen presence within. 'Quinn,' a voice resonated, 'or should I say the indomitable assassin, a legend etched in the history of the Nightshade family. A girl who has danced with countless lives and stared down a God over ten thousand times.’’ "As I stood in front of the God of Rebirth, a knowing smirk graced my lips. Fragments of the memories of my past lives flooded back enough for me to understand what was happening. In that divine moment, I met the deity's gaze with the cool confidence of one who has faced countless rebirths ".

Nen_pin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: A speech from the student body president

Previously on my crazy story of being reincarnated Quinn, encountered the formidable principal of Arcanum Academy. The principal expressed frustration over the family's history of causing disturbances, citing past incidents involving Blake's exceptional magical powers. Blake reveals to Quinn that he is a member of the student council, hinting at more intrigue within the academy.


As the assembly hall plunged deeper into the abyss of terror, Blake, now a spectral harbinger of dread on the ominous stage, unleashed his haunting address. An aura of fear, so thick it seemed to materialize, clawed at the edges of sanity. The air grew heavy, and the flickering lights cast grotesque shadows that contorted like malevolent specters.


"Greetings, Arcanum newcomers. I am Blake, your student body president," he declared, his voice a guttural growl that echoed like the anguished wails of the damned. Darkness enveloped the room, shadows morphing into grotesque figures that slithered like nightmares brought to life.


"You've entered a realm where magic is not a benign force but a malevolent entity, where every step you take could lead you not towards enlightenment but towards the abyss of eternal terror," Blake continued, each word piercing the air like a phantom's whisper. "Arcanum Academy is not a sanctuary for the curious; it's a macabre labyrinth where potential is devoured, and weakness is an offering to the unspeakable horrors that lurk in the shadows."


The atmosphere twisted into a suffocating nightmare, a miasma of dread that clung to every student. The temperature plummeted, and whispers of unseen horrors reverberated through the hall like the tortured cries of forsaken souls.


"As you tread these haunted corridors, know that unseen horrors revel in your every heartbeat. Secrets are not whispered but screamed in the tortured wails of tormented spirits," Blake proclaimed, his eyes gleaming with an unnatural fervor that penetrated the very souls of his audience. "The trials that lie ahead are not tests of strength but rituals of descent into the abyss of your deepest fears."


A collective gasp of terror swept through the assembly; the air now tainted with the acrid scent of impending doom. The walls seemed to close in, and the ground beneath trembled with the whispers of malevolent entities.


"You may find yourself ensnared in nightmares so grotesque that reality will pale in comparison. The challenges are not gateways to power but harbingers of the grotesque, and the path you tread is a spiral into madness," he concluded, his voice a demonic growl that seemed to claw at the sanity of every listener. The once-vibrant hall now resembled a cursed chamber, each syllable of Blake's speech an invocation of unspeakable terror.


As I looked upon my brother, a surreal horror gripped me. I questioned whether my role was to protect him from the demons lurking within the academy or protect the demons from the monstrous transformation Blake seemed to embody.


My laughter, though incongruous with the macabre atmosphere, bubbled forth uncontrollably. The sweet brother I thought I knew had a dark side so profound that even I hesitated to confront it. As I stood up, locking eyes with Blake, I couldn't shake the unnerving reality that the familiar bonds of family seemed to fray against the backdrop of the malevolence he now embodied.


"Well, mister president," I said, a wry smile playing on my lips, "you're essentially telling us that if we're not ready to risk our lives by staying in this school, we should just turn and run. Is that right?" My gaze bore into Blake's, a mix of curiosity and a subtle challenge dancing in my eyes.


Blake met my gaze unflinchingly, the eerie glow in his eyes accentuating the haunting transformation. "Yes, that is right," he replied, his voice a low rumble that echoed through the hall like a distant growl. The weight of his affirmation hung in the air, casting a chilling pall over the assembly.


A silence, pregnant with both fear and defiance, enveloped the room. The shadows seemed to writhe in the corners, conspiring with the malevolence that Blake had invoked. The air, thick with anticipation, crackled with an ominous energy.


"Anyone who chooses to walk away now will be spared," Blake continued, his tone devoid of empathy, "but once you step through those doors, there's no turning back. This school will either mold you into a force to be reckoned with, or it will devour you whole. It's not a choice to be taken lightly."


The realization that Blake, my brother, had become an arbiter of such dire consequences sent a shiver down my spine. The once-familiar features now cast in an otherworldly light bore witness to the transformation that had unfolded within him.


"And for those who choose to stay," Blake's voice took on an almost ritualistic cadence, "embrace the shadows that dance within you, for they will be your strength and your demise. Arcanum Academy welcomes those who dare to confront their deepest fears, and in doing so, become something beyond human."


As Blake's words lingered in the air, a subtle murmur of trepidation echoed through the assembly. The decision to stay had become a pact with darkness itself, a covenant with forces that defied comprehension.


The door swung open abruptly, and in a whirlwind of panic, 310 students fled, their hurried footsteps echoing through the hall, leaving only ninety brave or foolhardy souls behind. The remnants of the assembly room now seemed like an eerie battleground where shadows and fear intertwined.


As Blake resumed his unnerving address, the atmosphere thickened with an otherworldly tension. "The real exam is about to begin," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of impending doom. "Your rank doesn't matter here. If you've chosen to stay, remember this: even a peasant can slay a prince, and no harm shall befall them. Arcanum Academy, once appearing mundane, will now reveal the true essence of its existence."


His words hung in the air, laden with the promise of perilous trials and


 the potential for transformation. The remaining students, now a motley assembly of both the hesitant and the resolute, stared at Blake with a mix of trepidation and fascination.


The school, initially perceived as mundane and potentially dull, transformed before our eyes into a realm of untold possibilities. The intertwining of magic and the looming uncertainty injected a thrill into the air. What was once considered a tiresome institution now held the promise of excitement and challenges that transcended the ordinary.


In the wake of Blake's exit, the atmosphere lightened, and the air suddenly seemed easier to breathe. The oppressive aura that had lingered dissipated like dissipating shadows, allowing a cautious sense of relief to settle over the room. It was an ironic paradox – the departure of the very source of fear brought an unexpected reprieve.