

Title: "My Contract Girlfriend" Synopsis: "My Contract Girlfriend" is a heartwarming romantic comedy that revolves around the unique and unexpected love story between two individuals brought together by an unusual arrangement. Alex, a successful and commitment-phobic entrepreneur, finds himself in a bind when his family insists on him settling down. Desperate to appease his family and protect his company's image, he hatches a plan to hire a contract girlfriend. Enter Sarah, a free-spirited and independent young woman who's struggling to make ends meet. When Alex proposes a mutually beneficial contract relationship, Sarah reluctantly agrees, hoping to gain financial stability for herself and her family. What starts as a business arrangement soon turns into something much more complex. As they navigate their fake relationship, they discover hidden depths to each other's personalities and develop a genuine connection. As the charade continues, Alex and Sarah must confront their own insecurities and fears about love and commitment. Their journey is filled with hilarious misunderstandings, awkward family gatherings, and tender moments that tug at the heartstrings. The line between what's real and what's pretend becomes increasingly blurred, leading them to question whether they can find love in the most unexpected of places. "My Contract Girlfriend" is a story about the transformative power of love, showing that sometimes, what we're looking for is right in front of us, even when it's hidden behind a contract. This delightful romantic comedy explores themes of family, identity, and the true meaning of love, leaving audiences with a warm, fuzzy feeling and a belief that love can conquer even the most unconventional beginnings.

Ada_chigozie_134 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter2: THE PHONE CALL

Taking a deep breath, he picked up his phone and dialed the agency's number.

The phone rang for a few moments before a cheerful voice answered, "Elite Companions, how may I assist you today?"

Alex cleared his throat, trying to sound as confident as possible. "Hello, my name is Alex Thornton, and I'm interested in hiring a girlfriend for an upcoming family event."

The woman on the other end of the line, who introduced herself as Sarah, replied, "Of course, Alex. We can certainly help with that. Could you please provide some details about the event, such as when and where it will be held?"

Alex explained the situation, giving her all the necessary information. He felt a mix of anxiety and excitement, wondering how this arrangement would turn out. Sarah assured him that they had experienced companions who could fit the role perfectly.

After discussing the terms and conditions, Sarah promised to send over a selection of potential candidates for him to review. "We'll make sure to find the perfect match for you, Alex," she assured him.

A few days later, Alex received a portfolio of profiles for the potential contract girlfriends. Each profile included a photo and a brief description of the woman. He carefully reviewed each one, considering their interests, personalities, and the likelihood of his family buying into the charade.

One profile stood out to him: Emily, a charming and talented artist who shared his love for classic literature. Her warm smile in the photo seemed to captivate him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of connection, even if it was only on paper.

Alex made his choice and contacted the agency to arrange a meeting with Emily. He was anxious about how this would all play out but couldn't deny that there was something intriguing about the idea of this "contract girlfriend.