
My Color Is Yours

"Open up the box... Lead what's inside as a treat or a bitter taste. " Xie is a Colorblind teenage girl, whom finds herself within abnormal teenage problems as one could imagine... However, unbeknownst to her, was a life changing sight that pushed her to a drastic change in order to get close to what she has always wanted... A normal life.

Snow_Lux · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Where Monsters Hide

Since Mia had been admitted to the hospital a few weeks ago, I've been traveling all over Japan in search of Rin.

However, even with the help of my power, I was stumped and wondered aimlessly. Stopping every now and then in the middle of nowhere, I let out a soft scream while wiping my eyes from the tears that didn't seem to stop.

With every turn and road, I could only hear Mia when I found her.


Even now that I find myself in an empty space that once held a mountian of bodies, now rests a fertile ground. Walking in without a single moment of clarity, I desperately wanted to find Rin. The sharp twists in my stomach made me bitter and angry, furious with who or what did this to them... To me.


Snapping back as I looked down at Mia as she rested on the white hospital bed. Her beautiful colors, even now, lit up like fireworks as they swirled gently around her like a warm blanket.

Holding her pale, brushed arm as most the injuries she suffered were still unknown as to how she got them. They as much as I, knew nothing and yet, felt everything she was in my eyes as the bravest girl in the world.

Her every breath as she exhaled became my lullaby. I wouldn't want to leave her side without her. Gulping as I knew finding Rin was also something I couldn't admit defeat, I left her side for days on end.

I often chuckled when I would find Rin and when Mia wakes, would they just bicker over the same things...

Raising my head, I held my eyes closed while exhaling a breath of fire filled colors into the air. More than anything, the rage within me that I had held for so long wanted to track down the monster that did this to Mia...

I would now and then find myself losing track of time as when I came to, hours had gone in the blink of an eye. Silence soon engulfed me as I would only hear Mia's steady breathing when I was out in the country.

I went as far as to leave a few insurance measures all over and around Mia just in case. My mind was torn between Mia and Rin and all else didn't seem to matter.

Stopping infornt of an old, shady, back ally nightclub, I tiltead my head as I wandered inside.


The loud music faded into the background as I sat up and saw Mia twitching her long, boney fingers. Inhaling a sharp breath of air, I held her hand and watched as she began moving her head.

Tearing up, she looked at me as she said my name. Instinctively kissing her face and head, I hugged her as she held my arm and gasped for air. Before long, we both sobbed in each others arms until the nurse arrived.


Tilting my head to the side to figure out what the detectives were telling Mia as she was being checked by the doctor, I saw Mia's steady gaze as she spoke without restraint.

Not long after the detectives left, did I rush balcony to her side as we hugged done last time and smiled as she asked me if I found Rin.

Turning my head slightly, she looked down and then remembered what happened just before she passed out when I found her. Shifting her body and lifting her leg, she held my hands and told me something unbelievable.

"W-when I last saw Rin... Was when I came to and found myself in a strange black room with a picture of both of us in the center like-like some kind of portrait of me and Rin! "Gulping, she went on to explain the familiar room.

"It looked... Beautiful and then, that's when Rin woke up. There was a door-a wooden door! And-and there... Something was on the other side trying to open it."

Tightening my grip on her hands, she stared and looked at me in astonishment as she lofted her head and nodded as she said it was true.

"I... I think I've been in that room before. " Looking t me with a strained face, I continued. "I wwas the knee who drew that portrait... And the door, I dont think-"

I then recalled how I managed to get out of that room. Pieces began falling into place as when I had that dream, it was't long before meeting with Rin and Mia later on.

Getting up, I kissed Mia on her head and told her I had to check on something.


Puckering my lips, I dropped to my hands to the ground and focused to open a window to Pira's palace. Stretching out slightly as my windows were less impressive than Pira's, I stopped and caught my breath whole drenched in sweat.

Once I got the window open wide enough for me to fit through, I stood and jumped in.

Landing on my feet, I was immediately met by one of Pira's creations. Smiling as I watched it soar the star filled sky, I went on to the palace to find Pira.


"So... You want to use my help... To find some murderous monster thingy? " Looking at her as she spoke through one of her many creations, I nodded while titling my head with a dead smirk.

"Please! I don't have the kind of power to enter my dreams yet... And creating something to help me with that would be suicidal. Come on, Pira. I'll let you pat my head? "

Sitting upright in her coud of lights, she gulped and demanded I write what I said in light. Chuckling, I buckled down and raise dmy hand to wave a colorful, 'x', over my heart.

"Deal! " Pointing up at my head, I raise dmy hands and was instantly thrown into that very dream.

Standing in the center of the room, I found a familiarity with what was drawn all over. It wasn't until I looked down at the floor, that I found a piece of the red jacket Mia was wearing on the floor.

Turning to the door, I stood up and pulled it as it was already open. Darkness engulfed my view as I firmly walked into the pitch black.

With the door closing behind me, I held both my hands and made a small light ornament to light my surroundings.

Walking aimlessly, I then reached a stone line on the ground as it crossed into an old, run down house.

Stepping onto the yard, I sharply turned out of habit.

Looking at the house in its horror filled entirety, I didn't shy away from it as my heart was beating faster...

"Rin... "
