
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

Do You Love Her?

That same night he went over to his mother's place and requested something of her.

Next morning, Pei Nan was up bright and early. He was sitting on top of a tall tree not too far from Yu Mei's Southern Palace. He had been looking towards the main gate for a good half hour now. Shouldn't his mother have already called her already?

Finally after what seemed like eternity,Yu Mei was seen leaving her palace. He made a move.

Pei Nan barged into her room and started to search immediately. He did a thorough search from one corner to another, not missing even one drawer. Everything was clean and tidy. No sight of what he was looking for.

Couple of minutes went by. Pei Nan walked over to the closet, going through all her clothes. At the very bottom of the closet, pushed to the far back was a medium size chest. Pei Nan picked it up and set it on the table. He didn't know why his heart was panicking more intensely as every second passed. It was fear. Fear of confirming his doubts.

In that chest was a dark purple robe, the same one from the restaurant yesterday. This confirmed that she was the youth with Gu Shao.

Wrapped in a pink handkerchief was also the pendant Gu Shao described. The crack was indeed on it.

One hand tightly gripped onto the robe, creating wrinkles in it. *Hehe* he chuckled like a madman. "Pan Yu Mei…Xu Ren (her male name)…" He had been fooled. Did Gu Shao play him when he asked Pei Nan to find this Brother Xu of his?

His chuckle became sinister and crazy. "Pan Yu Mei! Gu Shao! Have you been playing me a fool this whole time? To have an affair right under my nose?"

He stormed out.


Gu Shao was practicing his sword skills in the practice space outside his room.

*Shiiiiing* Gu Shao's sword collided with another sword. He had successfully blocked the sharp sword held by Pei Nan. Gu Shao didn't know why he didn't sense Pei Nan's presence until a few seconds ago. The two made eye contact. Nothing friendly about it.

Their swords crossed, making an "X". Pei Nan was filled with killing intent.

"It's been a while since we've practiced like the old days. Shall we?" Pei Nan twirled the sword in his hand around the tip of Shao's sword. His blade then headed towards Gu Shao's shoulder.

Gu Shao dodged it.

The two of them were going at it. The crisp sound of metal clashing over and over again could be heard from a far distance. Both men were fighting vigorously. No one wanted to defend. Instead they both attacked, neither willing to back up.

*Swish* The side of Shao's blade was near Pei Nan's neck. Pei Nan did not lose out to Gu Shao either, he too had his blade pointed at the neck. This was not a friendly practice like Pei Nan insisted earlier. It was a feud.

Still with the sword at each other's neck, Pei Nan was the first to speak. "Stay away from Consort Pan." Pei Nan warned. This line was enough for Gu Shao to confirm that Pei Nan found out. It took him long enough. If he wasn't going to protect Yu Mei, then he needed to know what it felt to lose her.

"What if I refuse?" He started to provoke Pei Nan. No matter what, he would not give up on Pan Yu Mei.

"What? Refuse? Did you forget that she is my wife? You're sister-in-law. As her brother-in-law, why are you confusing her with this fake love of yours? I won't allow you to hurt her." Pei Nan was determined to stop Gu Shao from making another advancement.

Gu Shao mockingly laughed at him. "Don't you think you are being too hypocritical? Do you hear yourself? You're wife? Have you ever considered her feelings? Have you seen her worth? Have you ever cared about her once?" Gu Shao looked at him with spite and disappointment. "You don't know anything about her. You are not qualified to choose her life for her. If it wasn't for you, do you think she would be this unhappy?"

"You…don't tell me you have feelings for her?"

Gu Shao's silence was enough to confirm.

"Do you love her?" Pei Nan calmly asked.

"I won't deny it. I love her and do not regret my decision." Gu Shao said it was dignity. He never once regretted loving her. Only thing he regretted was not being able to protect her.

"Do you know that it is not proper for you to confess your love to a married woman?" Pei Nan reminded him.

"Yes, I know it is improper but how can I watch the woman I love life in misery. As long as she is willing to, I will go through heaven and hell with her."

"It's impossible! You are clearly infatuated with Consort Ning. How can you just have a change of heart after meeting Yu Mei a few times? I won't believe it."

"I admit I was infatuated with Consort Ning but that love was shallow. Yu Mei…" Before he could finish, Pei Nan tossed his sword onto the ground. He just now remembered how happy she looked in front of Gu Shao yesterday. If he let Gu Shao finish his words, he was afraid he might really kill Gu Shao.

"I won't allow her to have feelings for you ever again. I'm going to win her back."

Pei Nan waved his sleeves and left.

Whoops~ Cat's out of the bag!

90+ chapters, lol ^________^

Have a nice night. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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