
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Xu Hou Lei Teases

Xu Hou Lei was patiently waiting for his friend, Pei Nan in the study room. The moment he saw the sorry state his friend was in, he couldn't help but burst out in laughter. To see a very dishevel and unrefined Pei Nan brightened his mood by tens fold. His friend has always been a very neat and clean person but to catch him in such a sorry state, Hou Lei couldn't help but thank the heavens for giving him this moment. Hou Lei got off his seat and headed towards the very gloomy Pei Nan. "Hahaha…did you fall into the water or something? I didn't know this day would come," Hou Lei teased.

"Matter of fact, I did fall into the water, do you want to try too?" Pei Nan threatened. Hou Lei walked closer and closer to Pei Nan and another big smile appeared as he pointed his finger. "You're blushing? Who was it? What happened? Don't tell me you were playing naughty in the water? Tsk..tsk…" Pei Nan touched his cheeks, it was still burning hot from a moment ago. Just thinking about the situation back then, he wanted to strangle Yu Mei. How dare she play a childish trick on him and then proceed to touch him. Did she not know that men and women should keep their distance? He would not let this go in the future. Seeing that Pei Nan wasn't replying, Hou Lei knew he was right...he was with a female. "Yi Er (Consort Nuan)?" Hou Lei suddenly asked mischievously...no response.

"Ming Yan (Consort Wan)?" Still no response from the temperamental Pei Nan. Hou Lei touched his chin for a second, [There's no way its Pan Yu Mei…NO WAY!] he didn't believe it. "Pan Yu Mei?" Hou Lei pointed at his friend once more. This time, a reaction…Pei Nan finally looked up with a furious glare as he slapped Hou Lei's finger away from his face. "Do you have nothing better to do than gossip? If you are so free, I can assign you more work,"

Hou Lei decided to ignore his buddy's threat. "Aiya~ poor Yu Mei…you've really angered the tiger this time," Hou Lei sighed as he turned away from Pei Nan and walked over to the table. Pei Nan swallowed his anger and followed his friend. "Why are you here?"

"To see a good show, Prince Shao is coming over," Hou Lei did not lie and he had no intentions of hiding the reason he came to visiit. "Gu Shao is coming? Why was I not informed?" Hou Lei looked his friend up and down and smiled,"You were too busy getting rowdy with someone, how could you have the time to find out," Pei Nan shook his finger at Hou Lei, he has had enough. Yu Mei had already angered him and now Hou Lei. He was on the brink of losing his cool. "You just wait, when we get to the royal court tomorrow, I'll request for a week's worth of reports for you," Pei Nan threatened him. Hou Lei grabbed Pei Nan's arm and shook him like a spoiled child. "Pei Nan, how can you be so cruel? Fine, I won't tease you anymore,"

"Good, if you are done, go tell Yu Mei, she is to accompany me to greet Gu Shao," Hou Lei had no choice but to follow orders. But he was not happy, [Pei Nan, how can you treat me like a servant. Don't you see how many maids and servants you have standing around, hmph!] Even though he was complaining, his pout was rather cute.

Back at the Southern Palace, Yu Mei was also not happy. She slammed the door shut and crossed her arms. The next moment, she forcefully pulled his robe off her shoulder and threw if fiercely onto the ground, stomping it a few times. "Stupid Petty Nan, she grit her teeth. When Chu'mei saw this, her eyes opened in horror. Wasn't that Prince Nan's robe? And her lady was stepping on it? If word got out, both their heads would be on a platter! She was already prepared for her lady to start throwing items and yell but she was not prepared for such a crime. Stepping on his clothes was the equivalent of stepping on his face.

Chu'mei knew she couldn't stop her lady at this point. What's been done has already been done and so she did the next best thing, wait Yu Mei was finally done venting her anger on the robe. She stood still, feet still on top of the robe. Her breathing was getting heavy from the sudden exercise she just did. Chu'mei walked over slowly and poked Yu Mei softly. "Xiaojie (my lady)? Why are your clothes wet? Let me help you get changed before you catch a cold...and can you get off his highness's clothes? We'll be in big trouble if he finds out," Yu Mei turned and glared Chu'mei down. "How could you? I thought we were buddies? How could you leave me alone with that crazy dog? I almost died!"

"I didn't mean to but Prince Nan is really too scary. I almost died from a heart attack, I'm sorry,"

"Next time, you are not allowed to leave my side. I fell into the water! What did I do to deserve this?" She let out a loud sound of despair. The next second, a mischievous smile appeared on her face, "But it was well worth it. I made Petty Nan stay in the cold water for more than 40 minutes. Do you think he will catch a cold?" *hehehe* she let out a chuckle. Chu'mei almost lost all her sanity. What was wrong with her lady? This was unlike her at all? But Chu'mei had to admit, she liked this new Pan Yu Mei better than the possessive Pan Yu Mei.

Yu Mei had barely just finished changing when a light knock came from her door. Chu'mei was ready to go answer the door. Yu Mei grabbed her and whispered, "If it's Petty Nan, tell him I'm not here,"

"Xiaojie, how can I lie to Prince Nan? And if he hears that you call him Petty Nan, what will he think?"

"I don't care, but do as I say," Yu Mei quickly hid behind a bookshelf.

The door opened and the handsome Hou Lei with a bright smile appeared in front of Chu'mei. She blinked a few times; it has been a long time since she has seen this cutie. She was at a loss for words, "Chu'mei is it?" he tried to recall her name. Chu'mei nodded her head as if possessed. "Is your lady in?" She once again nodded. Hearing the low and husky yet sweet voice, Yu Mei could tell it wasn't Pei Nan. She immediately jumped out behind the shelf and walked over confidently. Her hands were placed behind her back, head held high as she approached the handsome adviser. "Who are you and why are you looking for me?" his brow rose up, probably from shock. He's heard from Pei Nan that Yu Mei suffered some minor head injury due to the fall but he didn't believe it. Did she really lose her memory? He could tell just from the way she walked and talked, she had changed. No longer the same woman who kept an elegant and composed manner. "Greetings to Consort Pan, I am Adviser Xu Hou Lei," Yu Mei was also quick to form a judgement on him too. She could tell he was a Casanova. His handsome face plus that easy going face of his, there was no doubt in her mind he was a Casanova. But who was he? Yu Mei poked Chu'mei's side and whispered. "Who is he?" her whisper was loud enough for Hou Lei to hear but he decided not to say anything. "Adviser Xu is Prince Nan's personal adviser and longtime friend," Yu Mei nodded her head, [Ah~ So he's sent his handsome minion over this time]

"I must apologize for not recognizing Adviser Xu. May I ask what business you have here?"

"Pardon my sudden intrusion but I am here under Prince Nan's order," she was right, he was here because of Pei Nan. "That Petty Nan," Yu Mei accidently shouted out when she came to a conclusion that he sent Hou Lei to make things difficult for her. *Hahaha* a loud laughter came out from his mouth. "Consort Pan, imagine if Pei Nan heard that. Could you imagine the look on his face," he lightheartedly said. Yu Mei was afraid that Hou Lei was going to defend Pei Nan but to see him laugh at the nickname she gave Pei Nan, she also let out a soft laughter. "It's true though, he is quite petty. He deserves that name," she added.

"True, true…he is very petty. One time I broke one of his vases and he hasn't let it go yet," Yu Mei never would have thought she would hit it off with Hou Lei this easily. Chu'mei nudged her, "Xiaojie, you can't act improperly with another male like this," she reminded Yu Mei. With this, Yu Mei and Hou Lei stopped laughing and tried to stay composed. "I apologize, I have strayed away from my original intentions. for coming over Pei Nan has asked me to deliver a message. He would like for you to accompany him to welcome Prince Shao tonight," he looked at her intently. He wanted to see if she would blush or smile when she heard this. This was the first time Pei Nan had personally sent out an invitation to her. And he knew her well enough to know this would make her happy.

Not a shred of happiness could be seen on her face. Matter of fact, she had a face full of horror. His first thought was, she was too shocked from the good news. He pat her shoulder lightly, "Don't be too shocked, maybe our little Pei Nan has had a change of heart. Whatever it is you did, worked," he winked at her before taking off.

Yu Mei's feet gave up on her as she collapsed on the floor. She was on the verge of crying. [Why must my life be so difficult? I just dodged a bullet and now I must face another? What did I do wrong in the past?]

"What's wrong Xiaojie?" Chu'mei knelt down.

"Everything…Chu'mei, just kill me," Yu Mei grabbed both Chu'mei's hands, her eyes full of desperation. "Just end my misery,"

"Xiaojie, why are you acting crazy? What's the matter?" Yu Mei let go of her hands and stared blankly at the ground. What was she supposed to do? What if Prince Shao recognized her? Would he call her out? This was the end for her. Yu Mei didn't think this day would get any worse.

Back at Pei Nan's main palace, Prince Shao had just arrived. "Gu Shao, it's been a while, come," Pei Nan halfheartedly greeted his step brother.

"It has been a while, hasn't it," The two made small talk until they got inside the main hall where tea was already set out at the table for them. Gu Shao sat after Pei Nan did. "What brings you here today?"

"I heard that Consort Ning is not feeling well. My mother is currently busy and asked me to send over some ginseng soup for Consort Ning." Gu Shao asked.

"I'm sure Fei Ning will be very glad to receive such a gift from you,"

"How is she?" Gu Shao couldn't help but get anxious.

"She's doing just fine," Pei Nan shortly answered.

They spent years fighting over Fei Ning, it was no surprise to him that Gu Shao would rush over to ask about her. "I'm relieved then,"

A maid walked over to Pei Nan's side. "Consort Pan has arrived,"

"Let her in,"

Not long later, a very stiff looking Yu Mei walked in. The moment Pei Nan saw her, he scowled. She was wearing a casual yellow robed dress but why was she wearing a veil?