
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · History
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135 Chs

A Promise For Eternity

A strange feeling carried over her. She was moved. Yu Mei didn't believe it at first but no matter how much she wanted to deny it, she knew she couldn't. She was really moved by his words.

She bent her arms towards him and found his hands. The warmth of her palms replaced the coldness exuding from his. "True, the future is unpredictable. Whether the heavens want to play a cruel joke on us in the future or not, I can tell you that you've already given me more than enough fond memories." She told him. Trying to ease the uneasiness in his mind.

He took a deep sigh.

His hot breath seeping into the material of her dress onto her skin. It sent shivers down her spine. "I have not done enough for you."

"You've already given me more than I could ever dream of. I've got a lifetime supply of food, clothes and a beautiful palace. What is it that you have not given me yet?" She asked curiously.

He burrowed his brows. "Are you satisfied with only that much?" he softly yet seriously asked her.

It didn't take a genius to realize he was displeased.

She pondered for a moment. She lived lavishly for the last few months, what else was there she wasn't satisfied with? This time it was her who burrowed her brows. She wanted to turn and ask him face to face but his head still leaning comfortably on her shoulder forbade her to. "Your highness, I am more than satisfied with what you have given me. I am a compassionate and thoughtful person, I swear I do not desire anything else." She swore to him.

Just as soon as she had given him her statement, he released her. With a little push, Yu Mei was free from him. Before she could even blink, he was already on both knees in front of her. His gaze fixed on her while both his hands held hers. In front of her was a mature and serious man. "I won't allow you to be satisfied!"

[You don't desire me?] He said to himself. It hurt. To be exact, it hurt very much.

She blinked confusedly.

"You are not allowed to be satisfied until you have turned me into a complete madman infatuated with you. Do you not even desire me?"

Once again, Yu Mei's eyes went crazy wild. Then her cheeks began to heat. [Surely this isn't how you plan on wooing me, right?"] She thought as her eyes became lost in his. She had two choices, to cut this whole conversation off or continue and find out where it would lead. She asked. "And how does one simply get your highness to become this madman you speak of?" She asked sarcastically.

"Simple. Humor me with your weird ways."

She scowled. Wasn't he supposed to say something along the line of, "You've already turned me into a madman" or "I've already fallen for you, so now you can be satisfied." So why must she humor him. She wasn't some kind of entertainment he could watch as he pleased.

Seeing her pouty lips, his nervousness seemed to have passed.

He reached into his sleeve and pulled out the ring from the market. He held it up to her. "I never thought my first time giving a girl a ring would be in a carriage. I pictured something..." he paused. "More romantic." He took another deep breath. He had taken more deep breaths on this journey than in his entire life. She surely was doing something to him.

He continued to stare into her eyes. "Pan Yu Mei, I know that we started off on the wrong foot but with this ring, I promise a better future. A future where we spend our days slowly learning each other's likes and dislikes. And being the way we are right now…carefree. Can you accept this madman's promise of eternity?"

Yu Mei felt her finger twitch slightly. It was like a shock of electricity going through her body. "I didn't force you to become a madman." She muttered under her breath before turning her head away annoyed.

Pei Nan felt his soul leave his body. She was rejecting him. His hand slowly moved away from hers.

Then the unthinkable happened. She turned back to look at him with those annoyed yet sparkly eyes. "Since I've already turned you into a madman, I guess should take responsibility." Her voice was soft and shy with a hint of sarcasm. She then stretched her hand out to him awkwardly.

He was still in a daze when she said those words. It was like nothing was registering in his head. *Ahem* she coughed. "Well…are you going to put the ring on my finger?" She arched one brow. Soon enough, the ring was slipped onto her third finger of her left hand.

Yu Mei turned away embarrassed because of the stupid grin on his face. Once again, he sat back on the seat, giving Yu Mei a back hug. She was thankful because she was way too shy now to face him. "Does that mean you accept me?" He anxiously asked.

Yu Mei held up her hand and glared at the beautiful ring on her hand. "I accept the ring. It's quite beautiful." She teased, playing the ignorant fool.

"You little minx!" He bent over and placed a kiss on her cheek. Yu Mei immediately put her palm to her cheek. "Your highness! What are you doing? What if Chu'mei sees?" She reminded him in horror.

"I don't care. I'll keep kissing you until you give me the answer I want." Pei Nan turned to the other cheek and once again placed a kiss on her cheek.

*eeeek* she cutely squealed.

"Fine. You win. I won't play anymore. Didn't I already accept you when I took the ring?"

"I want you to say it with your mouth." He complained.

"I accept you. But...under one condition." She cutely spoke.

He closed his eyes for a moment. How he wished his wife would have played hard to get for another minute or two. He had not kissed her enough. Just thinking of how many lost kisses got him a little depressed. But on the bright side, she really did agree to give him a chance.

"And your condition is..."

"Cook me dinner tomorrow." That was her condition.

"Me? Surely you don't want me to cook for you. I'll have the chef concoct some delicious dishes for you tomorrow." He tried to squeeze out of this one. It only earned him a smirk.

[Ha! I've finally found something you're not good at. Pei Nan, you are not slipping out of this one.] She snickered evilly.