
Chapter 13

Subin had just gotten out of surgery 30 minutes before. Bandages were wrapped around the boy's head. Katsumi sighs as she contemplates vengeance and glances at the boy's unconscious body.

Namgyu and the doctor came in to check on Subin. In his presence, Katsumi and Yejoon stood and bowed.

"Are there any of you Subins family members?" he inquired.

"He is an only child, and his parents are still working abroad; however, I have informed them of Subin's condition."

"I see..." the doctor was perplexed. "In that case, I can tell you this: Subin requires a blood transfusion because, as you can see, he has lost a lot of blood; we need to find a blood donor who has the same blood type as the patient."

Katsumi inquired, "What's his blood type?"

"AB positive."

This blood type is uncommon, with only 11% of the South Korean population carrying it. Fortunately for Subin, Yejoon had the same blood type as him, and he quickly agreed to donate blood for his friend.

Yejoon took half an hour to donate his blood, and the bag of blood was immediately used for the boy.

They were now driving home in Subin's car. They stopped at a drive-through on the way to order something for Yejoon's family supper.

Yejoon initially declined because they still had Katsumi's pizza in the fridge, but they both pushed. When they arrived at Yejoon's house, he had plenty of food for his siblings' supper.

Namgyu was the last to go home. He guided Katsumi to his house, which happened to be only 5 minutes away from her flat.

Namgyu, as Katsumi had predicted, lived in a large home. Nonetheless, the structure was large and magnificent, enough to wow another person of the same level.

"Have a safe journey back, and please take care of Subin's car."

"Will do," Katsumi answered. "Good night."

"Good night."

He opened the door but paused as he was about to leave. Katsumi assisted the boys greatly today. And, to Namgyu, helping his loved ones was the same as helping himself.

Katsumi demonstrated tremendous loyalty and empathy throughout these short hours.

Even though he was considered one of South Korea's sharpest people, his mind was not working during Subins tragedy and while he was in a lot of agony.

However, thanks to Katsumi's quick thinking and guidance, they were able to save Subin in some way, and he is grateful to have someone like her by his side.

He smiled softly as he turned.

"Thank you for assisting us, Katsumi," he said, hesitantly adding, "I'm glad to have met you."

'I'm glad to have met you.' These words were all it took to make a woman shed a tear. Someone like Katsumi, who had suffered through the worst of her previous friendship, was just as happy to have such companions as the boys.

She's a blessing. That's exactly what they meant to her—a huge blessing.

Katsumi began her revenge plan the instant she returned to her bedroom. There is one option she could utilize, and that plan is to acquire MoonBucks and save Mr.Kim's company from going bankrupt.

The boys may think she is assisting the opponent, but if we compute the Pros and Cons, the Pros win by a long shot.

Katsumi will be the owner of MoonBucks Café, so Nabi and Jiwoon will be unable to mistreat her pals. Because if they do, she can simply withdraw as a shareholder in Mr. Kim's company, leaving them insolvent.

Another advantage of becoming the cafe's owner is that Yejoon can finally get his job back, which is really important.

With that in mind, Katsumi promptly contacts Kazuha to assist her with the procedure. It will take a week or two to complete the process, but that didn't matter to Katsumi. As long as she is the owner of that Café, that's what matters.

Kazuha consented to the plan but was concerned. If her opponents or allies learn that Katsumi purchased the property, they will be suspicious of her.

"Are you sure you want to keep doing this?" she inquired.

Katsumi realized her older sister was only concerned about her. Who can say? The simple new life she has desired will vanish in an instant. But she's already made up her mind. Katsumi, after all, can't escape reality.

"I'm sure," she replied solemnly.


Katsumi had to pick up Yejoon and Namgyu early in the morning in Subin's car. She went to Kento's unit before leaving to alert him about the vehicle.

When she entered the flat, she was greeted by Snowball, who hovered above her, her tail wagging. Snowball was more active than Majesty, Katsumi's pet cat.

Kento came out of the kitchen after hearing her welcome the dog. The youngster was in the midst of having breakfast.

"What are you doing here this early?" he inquired, perplexed.

"I'll be picking up Yejoon and Namgyu in Subin's car; would you like to accompany me?"

"Subin's car? Why do you have his car?"

Katsumi mentioned the incident yesterday. Subin required hospitalization for a month or two in order to heal properly. Because his wound is serious, the doctor and nurses must keep him under observation if Subin is to survive.

His car will be kept by Katsumi until his parents arrive in Seoul to utilize it and return home. That assumes it won't take long.

As the story progressed, Kento became apprehensive. It reminded him of what had occurred to Katsumi with her ex-close friend in the past.

Kento discovered Katsumi's severe injury and the terror he was feeling at the time. He has vowed to protect her ever since. But the same thing happened with Katsumi as a witness; he felt bad for not being there to safeguard what was vital to his twin.

"So, you'll be driving?"

"Yes. Unless you want to drive instead."

He yawned, "I'd prefer to get more sleep. Wait for me; I'll just brush my teeth."

"I'll be waiting for you in the car!" Katsumi exclaimed.

Kento arrived in the car in a flash, and as he had said, he fell fast asleep on the way to Yejoon's residence.

Namgyu, to her astonishment, was already at Yejoon's home when she arrived. He picks up Yejoon every single weekday for school, but since Katsumi had Subin's car, he decided to join them instead.

Another reason was that he wanted to go to the garden. He added a scarecrow he bought for the plants' safety. Crows had been visiting the garden recently, so Namgyu came up with this idea to scare them away.

"I see Kento came along," Yejoon remarked.

"I've told him what happened to Subin and about the car."

"Kento must have been concerned enough about the incident to accompany us."

Katsumi smiles quietly. "You're right. Even if he appears cold at times, he genuinely cares about his friends. He must have regretted not being able to protect Subin; that's why he came along."

Kento gradually opened his eyes and listened to the entire conversation. It's strange how twins can sense one another's anguish and troubles even when they don't tell or discuss them.

Namgyu responded with a hum. "You seem to be very close to him."

Yejoon laughed. "Right? I'm wondering if all Japanese people are like that?"

Katsumi's only response was an anxious chuckle. She turned to face Kento, and his sweet expression soon changed to a sideways scowl. She just kept on forgetting about their secret.