
My Color Is Yours

"Open up the box... Lead what's inside as a treat or a bitter taste. " Xie is a Colorblind teenage girl, whom finds herself within abnormal teenage problems as one could imagine... However, unbeknownst to her, was a life changing sight that pushed her to a drastic change in order to get close to what she has always wanted... A normal life.

Snow_Lux · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Morning Rush

Turning my weary gaze from the car window, silence filled the inside of the car as I held my blanket closer to my chest. Bundled up comfortably, I drifted my eyes to the left as I could see Maya was fast asleep. Shifting my posture and relaxing as I rested my gaze on her peaceful expression, a soft smile pressed on my face as I watched her bundled up so tightly.

Light barely entered the car as we had fogged up the windows after getting caught up in and trapped by a sudden blizzard on our way home. Being only a few block from Maya's home, the snow had begun coming down hard as Maya pulled over instead of risking overworking the car's engine.

When I turned to the fog coated window, all I could think of was of old buried and worn out memories.

('I wonder if that woman ever got stuck in the snow... ')

My thoughts had always been free and wild as it was the price for everything I remembered with precision. Throughout most of my life, I had a rather simplic view of life.

Following the normal and casual route, I was well aware of just how much I was different from everyone else yet, despite my laid back attitude and appearance, I was a 'not-so-typical' loner.

Some days, I was often desperate to change myself that I went a far as dyeing my hair color. Of course, I only freaked out a little while later after my hair color 'supernatrualy' reverted to it's natural state.

The same happens when I wear any type of colored eye contacts. To my auntie, Amelia was as surprised as I was when my hair and eyes somehow always turned back to normal no matter what I did to them. Regardless of how hard I tried to change, I humbly accepted my fate. Since then, my outward appearance early on in middle school steadily became the same 'striaght laced and godly looks that can kill'.

I was unable or incapable of wearing cosmetics such as lipstick or foundation for my skin. I later learned my vision was often attentive to anything and everything that happened in my life. For example, I was a bery excellent if not, impeccable judge of character. Every person I came into contact with held a misty aura I was able to see if I focused hard enough.

There were only a very rare few people who I c not use my abnormal power on. As s, Such simply called them, greys'.

Over the next few years, I would see in passing colors that always made me choke in disgust. A dark, almost shadow like aura that felt felt, bitter and at times, dead.

In part, I kept my distance from anyone I came across who had a dark air around them.

I learned from a very young age that the people I seeing who held shadows were terrible h being I could on classify as monsters.

By going on the bad feeling I felt, I turned in annonymous tips to the police put of desperation.

My 'tips' helped the police put away several criminals both on the edge of life and insanity. In an effort to find and locate me, seven entire police departments held a rally to thank the anonymous caller that helped put away twenty-nine criminaly insane and calculating murderers behind bars.

Sharply inhaling a gust of warm-cool air, I shifted my head lightly as I admired just how beautiful Maya looked before me. As I opened and closed my eyes to a stunning aura that was Maya's, I had never before seen such a pearly white mist as Maya looked almost as if she was an angel carved from a block of stone.

I turned my gaze to the white blanket of snow flakes covering Maya's body. Her large bust and curves were dominatly free. As I exhale a sharp breath, Maya awoke to the sound and met my peering, misty gaze.

"Hm-...Hey." Maya spoke with such a soft and sexy tone, I crossed my legs as I vasped from the surprise.

Gulping, the situation felt ecstatic as Maya soon sat up and exposed her loose button shirt before me. Trembling with unlawful thoughts, I soon rushed out of the car and pushed the door open regardless of the foot of snow as of it was weightless. "Rose?"

The air was cold,quiet, and only the sound of my legs thredding through the snow as I regained my bearings. Shaken, I calmed myslef and turned around to go back in the car.

That is, until I didnt find Maya's car in sight.

Fading from the road no matter hoe far I walked, I soon found myself stranded with no sense of which was was the road. Passing from one side of densely falling snow to the other, I turned around and suddenly wound up in an unfamialr place.

Waking ever cautiously, my feet touched the edge of what looked like a bridge. The middle part from where I stood had been ultimately shattered and destroyed. Seeing only as far as a few feet, I then squinted as I faintly saw what looked like a small post on the ither side of the bridge.

With something long and strange fluttering on its post, I soon was startled when it spipped from the top and flew onto my neck. Quickly wrapping around my neck, I snapped my arms to the fabric where no matyer what I tried, it was skidding along my skin as if it were alive.

Agter several seconds, I lightly touched the soft fabric and felt along as it set in place as a strnage and thin dark red chocked. Standing up, I looked from the floor and found the bridge had dissapeared after a freezing gust of wind forced me to close my eyes.

Turning and stumbling backwards, I soon ended up falling as I opened my eyes a moment later to find Maya skidding to my side."Rose-Rose, Oh my god! "

Hugging me and checking on my face and body, I soon watched as the fuzzy blizzard fog had begun to fade and the natural sunlight shone down form overhead.

"Uh...Um, Maya? What happened? How long have I-"Inhaling a huge gust of air as she tightly hugged me, Maya then suddenly turned as several strangers began appearing from all around. "Uh...whats happening? "

"Is that her? You found her?! "Nodding her head without uttering anything but tears of joy and relief, I was at a loss.


It took a few minutes for Maya to explain what had happened and even then, I could not bring myself to believe that she told me.

In the short time I had become lost in the blizzard, two whole weeks had gone by as the ensuing blizzard storm remaind hovering over the city.

Maya had run up the street to the gate's guard box and used the phone line to call for help after having lost sight of me for nearly an hour. Searching desperately for me, Maya was finally given aid by local law enfforcemt and the entire area was thoroughly searched.

Maya had gone five miles from where I had originally disapeared and became lost and strnaded in the snow. The authorities had quickly found her and brought her to safety yet, I wass classified as 'still missing' in that time.

For days, with help of law enforcement and volunteers from her neighbors, the search for me continued endlessly. Shorly after the fourteenth day, while on her way back with a couple of other helpful aids, the stubborn blizzard had suddenly lifted and Maya rusged to ehere I had originally gone from her sight.

This, finding me and ending the two week long search as I appeared to have emerged unscathed and healthy with no memory of what had happened.

"Okay, Miss Rose. You are free to go. If we have any more follow up questions or tests, we'll let you know.'k'."Leaving the area where I was sitting on a hospital bed in my normal clothes, Maya turned to meet my gaze as she took me back to her home.

While on the way, Maya contonued to eye my pretty eerie, pure dark red and slik-like chocker around my neck.

"In honestly surprised the doctors couldn't cut through that thing. What exactly is it Rose?" Lowering the flap over the window, I opened the olastic screen and examined myself in my reflection as it was as much a mystery to me as well. "Sorry, but its judt creepy. 'No offense'."

"'None taken'...Heh, It could have been aliens or something. " Glancing over anf meeting her stern and worried gaze, I apologized.

"Huh...Listen, Rose. I know we've just become friends and all but-" Gulping, the left blinker turned on as Maya turned the street."I just want you to know that I care about you. I very rarely let peaople into my life and even then, I have trouble letting then see me for who I am....But irs diffrent with you Rose. With you, I feel like...I'm able to be myslef. No strings or hidden agendas. Just good vibes."

"Right. Maya. I have to be striaght with you. I think I'm in love with you and I could go for some apple pie right about now?" While in the middle of her focus, she suddenly passed a red light and slightly slowed the car as she turned to meet my gaze with a cheery pink expression on her face.

"U-Uh, em', S-Sorry? W-What was that last part?" Re-affirming the apple pie, she shook her head while pulling over and stuttering as she wanted me to repeat what I had just confessed to her.

"Oh...The part about, that 'I'm in love with you?' Ah, Then...Yeah. Yes. 'Madly' I think. Almost obsessive, I do love you Maya. A great deal in fact. Mm-hmm...So, about that pie?"

"Wait... Rose, d-did you really just--"Abruptly holding Maya, I went all-or-nothing and pressed my face onto hers.

For several, magical minutes of utter bliss, my ears were burning as the moment we both pulled away to catch our breath, Maya held an ecstatic gaze as she stared aimlessly while liggtl tapping her lips.

Sitting back down, I was in heaven when suddenly, Maya turned me as she unbuckled her seatbelt and kissed me softly of her own free will. Locking the door in the motion, the seat reclined backwards as a result of our excitement.

Sliding our hands onto on another vigorously, we slipped into the backseat and began undressing each others winter clothes. Blushing bright red and nearly intoxicated with the other persons very being, neither of us ever thought of pulling away while we caressed the others smooth skin.


Before long, it had started snowing as the sun had gone down. Maya held me in her soft chest as I held my hand over her face. Tracing her nose and running my fingers through her hair, I had almost convinced myself that it was all a dream.

Kissing Maya's hand as we crossed our fingers, there was no greater pleasure than seeing Maya's reflection as I gazed into her eyes.

Abruptly getting a call from her brother, Maya hung up as she was rather infuriated with having to leave the comfort of the backseat.

Having changed back into our clothes, Maya drove us home.


As we arrived into the driveway, the livib lights were on. While Maya left the car running in the driveway, she had kindly asked me to wait for her as she lightly kissed me and went ahead inside with an expression I had never seen before.

After several minutes, I grew rather curious and followed behind Maya. What I overheard was something that hurt a lot worse than anything I had ever experienced before.

"No-You fucked up when all I asked you to do was look after the girl! This is insane?! Maya, you -- no, I can't. You fucked us, we were only supposed to drop her off at a Motel like we planed. "

"I love her, God, I love her so fucking much, since we first met on the plane, her color... God, it could be seen from the terminal. I could give less of a shit about you or dad or the clan, I'm taking Miss Rose with me and I will do everything in my power to keep her safe-"

"Safe?! Hm-... Listen, Maya? Aren't you hearing yourself? You were given an order to pick up and drop off Lady Rose! Why the fuck did you bring her here?! "

"I-... I admire her power. She-... Miss Miss is unlike any other magician I have ever met. Her powers have only just been released and with my help, I'm sure I can make her grow even stronger! "

"Wha-... No-nono, Maya, please tell me you didn't use magic when Lady Rose disappeared? "

"It was the only way to help her become a great magican -- like mom! I can't help that she loves me now but that works well for our agenda. "

Nodding, tears fell from my face as I grit my teeth and took off from the house with a broken heart and newfound mistrust of people.

Racing down the snow covered path, I disappeared into the city as my thoughts went blank. Turning toward an old bus bench, I sat down while driving out everything from the past month until I could no longer remember who I was.

Feeling the sting of snowflakes on my cheek yet, remaing ever still as I had lost something I genuinely cherished, my heart felt heavy. A memorizing voice echoed and before I knew it, some stranger appeared beside me.

"Must really suck to be you right about now. "Sharply spooked, I laid my eyes onto a goddess of a woman with an array of colors I had never seen before. "Well, you gonna stare al fucking night or are you gonna give me your coat. I'm freezing my tits off here! "

Suddenly realizing the woman was naked, Rose brushed away her tears and handed over her winter coat. As the woman threw her coat on, the swift motion of her dazzling hair flew like waves down her back.

"U-Um... Who are you? "Asking with a keen intrest, the wins turned and returned a cold, calm glance.

"I'm Mia... Mia Kiroho. Nice to meet'cha. "
