
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Finding an Alliance

That whole night, Yu Mei couldn't sleep a wink. The thought of accompanying Pei Nan was too much for her. She could barely stand him for more than 5 minutes, how could she survive at the minimum 2 hours.

The heavens looked down on her once again. She had just fallen asleep for an hour or two and the sun was already up. Chu'mei had been trying to get her up for the last 30 minutes. All she got was a mumbling and moving octopus Yu Mei. Every time she made an attempt, Yu Mei would flail her arms and kick her legs like a spoiled child. Chu'mei didn't know what to do? Her lady usually woke up early every morning but ever since the incident; she has been waking up later and later. They had an hour before Prince Mu Yan and Princess Mu Yi arrived, how was she supposed to reply to Prince Nan if he rushed over here. Chu'mei never thought her life could be anymore stressful than this.

Luckily Yu Mei had a shred of compassion for Chu'mei. Her eyes finally opened, "Xiaojie, how can you sleep so late? Don't you know how much trouble we will be in if we are late?" Yu Mei pointed her finger at Chu'mei and glared her down. "Chu'mei, if you continue to speak nonsense, I will not get up. We'll both die together," Yu Mei turned away annoyed. It's true that Yu Mei hated when Chu'mei corrected her but to tease this little innocent maid of hers was just as fun.

"Xiaojie," Chu'mei reached forward, tugging her sleeves. "I won't speak anymore, but can you come get dressed. Prince Mu Yan and Princess Mu Yi are important people, we can't afford to miss this meeting,"

It seems that worked, Yu Mei forced herself to get out of bed. After lazily brushing her teeth and washing her face, she walked over to get dressed. Her eyes were set on the wooden tray in front of her. A silk outfit was neatly folded, placed inside the tray. Anyone woman would be happy to see such a bright and beautiful outfit in front of them but not Yu Mei. She was filled with doubts; this was clearly not one of her own. "Who brought this?" Yu Mei unraveled the gown, letting it unfold itself, showing all it's remarkable craftsmanship. A bright pink tunic with lotus patterns on the hems, made with gold thread. Just looking at it, Yu Mei knew it was very expensive but she didn't like it. Didn't like these frilly and over the top outfits. She tossed it back on the tray unsatisfied, "Chu'mei, I'm going to wear my own dress,"

"Huh? Xiaojie, do you know that this was sent by Prince Nan?"

"I don't care, I don't like it. If he wants it, he can wear it then," She burst out, just picturing the annoying Pei Nan in a dress. It cracked her up.

After picking out her own outfit from her wardrobe, she lazily sat in front of the make-up desk, staring at herself in the bronze mirror while Chu'mei fixed her hair. She stared at her own reflection for a long time. This was the first time she had really looked at this face of hers. Not a beauty, she had to admit but at least she had cute features. She had a thin figure but a chubby face. She had not lost her baby fat yet, but luckily her features matched her oval face. Bright and round eyes, a small arched nose bridge and plump rosy lips.

As Yu Mei watched Chu'mei fix her hair, she had to admit, Chu'mei had god given hands when it came to hair. Within minutes, her long silk hair had already been twisted and put into a perfect bun. Yu Mei's bangs were at the perfect length too. Barely covering her eyebrows, just enough to compliment her face, giving her a much more mature look. "Xiaojie, what are you thinking of? Prince Shao?" a very mischievous Chu'mei finally asked. She had wanted to ask Yu Mei about her "date" with Prince Shao last night but was too startled by Prince Nan that she forgot. But today, it was a different story. She felt refreshed, so why not ask. "I'm not seeing him anymore," she casually said.

"WHY?" blurted Chu'mei. She had just started shipping her lady with Prince Shao but it was already over?


"Is it because of Prince Nan? Now that I think about it, he has been coming over to your place more often than usual. And he even sent you a dress, don't tell me you…" she pointed her finger at Yu Mei as if she discovered a hidden secret.

"Stop it, there is nothing going on between Petty Nan and me,"

What surprised Yu Mei more than the dress was the extravagant sedan sitting outside by the gate entrance. Four maids were standing outside of her door, waiting. When Yu Mei stepped out of her room, she was shocked. The four maids were very polite to her as they greeted her. "You are?" she asked.

"Greetings to Consort Pan, Prince Nan asked us to escort you to his palace. If you need any assistance, we are here," the tallest maid named Shan Sha replied. Yu Mei didn't need them, why was Pei Nan being so extra? It was not like him.

She entered the sedan and set off.

[Princess Mu Yi? Why does that name sound so familiar] now that Pan Yu Mei had a second to stop and think, she realized just how familiar that name sounded.

It clicked. Princess Mu Yi of the neighboring state of An. If Yu Mei remembered, when she was still in her original body, Ju Ming, she recalled the marriage between Princess Mu Yi and Prince Shao. Yu Mei thought about it for a moment longer. From her memories, Mu Yi married Gu Shao early in the next year, a few months after the death of the original Consort Pan.

They arrived. Yu Mei stepped out of the sedan and walked to the main hall where the guests were already seated. She was late. The first person to see her was Pei Nan. He frowned. Not because she was late but because of what she was wearing. Yu Mei was in a simple blue tunic instead of the one he gave her. She could feel his stare on her, that intimidating look of his. [Ignore him] Her eyes never went his direction once.

The minute she reached the table, she greeted everyone, especially focusing her eyes on Princess Mu Yi. She was right; this was the princess that married Prince Shao. "Consort Pan greets Prince Mu Yan and Princess Mu Yi," her voice was surprisingly pleasant.

"Greetings to Consort Pan," they both simultaneously said. Yu Mei wanted to take the seat next to Mu Yi. "Ahem" that stupid cough of Pei Nan had a different opinion thought. She took a deep breath before sitting next to Pei Nan. Her seat was directly across Mu Yan. Yu Mei had to admit, he was handsome, too handsome. His skin was bronze, most likely from the sun which meant he was an outdoor man. Not to mention, his masculine body. No matter how many layers of clothes he wore, she could tell just how muscular his body was. Were all men born in the royal family always this good looking? Yu Mei thought it was unfair, really too unfair.

"What took you so long?" Pei Nan whispered to her.

"Woke up late," her blunt answer turned Pei Nan's face bitter. Didn't she know how to lie?

Not long later, the four of them walked outside to Pei Nan's newly built pagoda, placed in the far east of his palace. The view of the mountains could be seen from there. They all sat there as the dishes were served. None of their personal maids were there, only the four of them and the servants serving the food. After the food was served, everyone left under Pei Nan's orders.

For the first time, Yu Mei was thankful for coming. The foods on the table were more extravagant than the last meal she had. She could hear her stomach crying out. *Growl* her stomach complained loudly. Yu Mei held her tummy and let out a soft giggle. "Excuse my tummy, I am just too hungry," she cutely said, looking at Mu Yan and Mu Yi. They both let out a delightful laughter, "Come, let's dig in then?" Mu Yan spoke, reaching for his chopstick. He picked up a piece of grilled fish, ready to put it in Yu Mei's dish. Pei Nan could see his intentions; he was not going to let another man give his wife food. He reacted a second faster than Mu Yan. His chopstick grabbed the closest dish and placed it in Yu Mei's dish. Mu Yan smiled and retracted his chopstick, bringing the fish to his own dish.

A fierce gaze was given to Pei Nan. Yu Mei was angered. Pei Nan didn't look at her. [Spinach? PEI NAN! I'm not a rabbit, there are so many dishes, why did you only give me vegetables]

"Eat up," he pointed his chopstick at her dish, not daring to look at her even now. He knew how stupid his action was.

"How is the food?" Yu Mei eagerly asked Mu Yan and Mu Yi.

"It's very good, the flavors are very different from our state of An's," Mu Yi replied.

"Really? I've never been to An, what is the food there like?" Whenever someone talked about food, Yu Mei couldn't help but get worked up. She had traveled with her master for such a long time but never to An. The curiosity was there.

"Our spices are the best. If you and Prince Nan ever visit, I will show you both around,"

"Really?" Yu Mei's eyes sparkled.

"Yes, do come. Our An state welcomes you anytime," Mu Yan added.

"Consort Pan and I are quite busy right now. I'm afraid it won't be until the following year or so," Pei Nan immediately cut off all her hopes. Yu Mei rolled her eyes at him before dropping the subject. It's not like she was going to go with him, she would be leaving in a few months' time anyways. Who says she can't go by herself.

Pei Nan and Mu Yan were talking about government matters so Yu Mei didn't talk. She was very uninterested and so was Mu Yi. Pei Nan didn't forget to pay attention to Yu Mei though, putting food on her plate once in a while like a good husband. After a few times, Yu Mei caught Mu Yi looking at Pei Nan's caring actions toward her. Yu Mei wanted to test if her guess was right. "Darling, you have food on your lips. Let me wipe it," in a very teasing voice, Yu Mei pulled out her handkerchief. The womanly action of hers when she placed her finger on his lip caused him to feel a shock go through his entire body. Her actions...did she not know how it made a man feel. He felt his whole body freeze on the spot. To stop himself from feeling anything else, he reached for her wrist. Yu Mei looked up surprised. "I can do it myself,"

"But it's my job to take care of you darling," a mischievous smile appeared on her lips. Yu Mei moved her hand away, setting the handkerchief on the table. She was right; Mu Yi had feelings for Pei Nan. A woman's intuition was never wrong.

Pei Nan was caught off guard once more when Yu Mei grabbed his arm with both of her tiny hands. "Darling," she looked up at him as if they were a loving couple. "En,"

"I'm bored; I'm going to take Princess Mu Yi to look at our residence, okay?" She wasn't asking him but telling him. Even if he refused, she would still go. Yu Mei immediately stood up, grabbed Mu Yi's hands as if they were friends, dragging her away from the two men. Mu Yan couldn't help but laugh. "Consort Pan is quite the character,"

"She sure is,"

In the distance, anyone would think that Yu Mei and Mu Yi were best friends. Yu Mei had her arm limked around Mu YI's, walking hand in hand along the flower path. Yu Mei had one intention, make Mu Yi here sister. If Mu Yi could marry Pei Nan, she would have someone to talk to, most importantly, an ally. Or course it wasn't just for her own selfishness but was also for Prince Shao's own good. What good is it to marry a woman who doesn't love you? How lonely would that life be. She would know, that was her life.

"You really care for Prince Nan, I can see it," Mu Yi changed the topic.

"En, he's very good to me. He always makes sure I'm fed and happy," Yu Mei lied. All she remembered him doing was blaming her and scolding. She lied through her teeth. This was how badly she wanted Mu Yi to marry Pei Nan. "Pei Nan is a very good man. He's very romantic too," she spoke these words, thinking back to last night when she kicked him and almost lost her life. Mu Yi let out a lovely smile. "He is, isn't he," she misspoke.

"Sister Mu Yi, don't tell me you like Pei Nan?" Mu Yi immediately denied it. Yu Mei held onto her hand, reassuring her. "To be honest, Pei Nan is a man. It is natural for him to have more than one wife. I can see the way he looks at you. If you marry him, it would be a blessing for all of us. I would have a sister to talk to and he would have a romantic companion,"


"No buts, I will even help you. I will talk to Pei Nan and try to convince him," Mu Yi blushed shyly. "I must thank Consort Pan then,"

"Aiya, call me Sister Yu Mei. We will be related in the future anyways," Yu Mei didn't believe she couldn't change Pei Nan's mind.