
My Color Is Yours

"Open up the box... Lead what's inside as a treat or a bitter taste. " Xie is a Colorblind teenage girl, whom finds herself within abnormal teenage problems as one could imagine... However, unbeknownst to her, was a life changing sight that pushed her to a drastic change in order to get close to what she has always wanted... A normal life.

Snow_Lux · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Sun split Breeze

Beaming with immediate surprise, its been half an hour since Mia went home. Rin politely walked inside with a low, cold gaze as she asserted herself beside me. Shortly after Mia turned and left like it didn't bother her, I could only see her colors dim in light.

I even thought about reaching out my hand until the door closed behind her.

With it, Rin and I headed upstairs to my room where I found myself pinned on my bed as Rin stood ontop of me. Both arms on either side of my head, I could only stare in astonishment as the thing that caught me by surprise was the warm, salty tears steadily falling onto my face.

Sliding down my heels as if I were the one crying, I couldn't breath, not from where I was as if feeling terrible went and crossed the boarder of insanity. Then, for just the slightest of glimmers, I saw it, I saw the color sparkling inside her eyes.

It was as if the colors Mia passionately wore on her sleeve brought fourth a smaller version of the suns light. However, with Rin, I felt frozen in a hell I couldn't escape...

"Why... " Staying silent as if my words didn't reach her or she didn't care foe what I had to say, her eyes were still.

Lifting my hand as several times I called her, she dared not move as if she was a wild animal protecting her cub as it was her only reason for living. Devoid of life, her eyes stared and cut deep within me as I moved my head slightly to catch her reflection in her eyes.

Before long, a loud smack brought me back to my senses as the one who was in the most danger of losing face was not Rin, but me.

Stinging from the cold, angry hand of Rins, I remained still as my eyes widened to her disgusted, tortured expression. Hanging low, I remained still as her hair became undone by that one, single strike.

Such a strong and passionate act was what she displayed when she saw Mia behind the door. Almost as if she was her replacement, almost as if...

"Xie... Don't think I'll hand you over to anyone. It doesn't matter how many girls you bring home... I'll never let you go as long as I live... "

Her words spoke more truth than all the lies she has told in the past to keep me... Alone.

"When you almost died in that stupid storage box... I wanted to hurt the ones that did that to you-" Lightly lifting her hand, she slowly and gently began caressing my hair. "You have no idea how hard I tried to fight the urge to kill those animals that tortured you like that... I wanted to make them hurt as much as I was hurtting when you were eventually found... Don't you get it, Xie? I l-"

Suddenly, we headed a loud noise outside the bedroom door as if someone slid and smacked agaisnt the wall. Rin paused as she turned away and held back what she was going to say.

As we sat up straight, Rin grabbed her things and opens the door where my mom and Amy were listening in. Rin then left the house and went home without uttering another word.


Later that night, I stayed up while drinking coffee with my mom around the kitchen table as we spoke about the day we both had. We often spoke whenever something's as troubling us as a means to vent.

"You really don't know what's gotten into Rin, lately? " As my mother casually leaned on the counter, I held my cup in my hands and spoke.

"I think she's still torn over what happened with the storage shed incident... " Sipping lightly as if to force myself, I felt lower than before as the whole thing with the coffee shop was the farthest thing on my mind.

"Let me ask you this, honey... What is the most important thing in your life right-"

"Studying. " Answering before she finished her sentence, she half grinned and spoke more clearly.

"Pet me ask you this then, between Mia and Rin... Who do you want to be around more in your life? " Taken back by the amount of thinking that came to mind, I sat idle without a clue.

"Its not like I don't want them in my life... I do. But, Mia is-"

"Mia is Mia... Rin is Rin. And Xie... You are you. If the three of you don't resolve whatever it is you are going through, you'll just find yourself all alone at the end. "

As she finished her coffee, she washed the cup and set it back on the rack. She then kissed me on my head as she headed to bed.

I was all alone in the kitchen as I looked at my light brown, coffee cup as the steam was flowing up.

"Rin... Mia... " Breaking with an irritating sigh, I didn't know what to do as I threw the rest of the coffee down the drain.

I then took a bath nd headed to bed.

The rest of the night, I felt torn between what I should do to make everyone happy again.


The next day, I woke up brimming with energy as I planned to get those two to become friends. Knowing Rin, I planned to surprise her with her favorite sweets. And as for Mia, I'll... Cross that bridge when I get there.

Heading out, I made my way to school where Mia and Rin were early and talking to both their groups. However, Mia looked to blend in with the schools delinquent group. With it, I walked up to Rin and asked her to go out later in the evening. Before I could reilize my mistake in asking her infornt of her friends, her blushing and embarrassed filled expression told me that I needed to make my escape.

Before I got anywhere, I was stunned as Mia had shown up and kissed me on my cheek. A wave of gasps and cheers, erupted from Rins group.

"If Rin doesn't want to go, I'd be more than happy to take her place, Xie! " Mia turned to meet Rins, rage filled expression as Rin pulled me to her.

"For a delinquent, I'm sure you would only embarrass yourself infornt of her... I'll go instead. " Before long, I was stuck in the middle of both their heated gazes.

Before long, the bell rang and we all headed inside as I was sandwiched on both sides.


For the rest of the day, I did my best to hide from Rin and Mia as they were taking their fight across the school to find me. Arguments soon erupted all around as Rins and Mia's groups were dragged into a civil war on who could have me.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't fathom the amount of blind loyalty these girls had for pointless drama.

In that sense, I headed home in secret as my plan backfired entirely. As a result, I headed home in a defeated manner. Things had only gotten worse as now small fractions had formed against who had the right to win me as some sort of prize.

Regardless, I went to bed as I was exhausted from all the running I had to do today to avoid them from fighting even more.


Waking up later that night, I felt the lightest sensation near my legs and as I sat up to check, it was Mia with her signature, half crazed grin.

Nearly dying from fright, I turned on the light and went downstairs to offer her a cup of water. As we sat on my bed, we began talking as something was weighing heavily on Mia's mind.

"Why can't you just pick one of us... Preferably me. " As she kept a clear face, I remained silent as I didn't really understand myself. "Its fine if you can't decide right now, but, you have to choose either me or Rin. "

"I can't... You two are important to me and I don't want to... Let either of you go. "As I turned to stare at Mia, she smiled lightly.

"That's the first time I heard someone say I was important to them... Hmm. Thanks, Xie. "

"F-for what? " Shifting her body, she met my gaze and dropped the cup of water onto the floor a she held her hand on my cheek.

"For being you. " Amazed by her radiant colors as I had forgotten how beautiful they were, she closed her eyes and looked to want to come closer, but, restrained herself in the last moment. "I'd better get going... Before I do something stupid and take you by force. "

"Huh? "Jumping over the window to the roof, she disappeared into the night as I remained, wondering what she meant.

Not long after that, I fell back to sleep as I thought up new ways to get Rin and Mia to get along. Knowing, I would have to move heaven and Earth, I still wanted to try and make those two like each other so we can all be happy and get along.

That is... At least what I want...

"What... I... Want... Is... " Dazing off before I could hear myself finish the sentence, I had an empty dream for the first time in my life as not even light shone from it as usual.

It was an old, and it scared more and more as the shadows that usually surrounded me at least made me feel at ease when I could see them... However, in my dream, I felt trapped in a world without colors, just me in the center of a blank room where light and darkness both created a void of emptiness.

It was my mind telling me that it was exhausted... That I had to choose, even with all the strange things that were happening in my life. I felt unfamiliar with myself as the girl. I was last year stood infront of me while holding an English textbook, firmly in her chest.

It was somewhat of an eye opening metaphor as I worried about what tests and exams would look like...

As apposed to now, where I worry on whether I can keep both of them as my friends. Yes, The main reason I was stressing more now compared to then, was the fact that I didn't want to turn back into that sad, lonely girl.

It was me who meant to stay alive, it easy me who drove Rin and Mia to act the way they did over who I was.

Waking up with a new set of eyes, I knew what had to be done if I wanted to save both Rin and Mia. As I sat up, I held a low gaze as it was going to hurt on a level that either of them wouldn't have bothered to imagine.

I needed to make a drastic change... One big enough to bring us closer together, or tare us apart...

It was a gamble, but, at this point, I was desperate to make or break myself into a girl worthy of their friendship. Even if that meant killing off the girl I currently am and giving birth to a new Xie that can proudly give what either of them wanted... Me.
