
My College Life As Hanada is uneventful

Title: My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful Synopsis: Hanada Takumi, an extremely handsome college student, harbors a deep-seated trauma from his past. Bullied mercilessly throughout middle and high school, the scars of those years have left him with an acute inferiority complex and an overwhelming shyness, especially around girls. Despite his outward charm, Hanada struggles to overcome his past demons and interact with the opposite gender. Unbeknownst to him, Hanada's reserved demeanor only serves to heighten his mystique among the female students, who admire him from afar but are too intimidated to approach him. Meanwhile, Hanada remains oblivious to the attention he receives, lost in his own world of self-doubt and loneliness. As Hanada navigates through college life, he finds himself increasingly isolated, unable to bridge the gap between himself and others. Despite longing for meaningful connections, his fear of rejection and past trauma hold him back from reaching out. However, fate has other plans in store for Hanada when he crosses paths with Akari, a spirited and outgoing girl who refuses to be deterred by his aloofness. Determined to break through his walls, Akari embarks on a mission to befriend Hanada, unaware of the emotional journey that lies ahead for both of them. As Hanada and Akari's unlikely friendship blossoms, Hanada begins to confront his inner demons and slowly learns to let go of his past. With Akari's unwavering support, Hanada discovers the courage to step out of his comfort zone and embrace the friendships and opportunities that await him. "My College Life as Hanada-kun is Uneventful" is a heartwarming tale of healing, friendship, and self-discovery, proving that even the quietest voices have the power to shine bright in the darkness.

Dani_8348 · Urban
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37 Chs

Everyone Wants a Piece of Hanada

The college campus was bustling with activity as students enjoyed the bright, sunny day. It was one of those rare afternoons where classes ended early, and everyone seemed to be in high spirits. Yet amidst the laughter and chatter, Hanada felt a sense of unease. He had finally confronted Ayaka and made it clear that her behavior was unacceptable, but the encounter had left him drained.

Now, as he walked through the quad with Akari by his side, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to disrupt the fragile peace they had worked so hard to achieve.


"Hey, Hanada-kun!" a voice called out, breaking through his thoughts. Hanada turned to see Yui, one of his classmates, waving enthusiastically. She was known for her bubbly personality and infectious energy.

"Hi, Yui," Hanada replied, offering a small smile.

"Do you have a minute?" Yui asked, bouncing on her toes. "I was wondering if you could help me with our math homework. I'm totally lost, and you're like a math genius."

Akari chuckled, nudging Hanada playfully. "Looks like you're in demand, Hanada-kun."

Hanada sighed, feeling a mix of amusement and weariness. "Sure, Yui. I can help you later this evening."

"Thanks, Hanada-kun! You're a lifesaver!" Yui beamed before skipping off to join her friends.

As they continued walking, Akari squeezed Hanada's hand. "You're too nice for your own good, you know that?"

Hanada shrugged, trying to keep the smile on his face. "I just want to help where I can."

Their peaceful stroll was interrupted again when Kenta, a fellow student and member of the soccer team, jogged up to them, panting slightly. "Hey, Hanada! I heard you're really good at chemistry. Can you give me a hand? I've got a big test coming up, and I can't afford to fail."

Hanada chuckled, nodding. "Sure thing, Kenta. I'll help you out."

Kenta grinned, clapping Hanada on the shoulder. "Thanks, man. I owe you one!"

As Kenta jogged away, Akari raised an eyebrow. "You're like a campus hero, Hanada-kun."

Hanada shook his head, feeling the weight of everyone's expectations pressing down on him. "I just wish I had more time for us."

Akari stopped, turning to face him. "Hanada-kun, you don't have to do everything for everyone. It's okay to say no sometimes. You need to take care of yourself too."

Hanada looked into her eyes, seeing the concern and love there. "I know, Akari. It's just hard to find that balance."

Akari smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly. "We'll figure it out together."


That evening, Hanada and Akari settled in the library to study. Hanada had promised to help Yui and Kenta, and soon enough, both of them arrived, their expressions a mix of anxiety and hope.

"Alright, let's get started," Hanada said, pulling out his notes.

As they worked through the problems, Hanada found himself easing into his role as tutor. Yui's cheerful demeanor and Kenta's determination made the task enjoyable, and he realized that helping others also helped him feel more grounded.

"Hanada-kun, you're amazing!" Yui exclaimed after successfully solving a particularly tricky equation. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Kenta nodded in agreement. "Seriously, you're a lifesaver, Hanada."

Hanada smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad I could help. Just remember to practice regularly, and you'll both do great."

As the study session wrapped up, Yui and Kenta thanked Hanada profusely before heading out. Akari watched them leave, her expression thoughtful.

"You really do have a gift for teaching, Hanada-kun," she said, admiration in her voice.

"Maybe," Hanada replied, feeling a bit of pride. "But it's still overwhelming sometimes. Everyone seems to want a piece of me."

Akari laughed, the sound light and melodic. "Well, you're worth wanting, Hanada-kun."

Just as they were packing up, another student, Rina, approached them. Rina was known for her shy demeanor and was often seen with her nose buried in a book.

"Excuse me, Hanada-kun," she said softly, her cheeks turning pink. "I was wondering if you could help me with my literature essay. I'm having a hard time understanding the themes."

Hanada exchanged a glance with Akari, who nodded encouragingly. "Sure, Rina. I'd be happy to help."

They spent the next hour dissecting the text and discussing various interpretations. Hanada was impressed by Rina's insights and realized that she just needed a bit of guidance to unlock her potential.

"Thank you so much, Hanada-kun," Rina said, her eyes shining with gratitude. "You've made it so much clearer."

"It was my pleasure, Rina. You have some great ideas. Just trust yourself," Hanada replied, feeling genuinely pleased with the progress they had made.

After Rina left, Akari turned to Hanada, her expression a mix of admiration and amusement. "You really are incredible, Hanada-kun. You have this way of bringing out the best in people."

Hanada blushed, scratching the back of his head. "I don't know about that. I just try to help."

"And you do it beautifully," Akari said, leaning in to kiss him. "But now, it's time for you to take a break and focus on yourself for a while."


The weekend arrived, and Hanada and Akari decided to take a trip to the nearby city to get away from the campus hustle. They spent the day exploring shops, trying new foods, and simply enjoying each other's company. It was a much-needed escape, and Hanada felt the tension slowly melting away.

In the evening, they found a cozy little café with a live jazz band playing. They settled into a corner booth, sipping on lattes and watching the musicians perform.

"This is perfect," Akari said, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "I'm so glad we did this."

"Me too," Hanada agreed, feeling a sense of contentment he hadn't felt in a long time. "It's nice to just be together without any distractions."

As the band played a slow, romantic tune, Hanada felt a surge of courage. He stood up, extending his hand to Akari. "Dance with me?"

Akari's eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled, taking his hand. "I'd love to."

They moved to the small dance floor, Hanada wrapping his arms around Akari as they swayed to the music. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in a bubble of happiness.

"Hanada-kun," Akari whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

Hanada's heart swelled with emotion. "I love you too, Akari. More than anything."

For a moment, everything felt perfect. They were two souls connected in a way that transcended the chaos of their lives. But as they danced, Hanada couldn't help but think about the challenges they still faced. Relationships were difficult, but with Akari by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came their way.


Back on campus, the following week brought new challenges. The news of Hanada's academic prowess and willingness to help had spread like wildfire. Suddenly, it seemed like everyone wanted a piece of him.

"Hanada-kun, can you help me with my history project?"

"Hanada, I need your advice on my presentation."

"Hanada, could you tutor me in physics?"

Hanada found himself being pulled in multiple directions, each request a reminder of the expectations placed upon him. Akari noticed the strain it was putting on him and decided to step in.

"Alright, everyone," she announced one afternoon as a crowd of students gathered around Hanada. "We need to set some boundaries here. Hanada-kun is one person, and he can't do everything. Let's organize a schedule so he can help as many people as possible without burning out."

The students murmured in agreement, and Akari took charge, creating a timetable for Hanada's tutoring sessions. It was a practical solution that allowed him to manage his time better and ensured he wasn't overwhelmed.

"Thanks, Akari," Hanada said later that evening as they relaxed in her dorm room. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd probably end up running yourself into the ground," Akari teased, but her eyes were filled with concern. "You need to take care of yourself too, Hanada-kun. You can't help others if you're not okay."

Hanada nodded, understanding the truth in her words. "I'll try to remember that. And thank you for always being there for me."

Akari smiled, leaning in to kiss him. "That's what partners are for. We're in this together."


Despite the busy schedule, Hanada and Akari found ways to make time for each other. They took late-night walks around the campus, studied together, and even managed to catch a few movies. Their bond grew stronger, and Hanada felt a sense of stability he hadn't experienced before.

However, Ayaka's shadow still loomed over them. She hadn't made any overt moves since their confrontation, but Hanada couldn't shake the feeling that she was still watching, waiting for an opportunity.