
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Willing to go Against for Her

On the second day since Yu Mei was confined at the Taiji palace, Prince Shao had returned from his journey to the state of Chu. If it wasn't for Chu'gonggong, Pei Nan's personal eunuch secretly informing Prince Shao, I'm afraid he would have been kept in the dark. An order had been issue the very night of the incident. Anyone found gossiping about the incident would be beheaded.

Like usual, Pei Nan was in his study room reading reports regarding the rebelling state of Lian. Prince Shao was outside the door but the two guards would not let him. No one was allowed to disturb him but who was Prince Shao? If he wanted to meet Prince Nan, he would do so. It didn't take much physical effort for him to pass the guards at the main door.

He entered.

The night wind blew in along with Gu Shao. Pei Nan set the report in his hand down and looked at his brother. He really didn't know what Gu Shao was so angry about. Anger was written all over his face.

"Shao, you've just returned from a long journey. To see you here this late at night, is something of urgent matter?" Pei Nan curiously asked.

"I heard that Consort Pan has been sent to Taiji Palace. I came to confirm if it's true or not." He calmly replied. Normally he would greet Pei Nan, have a few words and then slowly get to the important matters but this time was different. His heart was too anxious.

Pei Nan leaned back on his chair. "It's not something you should worry about. It is just a personal matter between me and Consort Pan." Pei Nan casually replied. Thinking that Gu Shao was asking out of courtesy, he didn't put much thought into his reply. It only made sense the man would ask. He was after Yu Mei's brother-in-law. It would be strange if he just pretended like nothing happened.

"Pei Nan, I know you better than that. If it was a simple matter, you wouldn't have gone as far as to imprison Consort Pan. Do you really think that she stole from you? Is she that kind of person to you?" Prince Shao's face was filled with disbelief, fury and angst.

Pei Nan almost thought Gu Shao cared about Yu Mei. But it was impossible. Prince Shao had always been indifferent towards Yu Mei. If he remembered correctly, there were only a few instances he saw them talking together. It was not enough for him to develop care and affection towards her.

"What kind of person Consort Pan is, I would know best. But why are you questioning me?"

Gu Shao stopped talking for a moment. He couldn't tell Pei Nan that he had a close relationship with Yu Mei. It would only bring her more trouble. "Pei Nan, you are right. You are the closest person to Consort Pan. You know her personality the best. I only wish that you find out the truth before punishing the wrong." He reminded Pei Nan.

"Oh? Then who should bear the consequences? The other suspect…Consort Ning? Considering you know about this incident already, I'm sure you are aware about the incident between Consort Pan and Consort Ning." Pei Nan spoke with a hint of sarcasm.

[Fei Ning?] Gu Shao thought. Why were the two most suspicious people Consort Pan and Consort Ning. Chu'gonggong only told him that Yu Mei was wrongfully imprisoned. The head eunuch didn't finish speaking before he had ran straight here. Of course he didn't know the other suspect was none other than Fei Ning.

"I dare not judge. I can only hope you inspect this case thoroughly. If Consort Ning is truly guilty, please give justice to Consort Pan." Was all Gu Shao said. He didn't realize that his answer would give Pei Nan so much doubt.

"Shao, it is getting late. You should return." Pei Nan didn't give Gu Shao any comfort regarding the situation. Pei Nan was chasing him away, Gu Shao couldn't do anything but leave.

Because he was too flustered just now, he didn't see the change in Pei Nan's expression earlier.


In the lonely Taiji palace where no soul could be seen nor heard sat a lonely Yu Mei. She was huddled in the middle of the bed with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her tiny face rested on her knees as she soullessly stared at the flickering candle on the table.

No one had been here to accompany her for two days. Yu Mei was indeed lonely but the hurt overshadowed the loneliness. But there was no use sulking over the disappointment. It wasn't the first time.

After a while, she got ready for bed.

*Rattle* *Rattle*

Yu Mei quickly jumped under her covers. The windows were shaking like crazy. She was afraid. Just thinking of how many unjustly accused ghosts wandering this palace almost made her faint. She made a little hole in the corner of the blanket and watched the window. [Great Heavens! I'm really going to die like this. I can't become a wandering ghost. Please protect me.] Her eyes could not look away from the shaking windows.

*Bang* The window flung open.

A shadow.

"Ahhhh~ please don't hurt me. I'm a good soul." Yu Mei covered herself in her blanket as she tried to talk sense to the shadow coming nearer to her. "Go after Prince Nan. He was the one who let you suffer unjustly."

Yu Mei stopped when she heard a chuckle. This chuckle. It sounded very familiar to him. [Prince Shao?] She quickly flung the blanket off.

"Brother Shao!" Yu Mei didn't know if she was relieved or happy to see him that she started to burst into tears. "Why are you only here now?" She complained even as tears rolled down her cheeks. He wanted to cheer her up but now, he couldn't help but feel sad with her.

"I'm sorry I only arrived now." He gently spoke as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. Without warning, he pulled her into his arms. It wasn't an intimate embrace, rather a comforting one. He had his arm around her head as he patted her, trying to comfort her. Yu Mei didn't protest as she let her head lean on his chest. "I'm sorry I let you suffer. I'm here now. Cry it all out." He continued to stroke her head gently.

She didn't know why his words were so comforting. She only cried harder in his embrace. The injustice, the hurt, the mistrust; she let it all out in front of him.

"I know you didn't do it. I promise to clear your name."

*sniffle* *sniffle* "Brother Shao, why is it that he can't see my goodness? Of all people, I never expected him to suspect me. Does he know what a fool he is? He didn't even think twice before sending me here. Why?"

Gu Shao let out a sigh of regret. If he fought for her hand back then, she would never have learned such pains

"Pei Nan is a complicated person. His thoughts and actions, even I as his brother do not understand. But no matter what, even if he suspects you, I will not. I will find evidence against it. Even if it's against Fei Ning." He assured her.

To go against Fei Ning? Why? Yu Mei slowly sat up straight and wiped her tears away before looking him in the eyes. "Why are you going through so much trouble for me?"

The more he looked at her teary eyes, he couldn't help but want to hug her. She was like a little bunny. A bunny he wanted to protect.

The room fell silent.

Finally Gu Shao stood up. He spoke one last line with his back faced against her. "Because you are someone I want to protect."

Guys, the more I write, the more I think Pei Nan can't be redeemed. LOL.

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