
My Copy System is So Overpowered, That No One Can Beat Me!

A young boy by the name Habiki Yorgana is summoned into another world alongside his classmates, during their field trip from school. After their summoning they’re surrounded by many life threatening dangers, however they’re soon told by the summoners themselves that they were summoned here for an specific purpose. In order for them to return back home, they must eliminate an evil corruption that spreads through their lands, and destroy them. The summoners calls them Vanquishers, and these Vanquishers are summoned once every 5,000 years to eliminate this mysterious evil that keeps coming back. Habiki takes advantage of this from being an Otaku in the heart, and thus he has the most advantage over everyone else. He watched many Isekai animes and read hundreds of Mangas to know what to do, and what not to do… however his actions in the beginning are actually naive as he follows a moral compass that causes him to make idiotic decisions, despite his broken copy system he obtained in this new world. Soon the protagonist makes a mistake, and loses someone important. This loss causes him to undergo a drastic change in appearance, and his heart. He becomes ruthless to people, and his personality takes a whole 180 degree turn. He is no longer a hero, and acts more like a villain while also doing things his own way, on his own terms. _______________________________ Just a heads up before reading this: The novel has an MC with a main character complex in the beginning but he becomes villainous, and savage later on. It has Yaoi and Yuri inside of it, so if you don’t like, you shouldn’t read. The MC becomes a ”trap” later on as well, so that’s another warning for those who dislike the concept. You can expect dark fantasy, kingdom building, character development, harem, and overpowered MC.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Confronting The Traitor, Kuro Hidachi

I tried catching up with Garmr and her speed but couldn't reach her in time. My Ancient Wolf System was deactivated so that Sakura could manage to keep up with me. I totally forgot.

She was far too fast. Garmr accelerated herself at Luna in supersonic speeds, and was the first to throw the first attack, swinging her right hand which released a gust of wind in the shape of multiple claws.

However to me and Sakura's surprise, Luna managed to jump over the attack and appear behind her.

"No battle strategy, just mindless attacks. That's just like your kind Ancient Wolf."

Luna sounded cocky while up against Garmr, and then she suddenly vanished out of thin air, becoming invisible to the naked eye.

At least I thought she was… until I seen her fist collided right into Garmr's stomach.


I shouted for her in worry, proceeding to run after her, but that didn't go exactly as I planned.


I was suddenly launched back from a powerful condensed shout hitting me right into my stomach.

"…Garmr? What are you doing?"

I realized it was Garmr's Shoutwave skill. For some reason she didn't want me interfering in her battle whatsoever. I then landed against my back and bounced onto the floor a few times, rubbing my head in pain.

"Master… leave this to me."

She backflipped and recovered, sliding on all four limbs.

"I am your servant. You named me and evolved me into an Advanced Beast. I owe you my life… therefore I will protect you with my life. Allow me to do this, your help isn't needed master, can you trust me?"

I slowly stood back up and closed my eyes.

I would've accidentally said "but" and ruin this moment for her… so I didn't do that. I didn't act worried or anything. Right now Garmr was the leader here.

"Alright Garmr, I trust in you."

Sakura next to me would nod her head.

"If Habiki trusts in you, then so do I Garmr."

Garmr smiled and wasted no time continuing the battle.

"You and your skill will have no effect on me again, Cat Beast!"

Garmr moved faster than the naked eye, appearing in front of Luna with her leg risen into the air, performing an axe kick down at the cat beast.

"You think your attacks are gonna hit me?"

For some reason Luna dodged the attack once more, surprising Garmr as she was elbowed into her hip.


Garmr was durable enough to take the hit. Her pain tolerance was high. She took advantage of it and would swing her right hand towards Luna, but she dodged once again.

What was going on?

"Information Scanner."

I brought up my info scanner to see Luna's stats.


Was this some cheat in the system or something? Her stats were equal to Garmr's, yet she could easily dodge her punches as if they're moving in slow motion.

"Habiki, it must have something to do with her skill, did you check that out?"

Sakura asked me.

"…I didn't, hold on."

I went to her skill list and attempted to read it, but that failed.

"Huh? What does it mean I can't read Advanced Beast skills?"

I was confused… this made no sense.

"For some reason it's like someone else is concealing her skills and preventing information from being leaked. This must be the work of Mr. Hidachi… he's the owner after all."

Sakura was right. This had to be Mr. Hidachi's work, otherwise it wouldn't really make sense… unless she has multiple busted skills on her.


Luna dodged another attack from Garmr and would strike her into the face with a punch. She moved like a ninja, and was untouched like one as well. It did fit her appearance after all, as she was dressed in all black, even with a mask around her face.

Garmr couldn't keep up with her speed. Each time she threw an punch, kick, jab, or knee at her, she simply dodged and countered right back.


Garmr was getting angry. She would swing her fist once more… and Luna dodged it again, throwing a fist straight into Garmr's beautiful face to annoy her, however this time it was different.


I gasped.

"She did it!"

Sakura seemed astounded.

"How did you-?"

Luna was even shocked.

We all could see that Luna's hand was caught inside Garmr's mouth, unable to pull back. She was now trapped there.

"I got you!"

Garmr caught her hand with her teeth, and would deliver a brutal blow into the cat beasts stomach. Her pupils nearly vanished from the initial blow, and she was sent flying right pass us against the castle wall.

"Incredible Garmr… how did you counter her?"

Sakura was the first to ask.

"I figured out her skill in our battle. It allows her to read the minds of her opponent to know their next move, while also increasing her speed once she finds out what they'll do. I managed to simply clear my mind and not think of my next attack, but simply let my instincts take over."

"…Talk about experience in combat. You're amazing Garmr."

Garmr nodded her head with a big smile on her face.

"Thank you master Habiki! Your words means a lot to me!"

Luna slowly got out from the crater in the wall, stumbling forward in pain.

"I couldn't defend against that attack in time… I… feel mortally wounded…"

Luna could barley walk. I looked back at her with a mix of emotions… not surely knowing what to do.

"Toughen up Cat Beast! That was just a normal punch from me. You can't take it? Then you're not meant to be a warrior!"

Garmr was right. If you couldn't take hits in a battle then maybe fighting wasn't your forte.

"…But I must protect master Hidachi!"

Sakura opened her world Hologram and utilized her Luck skill once she tapped on it.

"Master Hidachi huh?"

Sakura said in a menacing tone, causing me to side eye her.

"Maybe with my Luck skill, an pathway will open up to his destination."

Luna widened her eyes.

"Luck skill? You have such a thing?"

All the sudden sunlight would shine through one of the windows in the castle in a beam of light that pointed to a door next to us.

"So that's where he's hiding."

Sakura's skill was awesome… did it really give her anything she wanted once she asked for it? She was lucky to have that.

"But how?"

Luna asked.

"Things work in my favor once my luck skill is activated. I'm certain that's why me and Habiki were protected by that holy barrier once we were knocked unconscious."

Oh… was that the reason why? Things are now starting to add up.

"No more hiding Mr. Hidachi, come out that room and show yourself this instant."

It was quiet… I heard no reply.

"What room is he hiding in?"

Sakura asked Luna.

"…In the armory where the knights keeps all their weapons for training."

Luna exposed his secret and quickly covered her mouth, not realizing what she said.

"I-I didn't mean to say that! Why did I say that? Some reason I forgot that I was suppose to be hiding his plans to kill you all with an surprise attack!"

"Aha, so that's it."

Wait a minute, was Sakura's Luck skill doing all of this? Making opponents forget certain things and even having probability work in her favor?

"…Alright Mr. Hidachi, you've been exposed, don't bother doing it. Go through with your plan and you're certain to die. I won't be able to stop Garmr here from tearing you to shreds if I'm injured."

Garmr was focused heavily on the door, I could tell from her calm expression.

So was Sakura.


I heard him yell, and suddenly the door was broken down.

"What the?"

Wait, why did it break down? I couldn't see anything…


Garmr couldn't see anything either, but then something clicked in her head to tell me to move.

I just stood there confused. Move from what?

And then… time froze once more.


Here it was again. Why did it freeze? Was something attacking me?

"Why did time freeze? What's going on…?"

I looked around me confused, backing away from Sakura to check my surroundings, until I could feel something poke against my neck. It was sharp.


I quickly turned around to see nothing.

"…I don't understand… what was that sharp object just now?"

I slowly reached forward until I could feel… the head of an invisible arrow.

"An… arrow?"

I would pat the arrow a few times to get a feel of it, and to find its grip.

"How is it invisible-? Oh… Mr. Hidachi's skill must be doing this."

I would normally pull up information scanner in this situation, but for some reason that wouldn't work against Mr. Hidachi's skill. Considering I couldn't analyze Luna.

"…Then, how about this? Copy System!"

I bring out my copy system once more, and my hand starts to glow blue.


To my surprise I could now see the arrow in front of me clear as day.

"…I can see it, does that mean I copied his skill?"

My World Hologram shows up and I could see his skill right next to the Ancient Wolf System.

"I get it now. The skills I copied also gives me resistances to them as well… that's why I can see the arrow."

I slapped the arrow to the side and activated my Ancient Wolf System that I copied from Garmr to enhance my stats.

Time unfroze.


Garmr stopped shouting to see me perfectly fine.


She was confused… and so was everyone else in this room right now.

"I expected the Queen or a set of guards to show up by now… but since they're taking their sweet time, I can use this power to beat some sense into a traitor like you, HIDACHI!"

Hidachi didn't know it, but I could see him clear as day in the doorway. He must've thought he was still invisible.

I'll make him pay…