
My College Life As Hanada is uneventful

Title: My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful Synopsis: Hanada Takumi, an extremely handsome college student, harbors a deep-seated trauma from his past. Bullied mercilessly throughout middle and high school, the scars of those years have left him with an acute inferiority complex and an overwhelming shyness, especially around girls. Despite his outward charm, Hanada struggles to overcome his past demons and interact with the opposite gender. Unbeknownst to him, Hanada's reserved demeanor only serves to heighten his mystique among the female students, who admire him from afar but are too intimidated to approach him. Meanwhile, Hanada remains oblivious to the attention he receives, lost in his own world of self-doubt and loneliness. As Hanada navigates through college life, he finds himself increasingly isolated, unable to bridge the gap between himself and others. Despite longing for meaningful connections, his fear of rejection and past trauma hold him back from reaching out. However, fate has other plans in store for Hanada when he crosses paths with Akari, a spirited and outgoing girl who refuses to be deterred by his aloofness. Determined to break through his walls, Akari embarks on a mission to befriend Hanada, unaware of the emotional journey that lies ahead for both of them. As Hanada and Akari's unlikely friendship blossoms, Hanada begins to confront his inner demons and slowly learns to let go of his past. With Akari's unwavering support, Hanada discovers the courage to step out of his comfort zone and embrace the friendships and opportunities that await him. "My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful" is a heartwarming tale of healing, friendship, and self-discovery, proving that even the quietest voices have the power to shine bright in the darkness.

Dani_8348 · Urban
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37 Chs

Hanada's Stalker

The air was heavy with anticipation as Hanada Takumi made his way across the campus grounds. It was a warm summer evening, and the setting sun cast a golden hue over the landscape, painting everything in shades of orange and pink. But despite the beauty of the scene, a sense of unease lingered in the air—a feeling that Hanada couldn't quite shake.

As he walked, Hanada couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He glanced over his shoulder, but there was no one there—just the empty stretch of pavement behind him, bathed in the fading light of dusk.

Shrugging off his unease, Hanada quickened his pace, eager to return to the sanctuary of his dormitory. But as he turned the corner, he froze, his heart pounding in his chest.

There, standing in the shadows, was a figure—a girl, her eyes fixed on him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. She was tall and slender, her long hair cascading down her back in waves of ebony. But it was her expression that chilled him to the bone—a mixture of adoration and madness, a look that spoke of obsession and longing.

"Hanada-kun," she whispered, her voice soft but filled with an unsettling fervor. "I've been waiting for you."

Hanada took a step back, his instincts screaming at him to run—to get as far away from this girl as possible. But something held him in place, a morbid curiosity that compelled him to stay and confront the danger head-on.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through his veins.

The girl smiled—a smile that sent a chill down Hanada's spine. "My name is Ayaka," she said, her voice dripping with sweetness. "And I'm your biggest fan."

Hanada's blood ran cold at her words. He had heard stories of fans who became obsessed with their idols, but he never imagined he would become the object of such twisted adoration.

"I... I think you have the wrong person," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "I'm nobody special. Just a regular college student."

But Ayaka shook her head, her eyes burning with fervent determination. "No, Hanada-kun. You're not just a regular college student. You're special—you're perfect. And I'll do anything to prove my love to you."

Hanada's heart pounded in his chest, a sense of dread settling over him like a heavy weight. This girl was dangerous—unhinged, unpredictable, capable of anything.

"I-I'm sorry, Ayaka," he stammered, his mind racing for a way to escape. "But I can't... I can't be with you. You need to leave me alone."

But Ayaka's smile only widened, her gaze unyielding. "Oh, Hanada-kun," she said, her voice a low, sinister whisper. "You can't get rid of me that easily. I'll always be watching you, waiting for the day when you finally realize that we're meant to be together."

With that, she turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Hanada alone with his fear and confusion.


For days, Hanada lived in a state of constant terror, his every move haunted by the specter of Ayaka's obsession. She was everywhere—in the shadows of the campus, in the whispers of his classmates, in the darkest corners of his mind.

He tried to ignore her—to convince himself that she was nothing more than a figment of his imagination. But deep down, he knew the truth—Ayaka was real, and she would stop at nothing to possess him.

Desperate for a way out, Hanada confided in Akari and Kenji, hoping they could offer him some semblance of guidance or support. But even they seemed at a loss, their faces pale with fear as they listened to his tale of Ayaka's obsession.

"We need to do something," Akari said, her voice urgent. "We can't just sit back and let this girl terrorize you."

But Hanada shook his head, his hands trembling with fear. "What can we do? She's... she's not normal. She's dangerous."

Kenji placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure something out, Hanada. We'll keep you safe, no matter what it takes."

But even as they spoke, Hanada knew that there was no easy solution to his predicament. Ayaka was a force of nature—a hurricane of obsession and madness that threatened to consume him whole.

And as he lay awake at night, listening to the sounds of the campus outside his window, he couldn't shake the feeling that his peaceful college life was about to come crashing down around him. Ayaka was coming, and there was nowhere left for him to hide.

**Chapter Eight: Hanada's Stalker Continues**

The days blurred together for Hanada Takumi, each one filled with a mounting sense of dread as Ayaka's obsession with him escalated to terrifying new heights. Everywhere he went, he felt her eyes upon him—a constant reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond his line of sight.

One evening, as Hanada walked back to his dormitory after a late study session, he felt a chill run down his spine. He glanced over his shoulder, half-expecting to see Ayaka's figure lurking in the shadows, but the path behind him was empty.

Just as he began to relax, a voice shattered the silence—a voice that sent a shiver of fear coursing through his veins.

"Hello, Hanada-kun."

Hanada turned slowly, his heart pounding in his chest. There, standing before him, was Ayaka, her eyes gleaming with manic intensity.

"What do you want?" Hanada asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ayaka smiled—a smile that sent a chill down Hanada's spine. "I just wanted to see you, Hanada-kun. I missed you."

Hanada took a step back, his instincts screaming at him to run. But Ayaka moved closer, her gaze unyielding.

"You can't keep avoiding me forever, Hanada-kun," she said, her voice soft but filled with menace. "We're meant to be together, you and I. Nothing can stand in the way of our love."

Hanada's heart raced as he backed away, his mind racing for a way to escape. But Ayaka followed, her footsteps echoing in the empty night.

"Please, Ayaka," Hanada pleaded, his voice trembling with fear. "Leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you."

But Ayaka's smile only widened, her eyes alight with madness. "You don't mean that, Hanada-kun. You're just scared. But don't worry—I'll take care of you. I'll protect you from anyone who tries to come between us."

With that, she lunged forward, her arms outstretched, her fingers curling into claws. Hanada stumbled backwards, his heart pounding in his chest as he realized the depth of Ayaka's madness.

He turned and ran, his footsteps echoing in the empty night as he fled from the girl who had become his greatest nightmare.