
My crazy story of being reincarnated!

‘‘Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I questioned my surroundings, whispering to myself, 'Where am I?' The answer, however, emerged not from the echoes of doubt but from the unseen presence within. 'Quinn,' a voice resonated, 'or should I say the indomitable assassin, a legend etched in the history of the Nightshade family. A girl who has danced with countless lives and stared down a God over ten thousand times.’’ "As I stood in front of the God of Rebirth, a knowing smirk graced my lips. Fragments of the memories of my past lives flooded back enough for me to understand what was happening. In that divine moment, I met the deity's gaze with the cool confidence of one who has faced countless rebirths ".

Nen_pin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 5: 12th Birthday

As dawn broke and cast its gentle glow upon the room, Quinn found herself alone, the emptiness around her unsettling. She decided to summon a maid for her morning bath, attempting to wash away the remnants of a peculiar dream that lingered in her mind. Refreshed, she inquired about the whereabouts of her brother, Blake, only to learn he was downstairs having breakfast with their parents—parents she had never met.


Intrigued and slightly nervous, Quinn descended to the dining area, where unfamiliar faces greeted her. With a hesitant curtsy, she greeted her presumed parents. To her surprise, her father revealed a significant revelation – tomorrow, on her 12th birthday, she would showcase her magical abilities to influential figures. The gravity of the situation settled in, and excitement mixed with nervous anticipation gripped her.


As the day unfolded with preparations for the grand event, Quinn found herself in a room filled with exquisite gowns, surrounded by the whispers of fabric and enchanting perfumes. Choices were made, adjustments were done, and the anticipation for the unveiling of her magical prowess heightened.


The awaited day arrived, and the ballroom buzzed with excitement. Quinn made her grand entrance, her gown trailing like stardust as she descended the staircase. The attention of the guests shifted to a mysterious orb on the central table, a focal point for the revelation of her magical abilities.


Touching the orb triggered a spectacular display of magical energy. The orb shattered into sparkling fragments, and Quinn became enveloped in a swirling combination of black and white aura. The room fell silent as the magical energies pulsated, showcasing the perfect fusion of light and darkness within her. The shards of the orb danced in the air.


In that moment, realization struck Quinn as the guests knelt in awe. The embodiment of both Light and Dark magic, she felt the weight of respect and acknowledgment. The duality of her magical powers became a symbol of her unique position in the magical realm.


The following morning brought another revelation. Her father, with a mysterious glint in his eyes, announced her journey to Arcanum Academy in just two days—a prestigious institution where every member of their extraordinary family had once walked. The prospect of attending this elite academy added a thrilling edge to the air.


Excitedly, Quinn shared the news with her brother. As Blake reclined in his chair, a glint of pride and mischief danced in his eyes. "Arcanum Academy, huh? Brace yourself, sis, because you're in for quite the adventure. It's no ordinary school – it's a battlefield for the magically gifted. You're about to enter a world where spells crackle in the air, and every student's potential roars like a fierce dragon."


His eyes sparkled with excitement as he continued, "But you know what's even more thrilling? Arcanum Academy isn't just about magic; it's about being a warrior too. They value combat skills without relying solely on spells. There's even an arena for magical duels, where wizards showcase their combat prowess without uttering a single incantation."


A surge of excitement coursed through me at the thought of magical duels divorced from traditional spells. It presented a realm where my honed skills as an assassin, with a katana and various weapons, could take on a new purpose. Quinn, once a silent and deadly warrior, now harbored eagerness to intertwine her magical prowess with the finesse of physical combat.


Blake, sensing the enthusiasm in my eyes, grinned knowingly. "Looks like someone's poised to revolutionize the dueling arena. Get ready to reveal the force of magic combined with the art of war, sis."