
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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72 Chs

What are you doing here ?

Anthony stared at light facing admiring how beautiful she was when she was asleep. After he had said those things to light he want home and took a belt and whipped him self with it he had long scares on his back.

He did mean to hurt her feelings he heard her cry as he walked off but he couldn't go back and comfort her because it would only make things worst so by hurting himself instead he felt a list it would be enough punishment for his cruelty against her.

" I'm. sorry light for making you cry am sorry for not being able to open up to you am sorry that am too scared to say this gang star is falling head over heels in love with you. am protection us both from the pain later " He apologized robbing her cheeks gently.

He had fallen asleep on the chair light eyes opened she stared around the room was light made her close her eyes out of impose. Her eyes went to the window she realized the sun had gone down and the evening was approaching her head hurt a bit trying to recall how she got to the strange room.

Her eyes found the drip going into her arm and the memory of what had happened came flooding back into her head. she gasped she was at a hospital her eyes finally went to Anthony when she tried to move her hand his hand was entangled in hers.

Light heart skipped a beat staring at thier hands locked together he was sleeping resting his head on her head he looked so cute and innocent. The moment felt so right at the same time felt wrong.

She started to cry waking Anthony from his sleep he panicked when he saw her crying.

" Light were those it hurt please talk to me" He looked so scared at it shocked light who's face was covered with tears.

Light pointed her chest showing the guy were was hurting Anthony mistook it his face draining color thinking the doctor was wrong light was really sick.

He pulled his hand about to rush out to get a doctor when he heard light cry out.

" What are you doing here ? " She questioned crying more tears rolling down her face. Anthony feet froze asking himself the same question what was he doing here by her side she was no one to him. He turned to face her staring into her eyes she looked away from him taking her eyes to the wall.

" Light I don't know what to say but I can't explain why I push you away I seriously want too. but I just can't please understand with me " He sat by her side taking her hand.

" Then you should leave stop showing up and stop helping me I can take care of myself I have people to worry for me you don't have to always save me then hurt me" She spoke taking her hand off his.

He sighed deeply smiling bitterly staring at her angry face.

" Eat some then take your drugs let me take you home please don't fight with me about it " He spoke trying to bring her face to star at him.

" Didn't You Hear Me I Said Leave I Don't Want You Here Go Anthony Please Just Go " She screamed at him feeling frustrated and angry at him.

" I Care About You Light Yes Am Weak When I Comes To You And I Hate That I Am I Can't Leave You Because I Don't Know How Too. Their I Said It " He screamed back falling into the chair staring up at the roof of the room light blinked after realizing what Anthony has just said he just confessed how he truly felt towards her.

" I care about you too Anthony. but you have to let me in I need to know what your feeling what your secrets. Just let me in let me help you "

He smiled bitterly staring into her eyes.

" You can't help me am long gone light. but I promise I will try and not much you away anymore but I just can't the more I push you away the more I grow attached to you " He didn't like the feeling he was having.

Light blushed hugging him " Thank you for not pushing me away anymore " She spoke staring at his shocked expression.

" I'm hungry " She spoke robbing her tommy Anthony snapped out of his shocked state taking a candy bar from his pocket handing it to light.

She smiled opening it breaking a piece eating the it she smiled breaking another piece taking it to Anthony lips she was shocked he obediently opened his mouth taking the candy from her hand.

She giggled graining happy they doctor came to run some check up after Anthony had forced her to take her medication.

" She is fine you can take her home now .but if it is too late you both can stay till tomorrow let the sun rise "

" No we have classes tomorrow thank you Mrs " Anthony spoke not wanting to be in the hospital anymore. The doctor nodded helping light taking off the drip.

Anthony helped her stand placing one of her hand on his shoulder as the both left the hospital.

When the were out he bent facing his back at her light locked her broils together in confusion.

" Hop on let go stop staring at me like you don't know what am doing" He spoke calmly waiting for her to climb is back.

She felt shy to climb is back but she finally gave in rapping her hand round his neck and legs around his waist as he stood up right.

Moving taking her home light smiled enjoying the moment she was spending with Anthony. He acted more like a boyfriend than her ex boyfriend she preferred Anthony to him he was way sweeter when he wasn't trying to be too tough.

He didn't even complain ones about her weight it was late but she wasn't scared Anthony was here to protect her. she smiled giggling on her own thoughts.

The talked as the walked by different shops she would point at things she liked and wanted to buy. She screamed pointing at a large teddy bear she saw in a store.

" I want it. it so cute and cuddly but am broke for know but I call my dad and am sure I be getting the teddy bear "

Anthony hummed listening to her the finally got to her compound he knocked the gate not putting her down.

Abigail came to open the gate dressed in her PJs like she had been expecting them she moved aside graining winking at light who looked shy.

He entered the apartment placing her down.

" Lay down and get some rest " He spoke waiting for her to go into her bed.

Light obediently laid into the bed as he placed the cover over her body Abigail stood my the door admiring them she felt kinda jealous noting to ask her own boyfriend to carry her on his back.

Anthony turned to leave after properly togging her into bed she held his hand pulling him back to her side she placed a kiss on his head.

" Thank you for watching me and bringing me to the hospital " She smiled letting his hand go loving his shocked look Abigail silently clapped cheering her friend bravely in her head.

" Bravo,Bravo light wale not bad " Abigail smiled raising her eye broil slightly up.

Anthony get a straight look leave the apartment Abigail shooting the door behind him. He smiled standing out in the dark before leaving the compound walking into the dark night not one list scared that something could happen to him.

He got home falling into his bed staring at his roof robbing his chest feeling his heart beat pick up anytime he replayed the peck light placed on his head her smile and blushing face.

" I Love You Light " He breathed out accepting the one truth he didn't want to accept. He closed his eyes and opened them again feeling scared out the darkness it brought he hated and loved the night time because it brought the end of everything. But no matter every man had to give in to the darkness shooting his eyes letting the darkness covered him but he breathed out light before everything went silent and steel.

Thanks for reading guys made a mistake one the first volume it was meant to be what are you doing here as volume ( 1) anyways Byeee ♥️🥰🥰🥰