
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

To Give Up All Pride

A silent huff escaped Yu Mei's lips. Chasing his wife? The nerves of this man, she thought. Somewhere in the back of her mind she prayed he was looking for Consort Wan. As luck would not be on her side again, he pointed directly at her.

Old Man Wu's eyes followed his pointed finger to only find it was pointed right at his student. Then his gaze went back to his highness's. Then back to Yu Mei. "Ju Ming! What troubles have you caused now?" He started to scold her. She quickly put both hands up in defense. "Shifu! I really didn't do anything. I don't know why this crazy man is pointing at me. I've never met him before." She protested while escaping her master's attacks.

"Wife... you forgot about me already?" Pei Nan spoke half hurt half sarcastically.

Dead. Both Yu Mei and Old Man Wu felt their soul leave their body.

Her master's mind: Ju Ming you rascal! You got married?

Her mind: Pei Nan you bastard!!!! Heavens have mercy and just kill me now.

Old Man Wu shook his head to get that silly idea out of his mind. His student married? Impossible! But then again...it could be.

Prince Nan was about to say a word when Old Man Wu put his finger up to shush him. "We need a minute." He pulled Yu Mei a far distance from Prince Nan. The two crouched and huddled as if they were about to tell a hidden secret.

"What is your identity?" Old Man Wu whispered.

Yu Mei scratched her head. There was no way she could hide the truth from her master. "I really am Consort Pan." Her eyes looked down in defeat.

"Aiya~" He almost fell at the realization. His disciple is royalty!

"How can you not tell me that you are royalty? What if his highness really wants to take you back? There is only so much I can do for you." He reminded her as she gripped tightly onto his arm.

"Shifu!" Her eyes showed a determination to not go back. "Surely you won't let your only student go back to such a terrible man, right?"

"His highness is a terrible man?"

"Yes! He had his own lover and let everyone pick on me. Wuwuwu…how could I possibly take such insult? I had no choice but to run away." A tear rolled down her face. She knew her master was a softhearted old fart. Tears and pitiful stories were his weaknesses.

He sighed. Then patted her shoulder to console the upset Yu Mei. "Don't worry my angel student. I won't let anyone mistreat you while I am still alive." With that said, he helped her up as they made their way back. Prince Nan was still standing in the same spot as he watched the two close in the distance. With Yu Mei behind him, Old Man Wu spoke up. "Your highness Prince Nan, even if I have to lose my life, I will not let my disciple return with you." The man firmly spoke up for Yu Mei.

One look at Yu Mei and Pei Nan knew she had told the man. The extent of the story? He did not know but could guess that it was enough for this master of hers to believe it.

Yu Mei waited for it.

Any moment now the man would surely shoot her with his evil glare.


He kept his composure as his gaze went to her master's. He didn't know how Yu Mei had come to be a disciple. He only knew that he needed to respect the man. The man had taken his wife in as a disciple. Which meant that no matter what happened, if her master did not allow, he would not use force to bring her back. That much he knew.

Then he did the unthinkable. He was giving up his pride.

Before both master and student's eyes, Prince Nan went on both knees. The moment his knees hit the ground, Yu Mei could have sworn she felt the earth shake from such a preposterous thing. Which member of the royal family ever got down on their knees? Especially in front of commoners. She did not recall him ever getting on both knees for anyone. She recalled him telling her that even if he had to die, he would never kneel to anyone. To kneel was to give up one's pride. Somewhere deep down in her heart, she softened.

But no matter what, the scene in front of her still caught her by surprise. Taken aback, both her and her master took a step back. Even a gasp left Yu Mei's master's mouth. "Your highness, what are you doing? Please get up." When the old man got his senses back, he quickly tried to help Prince Nan back on his feet but he would not budge.

"Why are you doing this to me? If anyone sees this they would think I had something on you. Surely you aren't doing this to accuse me of treason right?" The old man started to spew nonsense out of frustration and fear.

"Whatever Consort Pan told you was true." Pei Nan didn't need to know what Yu Mei told the man. He only knew that whatever she said had to be somewhat true. Only when she left him did he realize that he had truly mistreated her. "I, Prince Nan am a hotheaded irrational foolish man. Only now did I realize that I am such a useless man. A man who could not even make his wife happy."

"Your highness, please get up." Old Man Wu continued to urge him. With such a simple declaration, Pei Nan had already softened the man.

On the other hand, Pan Yu Mei was still standing where she was. Her eyes glued on to him as if trying to figure out what exactly the man was doing. When he looked her way, her heart almost jumped out. "Pan Yu Mei, come back with me. I promise I'll change."

She clenched her jaw. He sounded so sincere she almost gave in. But when she thought about the life of a prince, her mind had completely changed. When she first came to this body, he had already married three other women. In the future, he would only marry more. That was the life of an emperor. She refused to continue the fight for this man. And her freedom? She never knew how precious freedom was until now. This she would not give up for one man. With a hardened heart, she crossed her arms.

"Your highness has already made his decision when you used me that night. I am nothing more than a pawn in your eyes. Now that we are no longer husband and wife, I do not wish to go back with you. Please get up and leave."

His heart dropped. She was cold. Truly too cold.

With horror in his eyes, he watched as Yu Mei and her master turned their backs on him and began to part ways. He was anxious. Anxious and desperate for the very first time in his life. There was no way he was going to let her go just like this. If he did, then he would only admit this was truly the end for them.

"Pan Yu Mei! You can leave but know that I am going to sit here until you agree. Even if I have to die, I will continue to kneel in this very place." He shouted loud and clear for the two to hear.

Yu Mei didn't bat an eye as she lifted a foot to move forward. It was her master that turned soft hearted. With one hand lightly on her wrist, he looked at her. "Ju Ming!" He called her name softly. As if contemplating whether to speak or not. "I don't know what his highness and your history is but I can tell from your eyes that you do not want to end things like this. Whatever troubles you two have right now, it is better to solve and move on rather than to leave it tangled for eternity. Give him a few days. After that, if you still can't resolve your differences, I won't say a word even if you want to never see him ever again."

Pei Nan's heart rose with anticipation. She was coming back. Even if she didn't look happy, she was still coming back.


The heavy backpack on Yu Mei's back was cruelly tossed at Pei Nan. The man didn't even get a chance to act upon the thrown object. As soon as it hit his chest, the weight made him fall on his ass.

He stared blankly at her.

"I won't return to the palace!" She tilted her chin high. "I suggest if you want to try to get my consent to return, you will have to follow wherever I go. But I highly doubt you have the ability to do so. For I will not return with you. Hmph!" With her haughty and overbearing attitude, she clearly gave him the option before walking back to her master.

"Even if I must strip myself of my pride, I will do whatever it takes to win you back." He muttered to himself before getting back on his two feet and following behind.

Fyi, I'm still trying to find the perfect balance for Pei Nan's character but have failed to so far. So in future chapters, if he has like these super too prideful and yet soft personalities, it is cuz I'm being indecisive on how I want him to be. And not cuz he has split personalities ^____^

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