
My Color Is Yours

"Open up the box... Lead what's inside as a treat or a bitter taste. " Xie is a Colorblind teenage girl, whom finds herself within abnormal teenage problems as one could imagine... However, unbeknownst to her, was a life changing sight that pushed her to a drastic change in order to get close to what she has always wanted... A normal life.

Snow_Lux · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Lasting Words

Its been three days since Rin was back in my life again...

I had abruptly changed personalities often as the girl I used to be but not quite all there. My reaction to seeing a drop of blood leave my finger as I layed a silver plater of food onto the floor in my new room.

Seeing Rin pick it up and lick my wound, I was a moss as something was still off and not entirely right. Pondering deeply over what was wrong, I swirled in dozens of memories and found it irritating.

Staring up at the wall and ceiling, Rin's warm touch beside me cheek didn't spark the same old fuzzy colors of feeling it used to. Hours of the day passed and even as she kissed me, I felt numb to the sensation.

Eventually, Rin grew attached to me to the point where I couldn't leave the room without her. I was no different as my mind was so. a contact gaze and the only thing repeating was, "Keep her safe... ".

It eventually build to the point where I eventually snapped and got up in the middle of the night as I headed for a walk to clear my head. What was more disturbing was the fact I walked out of the house while only wearing my long tee-shirt.

Coming home later that morning, everyone was downstairs as they were afraid of Rin as she was throwing some sort of tantrum on the upstairs floor. When I climbed the stairs, I saw her as she met my gaze and threw a pair of sharp scissors inches from my face.

Snapping from her daze, she gasped and threw herself onto me, slamming us against the wall.

In that moment, I knew what was wrong. This was no longer the same Rin I used to know. More so, this Rin was more like a frightened little girl who was afraid of the monsters under her bed.

Before long, I sat us both down and told her we needed time apart. After screaming and pleading, I walked doubt of the room and checked in on her every other hour or so. The only reason she left things as they are was primarily because of the fact that I told her I would catch whatever it was that took away her parents.

Having been reluctant to agree, she distracted herself from me not being besides ever as she drew along the walls with a pack of colors I brought into my room from my old one.

Each time I went to check in on her, I would see myself perfectly drawn and detailed within every portrait along the side of the blank walls. While filling up with color, I did nothing as hours eventually turned to days on end where I would check in on her while putting on a tired out smile.

It was true that Is as searching for clues, however, I had hit a dead end right off the bat and wondered if I would ever catch up to the one responsible for hurting Rin and sent that thing after Amy.


Walking outside, I began to make my way down the block and stopped at the convenience store at the corner. Buying a hot coffee, I remained exoresisonless as the cute, young cashier girl, smiled and told me to have a great day.

Walking out withiut so much as flinching when she dropped a stack of packets, I stopped. Exhausting a breath, I turned and met her gaze as the mess had reached over the counter for her to reach. Turning and lending a hand, she thanked me as I stood up and left without uttering a single word.

Back out into the cold afternoon, I felt the brisk breeze roll through as I raised my palm and tied a string of light to anything that might come into contact with it.

Having been using lesless and less of power, the light inside had unexpectedly grown to a point where it was getting harder to contain. As such, I spread out my thread and expanded it with multiple threads across the sky as they eventually spread through Japan.

With little success, I came up empty after each attempt and realized it was becoming more difficult to control my light from shining through into the world.


Sitting above an old stone staircase, I watched while sipping my coffee. Waving my fingers into the air as the thin threads spread into a radiant, luminescent shine across the town. The way they moved felt like as if I was watching what water would look like had it been given an ever changing bundle of color.

Reading my head over the old railing, I watched as the sun began getting over the horizon and let my through dwindle and fade. The moment had captured me as I lowered my gaze and rested my hand to my knee.

"U-um... "

Opening my eyes and turning around, I met the eyes if the same cute girl from the convenience store as she wasnt wearing that uniform.

"M-mind if I sit with you? "Shrugging, I kept quiet while diverting my attention to the shining sunset.

"Thanks... This used to be my favorite spot back when I was a kid. Me and my older sister would often laugh and cry after something had happened in our lives. "

Listening but remaining impartial, she went on to describe what an amazing older sister she had.

"What about you, have any family? Iean, you are obvrknew in town so you must have either come with someone... Your clothes seem store bought yet, I notice a lack of styling which would suggest you are dedealing with something tragic... Oh! Sorry, I come from a family o detectives and am training to work as an FBI profiler like my dad. "

Raising my head as her words eventually caught up to me, I turned to her and held her shoulders while knocking her down to the ground. Staring into her eyes as one of my hair strands rested just above her lips.

"You can find things others can't... I want you! " Seeing the slight change in her expression, I restrained myself and backed away. "Sorry, um... Ugh! I'm sorry. "

Getting up, I scrapped my shoes at the dusty ground and walked away. Disappointed in myself for thinking of asking a stranger for help, I was sseconds away from besting myself when I fleet a slight tug behind my coat.

Stopping, I turned and looked as the grill raid her head and abruptly agreed to help me.


"I can find anything! I can do it and help you! Please! "

Curious and surprised, I stood firm and informed her that it was dangerous. Shaking her head as if shrugging it off, she still agreed and I told her everything whether she believed it or not.

"Really? S-so... You can make... Things? Life! Basically, with the powers this, 'Celestial Goddess', gave you... How does it work? "

Opening my palm, I twitched my index finger and lit up the original thread that sparked the rest of them around us. As she jumped back in amazement and freight, she eventually accepted my crazy story and was ready to help.

Nodding, I took her home with me after she made a call to let her parents know she would be home late.


Walking up my driveway, I warned her of what was to come and she prepared in haste. Walking through the front door, we were immediately bombarded with flower packets and coatings of salt as Mili was fighting Amy aboit alwaysbbeong on Milos mind.

Mirana was dealing with Rin as she had branched out to drawing over the wall along the staircase.

"Well... This is my family, sort of... "

"U-oh... "
