
My Color Is Yours

"Open up the box... Lead what's inside as a treat or a bitter taste. " Xie is a Colorblind teenage girl, whom finds herself within abnormal teenage problems as one could imagine... However, unbeknownst to her, was a life changing sight that pushed her to a drastic change in order to get close to what she has always wanted... A normal life.

Snow_Lux · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Passing Torrent

Waking to the sound of wind chimes, I sat up while putting on my glasses. As the memories of yesterday came flooding back, Rins face was the only reason I felt I needed to hurry to school.

While making breakfast, my initial drive was a glum expression. Even after preparing my lunch, I waited around for half an hour until finally heading out to school.


Rounding the corner of the school road, I began hearing whispers as the atmosphere made me uncomfortable. Before long, as I headed to my locker, trash came falling out. I don't remember the last time I was bullied to this extent. Regardless, I took out my slippers and was shocked when needless came falling form inside them.

Gulping, I cleaned up and then headed inside the school while heading sgraight to my classroom. As a group of girls opmed the door before I could open it, they smirked and forced their way past me. Heading inside, I looked up to find my desk had been vandalized with terrible slurs about my sexual preference.

Heading over to the science room, I grabbed bottle of ink-removing chemicals and cleaned the graffiti before class began. Sitting down, I dropped my bag and as I was about to pick it up, a couple of girls stepped over it while laughing on their way to their seats.

"Ugh... "

Pushing through until lunch, I stood up and took my lunch to the usual spot where I eat. However, by the time I got there, a dozen girls were already making use of it as they turned and glared at me intensely.

Heading around to the track, I wandered until I found myself stopping near the storage room. Feeling the butterflies in my stomach as I rounded the corner, I exhausted a sigh as I sat down and ate my lunch.

Hallway down eating, fort was suddenly thrown onto my lunch box as I turned and stood on edge as the same girls that I saw leaving my classroom, glared balcony at me with wicked smiles.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself bound to a chair and stripped down to my underwear while being gagged. As my eyes adjusted to the dark room, I recognized I was inside the storage room where those girls took me. Feeling something strange under my feet, I looked down and squinted as there was no mistaking it was my school clothes, torn and shredded.

As I tried to free myself, I could only hear my muffled screams until I tired myself an hour later. Afraid and cold, my initial thought was why they where doing this to me. It then dawned on me as I remembered when being dragged that I hurt the last person on Earth who didn't deserve my attention. Rin.

Shaking my head as Rin would never steep this low, I began to question and argue with myself if Rin was capable of taking things this far. I had convinced myself that this was entirely just her followers doing and she had nothing to do with it.


Days eventually passed and I was at the end of my rope as I was weak from not eating or moving in that time. During the hot day, I sweat twice my weight and before long, my eyes became dry as I had exhausted all my tears.

Hearing the jingle of keys, the door swung open and the janitor quickly freed me after overcoming the shocking sight.

Setting me down beside the entrance as he called an ambulance, moments later, several teachers and the school nurse arrived and checked on me until the paramedics came. Not long after, was I transported out of the school as I looked up to the empty, colorless sky.


My mother had called the authorities and reported me missing two days prior and was running around the city searching for me. When she arrived at the hospital as I was being taking in, her piercing cries echoed throughout the lobby as she was stopped by the nurses from going any further.

Losing my breath as I fleet I could no longer support the airflow by myself, the doctors swiftly pumoed air into my chest as they raced to get me set up to receive a blood transfusion.


Once the worst was over, I was touch-and-go until I finally was out of danger. The next day, my mom came inside as she held my hand and asked if there was anything she could do with tears flowing down her face. Demanding who hurt me, I could only hear her as I found myself half asleep.

After a week recovering, I was able to sit up and use my hands again. Even with the pressure of police, I didn't rat anyone out as I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. However, due to my recent hospitalization, the girls responsible quickly broke amd were placed under house arrest for a few weeks after being questioned and ultimately rounding everyone involved.

I felt immeasurable relief when I heard Rin was not umong the party responsible. From what my mother told me, the girls who left me in the storage room believed one of them had alrwady let me go and that I just ran away out of shame. How wrong they were easily their charges would be considered involuntary murder.

Dropping all charges agaisnt them rather quickly, I simply wanted to rest and after much deliberating with my mother as my decision to continue going to the same school.


After a few more days, I was finally discharged from the hospital. As I took a few more days resting, I was. Fired up with going back to school as I woke up early and hot a ride to school with my mom.

Kissing her goodbye, I stepped out as I had predicted, everyones attention was on me. Walking inside as calmly and collected, I did my best to ignore the hatter as I headed to my classroom.

Once inside, I took a seat and as I was spreading for the day, I headed loud footsteps coming from down the hall. Rushing inside, I want scaught in a split second as a folly of luminating colors filled the entire room.

"M-Mia... " Mia had thrown her arms around me as she told me she tried her best to see me in the hospital.

However, my mother and doctors refused to let her through. Her soft sigh of relief suddenly brushed everything terrible that happened into a distant nightmare. I felt butterflies and found myself no diffrent than when we first met.

"You are okay... Your still not hurt are you?! " Her worried expression mad enough sence as this wasn't the same Mia from the last time we met.

Her eyes were light with color as the emotion surrounding her was pure concern. If anything, I fell deeply into her radiant light as it shone in a pure form. This was the real Mia as far as I could tell.

Before long, the bell rang and Mia remained by my side through the rest of the day even after the many warnings the teacher gave her. Lunch soon arrived and as we left, Mia lied every time I looked to see of what I was seeing wasn't just some weird dream.

Everything had gone back to normal as much as normal consists of my isolation.

Stopping, I stared at Rin as she sat anxiously where I always ate my lunch. Spotting my gaze, she came over and hugged me tightly as she let out a slight cry. Frozen, I felt her sincere voice reaching me as she apologized for what her fan group did to me.

Never having been mad at her, we made up as Mia disappeared before I knew it.

"Everything alright? " Nodding, we headed to sit dome and at our lunch as things were only going to get more difficult in the upcoming days as exams were pushed to spring due to what happened.

Regardless, I felt I needed to thank Mia for worrying about me. As school ended, I waited for her and when I saw her, I skilled as she brushed me off. Chasong after her, I thanked her for earlier as she looked at me with a different set of colored eyes.

"Don't mention it... " Stopping as she continues on her way, I remained still as the sound of her bike echoed down the road.

Every time I met with Mia, she always seemed to act differently than before. Without pursuing that thought any further, I headed home with Rin as we hung out for a while until getting home.
