
My crazy story of being reincarnated!

‘‘Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I questioned my surroundings, whispering to myself, 'Where am I?' The answer, however, emerged not from the echoes of doubt but from the unseen presence within. 'Quinn,' a voice resonated, 'or should I say the indomitable assassin, a legend etched in the history of the Nightshade family. A girl who has danced with countless lives and stared down a God over ten thousand times.’’ "As I stood in front of the God of Rebirth, a knowing smirk graced my lips. Fragments of the memories of my past lives flooded back enough for me to understand what was happening. In that divine moment, I met the deity's gaze with the cool confidence of one who has faced countless rebirths ".

Nen_pin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Setting off

In a heartbeat, Quinn was behind the principal, holding a light dagger to her throat, as she said, "I knew something was up when you told me to end your miserable life. If you were tired of living, you would have ended your life by now. Plus, someone with a power of twenty thousand, shouldn't be that weak. And Blake chose you as my master, can't be weak. Now give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you."


The principal's expression didn't change as she maintained a smile on her face. She calmly replied, "We both know if you wanted me dead, you would have already killed me. And if you killed me, you would be wasting valuable time that you could spend saving Blake because the whole kingdom would see you as a threat, having slain The Celestial Guardian."


Quinn dissolved her dagger and said, "I'll return if I need anything. If not, I shall see you in 3 months." As she started to walk towards the door, the principal stopped her and threw a ball shaped like an egg. Inside was an aura in black and white, seemingly trying to consume each other. The principal said "It's a gift." As Quinn caught it she said "You can't manage to awaken it, and you think that I would be able to, don't you?"


"You caught me, but I'm sure it will be helpful to you. It should be on par with a demon king. You can keep it after it awakens; I just want to see how powerful it is. I want to see it fight," the principal replied with a smile.


Quinn put it in her pocket and walked out. As she was about to leave the school grounds, she heard a loud voice calling her name. Turning around, she saw Jaden and Ethan running towards her. Ethan said, "We don't know where you're going, but we want to follow you. We're best friends now."


Smiling, Quinn replied, "Thanks for the offer, but you guys can't follow me. Jayden, you should stay and become even stronger. We'll have an awesome battle when I return. And Ethan, one of us has to stay and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."


"I knew you wouldn't let us follow you, but here is a gift," Ethan said, handing her a box. Inside was a metal bracelet. "I made it for you; it's not perfect yet, but I thought since you're leaving now, I should just give it to you. It's practically indestructible and holds an armour and a sword that I think you'll like."


Jayden raised his voice, "Wait, I didn't know we were meant to bring gifts." Quinn laughed and said, "I have to go. I'll see you guys when I get back. Who knows, maybe when I come back, you guys would have made a name for yourselves."


Just as Quinn was about to leave, Jayden walked closer, leaned in, and kissed Quinn on the cheek. Blushing, he said, "That's my gift, and next time we have a competition, I will finally win a match!"


"Thanks for the gifts, and Jayden, I won't go easy on you next time," Quinn replied with a smile as she finally set off towards the enchanted forest.


As soon as she reached the forest, she whispered, "Adonis." The wind stopped, the birds and falling leaves froze, and a bright light appeared. A loud voice said, "I'm not your servant that you can summon at any time. I'm a god. So, do you want to know?" Quinn replied, "Where is Blake?" Ignoring her question, Adonis asked, "So, do you like Jayden?" Quinn's power spiked slightly as she said, "Where is Blake?"


Adonis, with a sly grin, answered, "Well, you're no fun. He's in the castle of the demon emperor. I'm sure you have enough power to teleport yourself there. Bye." As time resumed, Quinn tried to teleport but was unable to. She realized a spell was preventing her, as she taught "Adonis you liar." so she decided to travel on foot.