
My Copy System is So Overpowered, That No One Can Beat Me!

A young boy by the name Habiki Yorgana is summoned into another world alongside his classmates, during their field trip from school. After their summoning they’re surrounded by many life threatening dangers, however they’re soon told by the summoners themselves that they were summoned here for an specific purpose. In order for them to return back home, they must eliminate an evil corruption that spreads through their lands, and destroy them. The summoners calls them Vanquishers, and these Vanquishers are summoned once every 5,000 years to eliminate this mysterious evil that keeps coming back. Habiki takes advantage of this from being an Otaku in the heart, and thus he has the most advantage over everyone else. He watched many Isekai animes and read hundreds of Mangas to know what to do, and what not to do… however his actions in the beginning are actually naive as he follows a moral compass that causes him to make idiotic decisions, despite his broken copy system he obtained in this new world. Soon the protagonist makes a mistake, and loses someone important. This loss causes him to undergo a drastic change in appearance, and his heart. He becomes ruthless to people, and his personality takes a whole 180 degree turn. He is no longer a hero, and acts more like a villain while also doing things his own way, on his own terms. _______________________________ Just a heads up before reading this: The novel has an MC with a main character complex in the beginning but he becomes villainous, and savage later on. It has Yaoi and Yuri inside of it, so if you don’t like, you shouldn’t read. The MC becomes a ”trap” later on as well, so that’s another warning for those who dislike the concept. You can expect dark fantasy, kingdom building, character development, harem, and overpowered MC.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Is Training Really Beneficial To Someone Like Me?

Finally everything was situated. Me, Garmr, and Sakura ate at the feast held in the diner room where I reunited with my classmates once again. Maybe I acted a bit foolish from thinking about how irrelevant I was to them. I sometimes overthink things, and didn't realize how they always wanted to talk to me from the beginning, but I always isolated myself. Yep, I'm an introvert.

I was always so shy to talk to people and get along with them from how introverted I was.

But now, things were gonna change.

...But not in the way I expected.

"Cmon Habiki, what's with that look?"

The boy standing in front of me was none other than Alex. We were about the same height, he was slightly built and had blonde hair, also wearing glasses.

Me compared to his build was like a stick compared to an tree trunk. I was small and quite petite.

But that didn't matter all too much with my copy system.

"It's nothing, I'm just concerned on this whole training thing. Isn't it kinda unfair?"

"Unfair? How is it unfair dude?! You have the literal copy system! I'm pretty sure that's the most broken ability to have in this world. I mean think about it."

Alex was trying to persuade me, but didn't even know what I meant by "unfair".

"No, I mean… using skills, and this world hologram thing. I need an background on the world hologram, and how to also use skills without the need of bringing it up in front of me and clicking on it."

Alex looked at me as he scratched his head.

Right now we were in the middle of the training grounds. The floor underneath us was smooth concrete, and around us were scattered barrels which held swords and other tools inside of them. We weren't too far away from the Royal Castle since this place was just located in the backyard.

He asked me to train with him so I simply complied.

"Well Queen Ava told us about the World Holograms and their origin. Apparently they use to be called Mana Forces, and instead of summoning them, these mana forces existed inside our bodies, holding our information and history."

Mana Forces? I could've sworn I heard my father and mother mention that once when I was little, but it was odd. Every time I tried to learn about my parents history, I could get nowhere, and when I asked about it they simply declined to speak about it, until I was "ready".

I felt like I was ready now, so hopefully this was the first step, and that was learning more about this world and it's terminology.

"That's pretty weird."

I muttered under my voice.

"Hah? What's so weird about it?"

"My parents use to mention Mana Forces when I was a little boy, and now I'm learning about it after all these years. Tell me that's not weird."

Alex heard my reply and rubbed his chin with his hand, looking up in thought.

"Haaah? Are you sure they said Mana Forces? You know that only this world has them and nowhere else right?"

"Wait, seriously?"

If Mana Forces only came from this world, then how did my parents know about them? Better yet, wouldn't they say "world hologram" rather mana forces instead? Unless they were really old and existed before Mana Forces became World Holograms.

"You have a lot of talking to do with your parents when we return back home, man."

Alex would say, feeling a sense of pity for me.

"Well moving on from that, the most important thing is using your skills without the need of summoning your World Hologram."

Alex would close his eyes and take a deep breath.

I could feel an intense heat coming from his body and vaporizing most of the swords and other tools around us in a 10 meter radius.

"Woah! H-Hey Alex, chill with the flames!"

Crap, his heat was gonna melt my skin if I didn't do anything about it.

"Copy System."

I muttered under my voice, and extending my hand forward as it glowed blue. Suddenly my body changed, and I became intangible.

("My body… did I become fire? The heat isn't effecting me.")

The heat would pass over my body, causing no harm to me. I became fire itself, completely intangible.

"I haven't mastered my skill completely, so it'll take some time to use better, but the only way to use your skill without the World Hologram is by concentration, and linking with the World Hologram inside your body."

After finishing his explanation, Alex opened his eyes and freaked out at a moments notice.

"Ah crap, my flames overheated and expanded out! Habiki, are you okay?"

Alex panicked as he tried searching through the wave of flames around him, since I was covered by them.

"I think I got it now."

I said while walking through the wall of flames, appearing unharmed.

"…Incredible, you're unharmed? W-Well of course you're! After all, you wield the copy system."

"Looks like I can copy anything and use it to either enhance my physiology or change my physiology if I wanted too. I don't think leveling systems matters to me anymore. Maybe for the others, but I'm a misfit in all of this."

Alex was still in shock as he looked at me, circling around my body to search for any damage.

"You're seriously overpowered man, this skill of yours is unbeatable."

Alex would carefully extend his hand forward and moved it through my body of fire. His entire arm went through me and I was just fine.

"This is the flames from my cruel sun skill!

He yanked his arm out of me and looked at it curiously.

"How did you get this skill outta everyone on the bus? Is it something to do with your parents? After all you mentioned them talking about Mana Forces, I feel as if they have a connection with this world, and are hiding it from you."

I nodded my head from his comment.

"I agree, that's what I was thinking. It's no coincidence or any kind of mistake. They must know something about this world that I have no idea about."

Alex looked at his sword as part of it was completely melted off from his flames.

Actually, the entire area around us was just incinerated. The barrels of weapons, tools, bows and arrows, and resources for the knights. All gone from our reckless behavior.

"Maybe we should end our training here. Didn't you say you learned how to use copy system without the world hologram?"

Alex asked me.

"Yeah… I figured it out from copying your knowledge as well. I had no idea I could do that and implement it into my head."

Alex stepped back a few feet.

"Y-You copied my knowledge? Who the hell has a chance on beating you!? Seriously, why did you get this skill? That's no fair!"

I nervously laughed as I rubbed the back of my head.

"—Hahaha, I guess so. The Queen did say that I was sent here to save the world after all, and finally end this evil corruption."

Alex sighed as he tilted down his head.

"…I'm not gonna hide it and say that I'm not jealous Habiki, because… I am. I am very jealous that you have a skill like this, compared to everyone else."

Alex gripped the handle to his blade tightly, looking up at me.

"With your ability, we can end this evil together. That's why I'm gonna ask you… to let me journey with you, and your group together! I'll give you anything you need, and you can even copy my cruel sun skill if you want! I see no other way, you're our only hope in going back home like the others want."

Alex was expressing his true emotions in the matter. His facial expression was enough to let me know he was dedicated in making everyone happy by returning back home.

"You want to make everyone return back home?"

I asked him with a smile, and he nodded back at me.

"Yes. I want them to be happy and not miserable as they're now. I can't stand to see my own classmates down like this. I may hide it a lot of the times… but I care greatly for them you know?"

I turned back around and smirked. My intangible body of fire would become tangible once more. I was back to normal.

"I'm not gonna copy your skills Alex, I don't copy the skills of my friends. I was planning to copy Sakura's Luck skill… but then I thought how unfair that would be to her. She would feel useless and also feel like she has no part in our group from me taking away her only chance of usefulness."

I looked down at my hand, opening my palm.

"Keep your skills, don't ever let me copy them. You have it for a reason. I may copied your flames, but your skill is still only exclusive to you."

I turn to face him with a smile of reassurance.

"Welcome to the group Alex, I guess you'll be our flame guy, huh?"

Alex face would light up in a big grin, pumping his arm in excitement.

"Ah hell yeah! I love you man!"

He stepped forward to hug me, squeezing his arms around my body.

"Uaaagh…! Cut it out! Your Rank in strength is above me Alex! I don't have my Ancient Wolf System activated!"

Training is a waste of time for the Protagonist.

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