
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Stop Looking At Him

Awoken by something soft and warm on her hand, Yu Mei came to her senses. She was about to open her eyes when she recognized the light sandalwood scent.

Pei Nan!

He was here. And why actually was he doing here, she wondered.

Pretending to still be asleep, she allowed him to grab her hand and gently wipe it down with the warm towel in his hand. Then he grabbed her other arm.

He frowned.

Her body was rising rather than going back to normal. The urge in him to call a doctor was so strong, he almost did it. If it wasn't for Yu Mei's dislike in doctors, one would be called upon already.

Pei Nan dampened the towel once more. This time bringing it up to her face. The moment the towel touched her cheek, Yu Mei felt her body go numb. And her toes curled up. [Think dumplings. Fried chicken, candied dates, plum soup…] She was aimlessly naming off food in her head.

But it barely worked. She could feel his eyes burning a hole in the middle of her forehead. He was definitely staring at her, she knew. And sure enough, he was.

Pei Nan's eyes were solely focused on her rosy cheeks. Holding the towel gently to her cheek, he began to lightly dab.

When she wasn't awake, she was quite pleasant to look at, he thought. Then his lips curved into a silly smile. With his free hand an inch from her face, he began to air trace the silhouette of her face; starting from her forehead to her thin brows to her eyes. His finger stopped in thin air as he looked at her straight nose bridge. Has she always looked this lovely, he once again asked.

Something about her made his heart flutter. And soon enough his eyes went to her lips. Full…kissable…and tempting.

The bottom of her lips met with the scorching hot touch of his thumb. His thumb teasing her kissable lips as it lightly brushed from left to right. She was captivating and his eyes had fallen prey.

Before he knew it, his upper body was already bending down to hers. His lips meeting hers.

A hot wave of static heat rushed through her body. In that moment, her body became weak and powerless against his touch.

But he didn't stop at just a light touch between their lips. He wanted to be bolder. Wanted much more. Pressing harder every second, only stopping when he was afraid he would wake her. The burning sensation between his and her lips set something in him on fire.

He stopped.

Putting some distance between them, he bit his bottom lips. [Damn it! What has gotten into me?] He scolded himself.

Pei Nan set the towel down and left before he did something he would regret.

The door closed and her eyes widened.

Pan Yu Mei slowly lifted her finger to her lips; her finger stroking her bottom lip, where his thumb once was. [Oh my goddddd! Did his highness just kiss me?] Her body shook with anxiety. He was either in love with her or just a lustful pervert, she figured. Neither one sounded too good in her opinion.

Not being able to take this no more, she hurriedly went to change. After telling the waiter to let Pei Nan know she went out for a bit if he asked, she stepped out.

It was two hours before afternoon. This meant she had plenty of time to play by herself. Or at least have some time away from him. Her first stop was to have breakfast. After that, she happily skipped from shop to shop, looking at all the goods.

When she stopped at a jewelry shop, she saw a white jade ring that reminded her of the one his highness had given her. Then she looked at her naked finger and a sulky frown appeared on her face. She remembered his words when he proposed to her. "Promise of a new life my butt. Hmph!" She quickly turned away from the shop displeased.

An hour had gone by and she suddenly felt this creepy vibe that someone was following her. She made a sudden stop and turned in all directions.

No one but busy shoppers along the streets.

Even if no one was following her, she still had that feeling as if someone had been stalking her.

She turned back and her heart almost stopped.

"You scared me." She complained while putting a hand to her heart. Then she turned her head to the left and rolled her eye. How did he find her so fast? She gnashed her teeth together.

"Did something happen? You look alarmed." He took a step closer to her.

"Who else could it have been but you!" She was quick to blame him. But he wasn't hurt or offended. So why did he frown?

"I didn't mean to. Did I scare you bad?"

Instead of answering his question, she switched the subject. "Your highness, may I ask what you are doing here?" She tried not to sound too disappointed that he found her. And knowing Pei Nan, he didn't hear a single ounce of irony in her voice.

"Why else? I'm your permanent escort. Your master did not leave me in charge for no reason." He once again reminded her. Knowing that he wasn't going to leave her any time soon, she let him be. As long as she didn't have to look at him, she wouldn't be reminded of her dream or the kiss they had just shared.

As if they were master and servant, Pei Nan stayed a step behind. Not by choice, but because she demanded he not walk next to her.

Only twenty minutes had passed and she was already fed up. Not with him but the passing ladies. Yes, she knew he was handsome but did every maiden have to be so thirsty and stare at him as if he was the last man on earth?

Three young ladies walking side by side made no attempt to hide their flirtatious eyes from Pei Nan. As Yu Mei passed them, she squint her eyes and clenched her jaw. Could they stop looking at him already, she thought.

That was it, she was going to make a stop at the next shop and buy him a mask. But before then, she needed to vent her frustration.

She turned back.

Before she could get a single word out, she saw a scene that truly displeased her. His highness had just picked up the pink handkerchief on the ground and handed it to the young woman in the middle. The woman shyly smiled and thanked him. And he…he returned the smile.

She couldn't believe it. He was openly flirting with another woman.

With her hands on her hips, she breathed up and down heavily. "You rogue." She mumbled under her breath before stomping away.