
What Jeon Jungkook Means To Me ♡

Dear Jungkook,

We have the same age, so I can somehow relate to you a lot. You got recruited when you were so young. When I was 13 years old, I was so naive and I know you were as well. I couldn't even begin to imagine the feeling of nervousness that took over you during that period of time. You were such a shy kid. A very, very, very talented shy kid. You're a gem that anyone could not let go. You're the golden maknae, for God's sake. There's nothing that you cannot do. You're born to become an idol. I'm proud to see how much you've grown. You made your parents proud, you made your hyungs proud. And most importantly, you made yourself proud. Keep on doing that.

Lots of luv, wanaftn ♡