
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Soft Peck

Yu Mei sensed something was off the moment she returned. There were many maids lined outside of her room.

"Greetings to Consort Pan," they all simultaneously greeted.

"What's going on?" she asked one of the maids next to her door.

"His highness has instructed us to take care of you from now on." She replied.

"Take care of me?" Yu Mei scratched her head. "Forget it. It's late, go rest." she shooed them all away.

What was Pei Nan thinking? She would have to ask him in the morning. Her head was about to explode just thinking about the empress. She would have to see the empress for the next few days. The empress had really tired out the stubborn Yu Mei physically and mentally today. If it wasn't for Gu Shao coming to her aid, she would never had escaped. Yu Mei was set on thanking him the next time she saw him. Just the thought of him drinking her tea made her happy. Her first ever tea was actually complimented.

Yu Mei happily walked into her room. She did not expect to have a guest. She only assumed he sent maids over to her palace for her convenience but to be here unannounced...strange. On her bed was a fierce looking Pei Nan sitting on the edge like a statue.

Chu'mei walked over. "Xiaojie, his highness is…"

"Chu'mei, leave us." Pei Nan commanded.

Chu'mei gave her lady a half mischievous, half worried gaze before leaving the room.

Seeing that Yu Mei was just standing there dumbfounded, Pei Nan got annoyed. "Come over," he beckoned with his hand.

Yu Mei bit her lips nervously. Seeing him in front of her, the memories started flooding like a storm in her head. She could still remember his arms wrapped around her on that rainy night. And sitting closely on the horse together. Her little heart was jumping irregularly.

Pei Nan looked up fiercely. He pat the seat next to him a few times. "Pan Yu Mei, if you don't come over, I'll have to come over to you." There was a hint of warning in his voice.

Yu Mei unwillingly walked over. She stood in front of him. "Your highness, what are you doing here so lat…" *AH* a short sound came out of Yu Mei's mouth. Before she knew it, she was already sitting on his lap. Pei Nan had his arm tightly wrapped around her tiny waist. His once fierce gaze turned affectionate the moment he met her eyes. She had a look of a tiny rabbit in the hands of the wolf. Defenseless.

Yu Mei struggled to get up. "Your highness, this isn't proper."

"Shh…let me rest for a few minutes." He leaned his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Yu Mei titled her face down to look at him. Even if he didn't say it, the light bags under his eyes told her that he was tired. With the recent issues going on in court, she knew he must have exhausted himself. How could she have forgotten. He had so much going on yet he had to look for her all night. Thinking about how much she put him through, she felt a bit of pity for him.

Her hand reached to touch his cheeks. He didn't complain when the coldness of her hand touched his cheeks.

It was almost dark when Pei Nan woke up. His few minutes had actually turned into an hour. He lifted his head up. Yu Mei was still sitting on his lap. Only this time, her head was lightly leaned on top of his. She had her arms wrapped around his neck as she snuggly napped along with him. Pei Nan couldn't believe it. Instead of waking him up, she fell asleep next to him.

Pei Nan scooped her up and placed her onto the bed slowly, afraid to wake her up. His legs were killing him but he didn't complain once. His pain disappeared the more he looked at the peaceful sleeping Yu Mei. After tucking her in, his palm gradually went up to touch her cheek. His lips curved into a small smile of disbelief. "Pan Yu Mei, how did I fall for such a troublesome girl?" he sighed.

His body slowly leaned towards her and then stopped midway. A gaze full of affection. He was a man after all. How could he resist from looking at her lips. His thoughts were filled with devouring her lush lips.

*smacks lips* "Come back my chicken drumstick." Yu Mei muttered in her sleep.

Pei Nan's face instantly darkened.

"Pan Yu Mei, is your brain only filled with food?" His jealousy kicked in fast. Before he knew it, his body had moved on its own. His face had already come VERY close to hers. One slow movement later and his lips move in. It naturally fit perfectly with hers. A light peck.

Pei Nan regretted his decision. That small peck on her lips was a tease. Even when she was sleeping, she could tease him. It was not enough to satisfy him. He parted his lips and gazed at them again with longing. Another kiss. His lips forcefully devoured hers in these few seconds. At this rate, he would wake her up.

He only stopped when Yu Mei's brows crinkled. His unwilling lips parted from hers. "You gluttonous girl. Dream of me tonight." Were his last words before leaving.