
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

First Morning With Her

Pei Nan stretched his arm out to see if last night really happened or not. His arm hit thin air. She wasn't here. He had woken up to an empty bed.

He really couldn't have dreamed it, right? His eyes opened.

He was indeed in her room. But where was she? Pei Nan did not mean to sleep over. He only had the intentions of seeing her the moment he was allowed to leave the Grand Palace. Who knew she would not disagree with him staying the night.

He sat up and swept his feet to the ground. He was about to stand up and find her when his body stopped.

A sudden flutter ran through his body. His wife...the sight of her made his whole body shiver. She was sitting on the bench across the room, staring into a mirror as she combed her long silk hair. For a moment he just sat there, watching her comb her hair over and over again. What a wonderful morning, he thought.

Yu Mei was busy combing her hair that she didn't notice Pei Nan walk up to her. Usually Chu'mei would comb her hair but today she didn't call upon her. It was all because of Pei Nan that she had to comb her own hair. If he wasn't here, she wouldn't have had any worries upon calling for Chu'mei. If Chu'mei found out that he spent the night, Yu Mei would never hear the end of it. But then again, they didn't do anything but sleep next to each other. So why should she care? That thought played in her head countless times yet she couldn't bring herself to call for Chu'mei.

She lifted her hand and ran the comb through her hair once more. A cold shiver ran through her veins when a large yet warm hand covered the top of hers. His hand was much bigger than hers, he was able to hold her entire hand within his. She didn't need to look up to tell the rough and calloused hand was her husband's. What she didn't expect was to tense up. Her hand grip the comb tightly.

"Your highness, what are you doing?" she asked delicately.

"Let me help comb your hair." He didn't give her a chance before taking the comb from her hand. Yu Mei wanted to turn and protest but he was quicker than she. As if he could read her thoughts, he placed his free hand on her shoulder and held her from turning. "If you refuse, we can always do something else." His flirtatious voice came out once again.

[Other things? Shameless!] Yu Mei pouted her lips as she stared back at the copper mirror. She secretly looked at him in the mirror.

Pei Nan slowly ran his fingers through her long silk hair. The touch felt nice. Does every woman look so delicate and appealing with their hair down? He thought. He answered that question for himself. Not every woman, just this woman. He has seen Fei Ning like this countless times but this was the first time he's felt so mesmerized.

He brought the comb to the top of her head and gently combed her hair, stroke after strokes. While he was enjoying this moment, Yu Mei was feeling rather awkward. Her whole body was still tense. The uneasiness had not diminished ever since he grabbed her hand.

"This is the first time in my life that I've ever combed a woman's hair." He suddenly admitted.

She didn't say anything. One, she didn't know how to react. Two, she doubted his honesty. With so many consorts, she refused to believe he's never done so.

"To be exact, I've had many first times with you." He continued to speak in a friendly tone.

Yu Mei watched his expression in the mirror. She could have sworn she saw his lips curve into a smile. Could her eyes be playing tricks on her?

"Your highness must be joking. What has your highness not done before? You are the high and might prince, what is there you have not done? I don't believe it." She curiously asked with both arms crossed. She was ready to hear these so called "first" times.

"True. There are hundreds and thousands of things I've done before but you…when I think about all the things I experienced with you for the first time in my life…" he paused. "I still can't believe I did them."

Her mouth opened in shock. Was he saying the things he experienced with her were unpleasant?

"Close your mouth before a fly enters." He teased. Yu Mei immediately closed her mouth without realizing she had done as he asked.

"Let's see…" he pretended to think. "I've experienced the pain of being kicked, head-butted…not to mention the first time to kneel in front of someone. Oh..." he stretched out the "oh" as if remembering some important details. "Neither have I ever begged for forgiveness nor chased a naughty somebody before." His short list was composed in a matter of less than a minute.

Yu Mei slammed her hand on the drawer and angrily turned to face him. "You're just speaking rubbish to pick a fight with me, isn't that right?" she confronted him. First times were supposed to be things like flying a kite, riding a horse or kissing. What was this nonsense he was speaking of? He was obviously pointing out her flaws.

Pei Nan leaned forward and gently placed both his hands on the drawer, cutting all escape routes for her. "What if I am? What are you going to do?" he teased.

Of course he would not tell her the many first times he's had with her. To be exact, they were mostly feelings he never knew he had. Like the feelings of anxiousness, worry, panic, excitement and jealousy. As the future emperor, he was taught to only think about himself. Everything he did must benefit him and solely him. To show emotions was the same as letting the enemy get a hold on him. If he showed too much interest in someone, that person would sooner or later be put at risk. He didn't know just how many enemies were lying in wait, ready to find his weak spot. The only person he needed to worry about was himself.

Yu Mei lost all her senses the moment her eyes met his. What was wrong with her? She thought. The usual her would speak back and fight him. So why was she like this? Finding an answer was hard when she kept losing her thoughts in his deep dark gaze. Damn he was handsome. She admitted.


Both Yu Mei and Pei Nan felt their body jump from the sudden silver tray dropping onto the floor. "I didn't see anything." Chu'mei covered her face with both hands and ran out of the room.

Pei Nan quickly stepped away from her. He cleared his throat. "It is getting late. I'll be waiting outside for you. Get dressed quickly." Without another word, he left for the door.

When Chu'mei saw Pei Nan come out, she immediately apologized. "Your highness, I really didn't see anything. I apologize for interrupting."

"Go help her get ready." He said. Seeing that he wasn't mad, Chu'mei went to assist her lady, leaving Pei Nan to wait. He almost lost himself just before Chu'mei interrupted.

When Yu Mei and Pei Nan came to the main hall side by side, speculations were already forming in everyone's mind. Some assumed they had coincidentally met up on the way to the hall and some assumed he was at her Southern Palace. Fei Ning could tell by the awkward yet friendly expression on both their faces...he had returned last night unannounced. She wasn't the only one to read that much, Gu Shao who was sitting next to his mother was thinking the same. The one thing they had in common was denial. The two did not want to admit the fact that Pei Nan spent the night at Yu Mei's.

After sitting down, Fei Ning was the first to speak up. "Your highness must be tired from the ride back this morning. Have some tea." Fei Ning poured him a cup. As long as he denied he was at the Southern Palace, she would believe it. This would be a blow to Yu Mei's face. It would mean he was embarrassed to announce he had spent time with Yu Mei.

He thanked her. "I am feeling quite refreshed." He admitted. "I apologize for not informing that I returned last night. It was so late at night and I did not want to bother everyone." He admitted.

This comment only irritated Fei Ning even more. He didn't deny nor admit he was with Yu Mei. Fei Ning tried her hardest not to get up and rip Yu Mei into shreds.

After the meal, Pei Nan stayed back to talk to his mother. Fei Ning and Ming Yan headed back without conversing with Ji Er or Yu Mei once they were outside. Just looking at Yu Mei made Fei Ning want to throw up.

While returning to her own place with Chu'mei and a few maids, Yu Mei felt as if someone was following them. It didn't take long afterwards to figure out who it was. He had made it quite obvious that he was following her.

After ordering everyone to leave, she headed to her garden.

She was right.

In front of her appeared Prince Shao. He wore an expression she had never seen before. Nothing like the playful and carefree prince she knew. Why did he have to look so stern? He was starting to resemble the grumpy Pei Nan.

Gu Shao walked towards her until he was within arm's reach. "Brother Shao, is something the mat…" Before she could finish, she was pulled into his embrace. His arms wrapped themselves around hers tightly. "Prince Shao! What are you doing?" She raised her voice. She rarely referred to him by his title. She was truly disturbed.

Her struggles only made him hold her tighter. "Yu Mei." he tenderly called her name. "Give me just a few minutes like this."

Her hands dropped to her sides. What in the world was going on?

Those of you who read the spoilers will realize that the events have been changed quite a bit. Same idea but slightly different scenes to add excitement, lol.

I realized I did not have enough Yu Mei and Pei Nan bonding time. Will do that in the next few chapters. But before that, Prince Shao's confession next chapter ^_________^

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