
My College Life As Hanada is uneventful

Title: My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful Synopsis: Hanada Takumi, an extremely handsome college student, harbors a deep-seated trauma from his past. Bullied mercilessly throughout middle and high school, the scars of those years have left him with an acute inferiority complex and an overwhelming shyness, especially around girls. Despite his outward charm, Hanada struggles to overcome his past demons and interact with the opposite gender. Unbeknownst to him, Hanada's reserved demeanor only serves to heighten his mystique among the female students, who admire him from afar but are too intimidated to approach him. Meanwhile, Hanada remains oblivious to the attention he receives, lost in his own world of self-doubt and loneliness. As Hanada navigates through college life, he finds himself increasingly isolated, unable to bridge the gap between himself and others. Despite longing for meaningful connections, his fear of rejection and past trauma hold him back from reaching out. However, fate has other plans in store for Hanada when he crosses paths with Akari, a spirited and outgoing girl who refuses to be deterred by his aloofness. Determined to break through his walls, Akari embarks on a mission to befriend Hanada, unaware of the emotional journey that lies ahead for both of them. As Hanada and Akari's unlikely friendship blossoms, Hanada begins to confront his inner demons and slowly learns to let go of his past. With Akari's unwavering support, Hanada discovers the courage to step out of his comfort zone and embrace the friendships and opportunities that await him. "My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful" is a heartwarming tale of healing, friendship, and self-discovery, proving that even the quietest voices have the power to shine bright in the darkness.

Dani_8348 · Urban
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37 Chs

Hanada is Cautious

Hanada Takumi found himself drawn into Akari's world with an unexpected ease. She guided him through the maze of campus buildings, pointing out the best spots to grab lunch, study, and even where to find the most secluded corners for quiet reflection.

As they walked, Akari chatted animatedly about her own experiences at Elysium University, her laughter ringing out like music in Hanada's ears. Despite his initial reservations, Hanada found himself opening up to her in a way he hadn't with anyone else before.

"So, Hanada, what made you choose Elysium University?" Akari asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Hanada hesitated, his mind flashing back to the countless nights he had spent agonizing over his decision. In truth, Elysium University hadn't been his first choice—it had been the only choice. The thought of leaving his hometown and starting anew had filled him with equal parts dread and excitement.

"I... I heard it had a good reputation," Hanada replied evasively, his gaze fixed on the ground.

Akari studied him intently for a moment before nodding in understanding. "Ah, I see. Well, you'll find that Elysium has a lot to offer, especially if you're willing to explore beyond the surface."

Hanada nodded silently, his thoughts drifting back to the rumors that had surrounded him since his arrival. He knew that his reputation as the mysterious and unapproachable Hanada-kun preceded him, and he couldn't help but wonder how much of it was true.

As they continued their tour, Hanada couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Everywhere he went, he felt the weight of curious eyes boring into him, their whispers like a constant buzz in the back of his mind.

Akari noticed his unease and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Hey, are you okay? You seem a bit tense."

Hanada forced a smile, grateful for her concern. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... not used to all the attention, I guess."

Akari nodded sympathetically, her expression softening. "I can understand that. College can be overwhelming, especially when you're the center of attention. But don't worry, you'll get used to it in no time."

Despite her reassurances, Hanada couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in a spotlight, his every move scrutinized and analyzed by curious onlookers. It was as if he were living in a fishbowl, constantly on display for the world to see.

As they rounded a corner, Hanada caught sight of a group of girls whispering excitedly amongst themselves. His heart sank as he recognized the familiar glances and giggles that followed in his wake. He knew that they were talking about him, spinning wild tales of his supposed aloofness and arrogance.

Akari noticed his discomfort and squeezed his arm reassuringly. "Hey, don't pay them any mind. People love to gossip, but it's all just noise in the end. What matters is how you choose to navigate through it."

Hanada nodded silently, grateful for her words of wisdom. Despite his desire to blend into the background, he knew that he couldn't hide from the attention forever. If he wanted to truly make the most of his college experience, he would have to find the courage to face his fears head-on.

With Akari by his side, Hanada took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead. Little did he know, this fateful decision would set him on a path towards self-discovery, friendship, and perhaps even love.