
My College Life As Hanada is uneventful

Title: My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful Synopsis: Hanada Takumi, an extremely handsome college student, harbors a deep-seated trauma from his past. Bullied mercilessly throughout middle and high school, the scars of those years have left him with an acute inferiority complex and an overwhelming shyness, especially around girls. Despite his outward charm, Hanada struggles to overcome his past demons and interact with the opposite gender. Unbeknownst to him, Hanada's reserved demeanor only serves to heighten his mystique among the female students, who admire him from afar but are too intimidated to approach him. Meanwhile, Hanada remains oblivious to the attention he receives, lost in his own world of self-doubt and loneliness. As Hanada navigates through college life, he finds himself increasingly isolated, unable to bridge the gap between himself and others. Despite longing for meaningful connections, his fear of rejection and past trauma hold him back from reaching out. However, fate has other plans in store for Hanada when he crosses paths with Akari, a spirited and outgoing girl who refuses to be deterred by his aloofness. Determined to break through his walls, Akari embarks on a mission to befriend Hanada, unaware of the emotional journey that lies ahead for both of them. As Hanada and Akari's unlikely friendship blossoms, Hanada begins to confront his inner demons and slowly learns to let go of his past. With Akari's unwavering support, Hanada discovers the courage to step out of his comfort zone and embrace the friendships and opportunities that await him. "My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful" is a heartwarming tale of healing, friendship, and self-discovery, proving that even the quietest voices have the power to shine bright in the darkness.

Dani_8348 · Urban
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37 Chs

Hanada Hates Goodbyes

The days leading up to Akari's departure were a blur of mixed emotions for Hanada. He tried to cherish every moment they had together, but the impending farewell loomed over them like a dark cloud.

On the day of Akari's departure, Hanada accompanied her to the train station. They walked hand in hand, their steps slow and heavy with the weight of impending separation. The station was bustling with travelers coming and going, but to Hanada, it felt eerily quiet, as if the world had slowed down just for them.

As they stood on the platform, waiting for Akari's train to arrive, Hanada couldn't shake the feeling of dread gnawing at his insides. He knew he had to be strong for Akari, but the thought of saying goodbye tore at his heart.

"I don't want you to go, Akari," Hanada said softly, his voice thick with emotion.

Akari turned to him, her eyes shining with tears. "I don't want to go either, Hanada-kun. But I have to."

Hanada pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close as if he could somehow stop time and keep her with him forever. "I'll miss you so much, Akari. I don't know how I'll get through this without you."

Akari buried her face in his chest, her tears soaking through his shirt. "I'll miss you too, Hanada-kun. More than words can say."

They stood there, clinging to each other, as the minutes ticked by. Hanada wished he could freeze this moment in time, to etch Akari's warmth and scent into his memory forever.

When the train finally arrived, Hanada felt a lump form in his throat. He didn't want to let go, didn't want to say goodbye. But he knew he had to.

"I love you, Akari," Hanada whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you too, Hanada-kun," Akari replied, her voice trembling with emotion.

With one final, lingering kiss, Hanada reluctantly released Akari from his embrace. He watched as she boarded the train, his heart breaking with each step she took away from him.

As the train pulled out of the station, Hanada stood there, watching until it disappeared from sight. He felt as if a part of him had been torn away, leaving an empty void in its wake.


In the days that followed, Hanada struggled to come to terms with Akari's absence. Everywhere he looked, he was reminded of her – in the empty seat next to him in class, in the quiet of his apartment, in the echoes of their laughter that still lingered in his mind.

He tried to distract himself with his studies, with spending time with friends, with anything to fill the void left by Akari's departure. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that consumed him.

One evening, as he sat alone in his apartment, Hanada found himself overcome with grief. He missed Akari more than he ever thought possible, and the thought of not knowing when he would see her again was unbearable.

He picked up his phone, his fingers trembling as he dialed Akari's number. When she didn't answer, he left a voicemail, pouring out his heart in a jumble of words and emotions.

"Akari, I miss you so much," he said, his voice choked with tears. "I can't stop thinking about you, about the way you smile, the sound of your laughter, the warmth of your touch. I don't know how to go on without you, Akari. Please... please come back to me."

As he ended the call, Hanada felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had finally expressed the depth of his feelings, and he hoped that somehow, somewhere, Akari could hear him.


Weeks passed, and still, there was no word from Akari. Hanada felt as if he were trapped in a never-ending nightmare, the pain of her absence growing more unbearable with each passing day.

He tried to distract himself with his studies, with spending time with friends, with anything to numb the ache in his heart. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the overwhelming sense of loss that consumed him.

One evening, as he walked home from class, Hanada found himself drawn to the park where he and Akari had shared so many happy memories. He sat on a bench, staring out at the empty playground, the echoes of children's laughter a painful reminder of what he had lost.

As tears welled up in his eyes, Hanada felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see a familiar face – Shion, Akari's brother.

"Shion, what are you doing here?" Hanada asked, surprised to see him.

"I've been trying to reach you, Hanada," Shion said, his voice filled with concern. "I know how hard this has been for you, and I wanted to check in on you."

Hanada nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I miss her, Shion. I miss her so much."

"I know," Shion said softly, sitting down next to him. "And I'm sorry for what my family has put you through. But I promise, there's a good reason for Akari's absence. You just have to trust me."

Hanada looked at Shion, his eyes searching for answers. "What do you mean? What's going on?"

Shion hesitated, his expression somber. "I can't tell you everything right now, Hanada. But I want you to know that Akari loves you. She loves you more than anything in this world, and she'll come back to you. I promise."

Hanada felt a glimmer of hope ignite within him. "Do you really think so?"

"I do," Shion replied, his voice filled with conviction. "Just give her time, Hanada. She'll find her way back to you. I know she will."

As they sat there in the quiet of the park, Hanada felt a sense of peace wash over him. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that as long as he had Shion's support and Akari's love, he could weather any storm.


As the weeks turned into months, Hanada clung to the hope that one day, he would be reunited with Akari. He focused on his studies, on his friendships, on building a life for himself that Akari would be proud of.

And in the quiet moments when he felt the ache of her absence threaten to overwhelm him, he would close his eyes and remember the sound of her laughter, the warmth of her touch, the depth of her love. And he would hold on to the belief that no matter how far apart they were, their love would always bring them back together.

For Hanada knew one thing for certain – no matter what the future held, he would never stop loving Akari. And he would never stop hoping for the day when they could be together again.

And perhaps, just perhaps, that day would come sooner than he ever dared to dream.


[End of Chapter Twenty-Two]