
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Failed Plans

It was so dark outside, it was hard to see anything, but if someone looked close enough, they would have seen two figures approaching in a weird walk...one in black, and the other in white. They were none other than Yu Mei and Chu'mei. Yu Mei was in front on her tip toes, hands up in a 90 degree angle acting sneaky. Even though she was trying to act sneaky, she looked more like a crazy thief in the night. Chu'mei didn't do as her lady; she acted like a perfectly normal human being going into action.

The inner courtyard of the Northern Palace was dead silent…too silent. Yu Mei turned to Chu'mei and gave her a thumb up. "Good job," Yu Mei was quite proud of Chu'mei. Chu'mei was in charge of polluting the inner court with a sleeping powder she created. No matter how loud Consort Ning screamed, they would not be able to hear it. Of course, she only drugged the inner court. If she did the whole Northern Palace, it would be too risky, especially if Pei Nan made a sudden appearance.

At last they arrived at their destination, Chu'mei closed the gate. Yu Mei stood up straight and clapped her hands once more for Chu'mei. Chu'mei blushed shyly, this was the first time her lady has ever sincerely complimented her. Yu Mei couldn't wait any longer to take revenge on Consort Ning. She dashed forward to Consort Ning's room, poked a hole in the wall paper and peeked in. Consort Ning was passed out on the bed with her two maids leaning on the wall...also passed out. *Hehehe* Yu Mei let out a sadistic laugh before opening the door. *Creakkkkk* She walked over to Consort Ning and took a good look at the woman sleeping in front. She was a beauty…even Yu Mei had to admit it. Consort Ning's beauty surpassed Yu Mei's by tens fold. Her skin was much fairer, her long lashes, pointed nose and plump red lips where the highlights of her face. It was no wonder Pei Nan didn't look at anyone but this woman.

Chu'mei saw the crazy look in her lady's eyes as she looked at Consort Ning. The innocent and sometimes muddle headed Chu'mei's first thought was, [Was her lady going to kill Consort Ning?] Yu Mei was staring at Consort Ning with admiration for her beauty but in Chu'mei's view, her sweet smile looked sadistic. It was like the look a killer gave when deciding how to kill their victum. Chu'mei's whole body shivered at the thought. *Poke* Chu'mei used her finger to lightly jab Yu Mei's arm a few times. "Xiaojie, you're not thinking about killing her, are you?" Without warning, Chu'mei got shocked once more when Yu Mei made a sudden turn. No matter how many times she saw the horrifying Yu Mei, her heart could not get used to the bizarre makeover. "Why would I kill her? I can't go to prison yet," Yu Mei knocked Chu'mei's head once, wondering what was in that silly head of hers. Who says she was killing someone. Chu'mei pouted her lips and rubbed her head a few times.

If Chu'mei wasn't shocked enough, she witnessed her lady pull out a small white packet from her sleeves. She opened her mouth in horror, how could her missy lie to her. [Poison] the girl gasped in horror. She watched as Yu Mei opened the packet, leaning closer and closer to Consort Ning's mouth. She grabbed Yu Mei's hand. "Aiya, what is wrong with you?" an annoyed Yu Mei looked back at her.

"Xiaojie, are we really poisoning her?" Chu'mei didn't mind the thought of poison. She never liked Consort Ning to begin with. Once again, Yu Mei knocked her head. "What is in that head of yours? I'm not killing anyone, watch carefully," Yu Mei roughly pinched Consort Ning's chin and propped her mouth open. She poured the content into Consort Ning's mouth and shut it. Yu Mei put the packet back in her sleeves and glared at Chu'mei. "Watch, she will wake up in a moment. This powder is good to combat against sleeping powder. How do you expect me to scare her if she is still asleep? Go stand in the corner and do as planned,"

"Mm…" Chu'mei nodded and ran to a corner and pulled out a small bronze gong. Yu Mei quickly fixed her hair, splitting it in the center, covering half her face. She was the splitting image of a ghost. All she needed now was for Consort Ning to wake up. Yu Mei stood next to the bed, bent forward at a 90 degree angle, putting her face right next to Consort Ning's. Her hair was slightly rubbing on Consort Ning's cheeks. WIth wide opened eyes and ger mouth in a weird circle shape, she looked straight at Consort Ning. A minute later…no reaction…Yu Mei frowned. Why wasn't she awake? She waited another minute…still nothing. Yu Mei darted her eyes at Chu'mei. "How much sleeping powder did you throw in this room?" Chu'mei gave her an innocent look. "The whole bottle," she quietly said. [The whole bottle?] Yu Mei's eyes widened in fear. "Didn't I say to only add a fourth, why did you use up the whole bottle?"

"I couldn't remember how much, I'm sorry," Chu'mei started to panic. Yu Mei ignored her and turned towards Consort Ning. [No good, I might really become a murderer if she doesn't wake up. What to do…what to do…] she fidgeted with her fingers for a few seconds. "I have no choice but to wake you up," She took a seat on the edge of the bed. *Slap* *Slap* *Slap* three slaps later to Consort Ning's face...she still didn't wake up. [Shit, not good. Petty Nan will want my head if he finds out I killed his favorite Consort] "Chu'mei, you messed up. What will we do if she doesn't wake up," Yu Mei was busy scolding the tearful Chu'mei. How did her plans go so wrong? This was a fail. *Scream* "Ahhh~ GHOST!" Consort Ning suddenly let out a high screech. She looked around the room, it was a dark forest. The hallucination powder had taken effect. "Where am I? Why am I in the forest? And you…are you…a…ghost?" Consort Ning could only see the back of Yu Mei but it was enough to frighten her. *Howl* Chu'mei made animal noises in the far distance. Yu Mei turned slowly, facing Consort Ning. "Fei Ning~ Why did you push me to my death…wuwuwu," Yu Mei spoke in a shaking and ghostly tone. She slowly came closer to an afraid Consort Ning. Consort Ning backed up until her back hit the wall. "Who are you and why are you doing this?" Consort Ning covered her ears. "Why did you push me…why!" once again in her ghost voice. In the back, Chu'mei continued to make howling noises and wind. "I only hired someone to push you, I didn't do it. You must believe me Consort Pan," Consort Ning pleaded. Her eyes never met Yu Mei's. Somehow she got off the bed and dashed towards the door. Yu Mei followed behind her. "HELP! Someone help me," Consort Ning kept calling but no one came to her rescue. As she reached for the door, her foot was grabbed. "Scream* Yu Mei had to make a far leap to catch Consort Ning. She landed on her stomach due to the leap. That scene of her on the ground to the hallucinating Consort Ning was terrifying. To Consort Ning, everything was a blur except for Yu Mei who was pale as a ghost with blood dripping from her lips, crawling over to her. Yu Mei quickly signaled Chu'mei and she rang the gong loudly twice. "It's midnight, I can't reincarnate unless I take you with me," Yu Mei spoke in a low creepy voice.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to kill you. It wasn't intentional, I only wanted to bully you," Consort Ning got on her knees, placed her hands together and rubbed them. "I kowtow to you, please don't kill me," Pan Yu Mei let go of her leg and crawled closer to her, as soon as she placed her hand on Consort Ning's shoulder, the woman passed out. *Thump* Consort Ning fell onto the ground, blacked out. *kekeke* Yu Mei couldn't keep her laughter in when she saw the pale Consort Ning on the ground. [Serves you right] Yu Mei unintentionally punched her in the arm once. When she realized it, she felt bad at first…but then she thought of the original Pan Yu Mei. Her fist hit Consort Ning a few more times. "This is for Pan Yu Mei," Chu'mei had to stop her from punching Consort Ning. "Xiaojie, that's enough. We should go before someone catches us,"

"You deserve it," Yu Mei scolded the unconscious Consort Ning before getting up and leaving the Northern Palace.