
My Collage Boyfriend Is A Gange Star

This is a complex love tale it one of my very best works the content are heart touching. Light a 18 year old you lady both parents believes father a pastor mother a pastor wife. All her life she had been walking in her parents footsteps being the party scent mary of their church. she decides to run away from everything she knows and take a different turn to had a little bit of excitement to her life she decides not to go to a private university rather a public university of Lagos state ( Unlg ) Anthony A.K.A ( Baba Lola) the most handsome bad boy in his faculty mysterious rear blue eyes for a black guy. A roget street guy coming from a poor middle class bar ground. because of life problems he decides to give up on God and lives a reckless life. Read this beautiful intense love novel of Love, romance, friendship,faith , miracle,rape, cultism, campus life all packed in one . Your author going to live you all in tension,tears .

Mary_Stephens_4547 · Urban
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I Need You

The day of the church competition had arrived and things weren't going that great favour was panicking their male lead Christ wasn't feeling to well so he couldn't come for the program.

" This is not good we are going to loss all our efforts would be in vain why did Christ have to fall heal at this hour " She kept walking back and forth feeling restless.

She sported light coming over at their direction dressed in her choir uniform. They all rushed over to her startling light Abit.

Favour almost screamed in panic " Light you are our last hope why haven't your child hood friend arrived at the church yet he is our only hope to win "

Light gave them a blank stare not getting favour grumbling.

" What about Christ I thought we had accepted on using him as the lead role " she asked staring at white faces of the youths.

" Christ isn't feeling too good today so he sent us a apology note saying he wouldn't be able to make it " Favour explained looking confused on what to do.

Jennifer spoke with hope in her eyes " Call Anthony he can save us from this mess "

They all chorused supporting Jennifer on her option.

Light thought about the option for a while she didn't want to disturb Anthony after what had happened the day of practice. she wouldn't like to see him freck on stage.

" Please, please, please" They all begged her trying to make her give Anthony a call.

" I don't know if he will be able to make it but let me try while am doing so prepare your mind too find a substitute if he doesn't show up "

Anthony sat on a fence close to his house smoking a lighted cigarette placed in between his fingers. He remembered today was the program but he wasn't going he was never again going to step his feet in a church.

Still staring distantly at the nothing but cold air his phone ringed loudly staring at the ide it wrote my angle on it. He cut the calls everytime the came in.

Light got annoyed by his constant ignoring her calls they were putting so much pressure on her and she knew how much the program meant to the youths.

" Anthony please pick up the dang phone I need your help right know don't be This way " She spoke silently walking back and forth trying to get to him.

She finally decided to live him a voice note will the practiced for the last time clearing her trout she started her words picking them carefully.

" Anthony it me light firstly I don't know why you are not picking my calls am really mad at you for standing us up we all believed in your lies mostly me. I thought you said you will look out for me then what are you doing right know leaving me hanging again I know " She pursed taking a deep breath letting it go.

" I know I may not say this much but I need you An please don't let me down if you do hear this voice note I want you too know that it been wonderful knowing you and I would slap you countless times if that meant you would be around me thanks for being a true friend " The phone bibbed before going over to Anthony phone. Light signed hoping he would at list listen to it .

The voice note appeared on his phone he stared at it for a long period of time just about to delete it from his phone his tom incidentally tapped play and her voice calm and gently played out of the speaker of the phone it was the word I need you that kept tugging on his heart strings he closed his eyes stopping the voice note.

His eyes slowly came opened not knowing what to do apart of him screamed at him to remember why he should never step his feet in a church again and a bigger part of him fought to run to light rescue being the hero that he played out to be just for her.

He licked his lips wetting it up his hands going true his low cut.

" What spell have you casted on me light Wale for me to want to obey your calls. I can't be weak towards you or any other person be... because I don't know how much time I have left on my hands " For the first time he said out his fears out loud . He trained himself to be physically and mentally strong so that he wouldn't become weak not for any reason but ever since light should up he found his strength crumbling and like a obedient puppy he wanted to obey all of her wish's

and he didn't like the feeling one bit .

Light was also panicking as well as the rest of the others because non of the guys voices in the team were able to rhyme with the tone of the song they were definitely going to loss and after the two church's are done presenting it was their turn. Their church had high expectations from them to perform well since they had given them a long period of them to perfect themselves.

Favour bite her finger in panic not having anything to work with she stared at light

" Is Anthony coming? " she asked hoping for a good answer.

" I don't know" Light responded sincerely staring at the door maybe he would walk right true them.

Marry crossed her hands against her chest.

" How rode but he had promised" Marry was mad at Anthony dishonesty.

The head one of the church's finish their song remaining one more left to go.

Light quickly thought of an idea " Why don't we all just forget about the main roles let just sing the song all together favour you are a wonderful youth leader you can find a way to make it work. I will start my own role and everyone can join in it not a most a male lead most sing "

Favour agreed with her trying to fell a little bit hopeful that everyone still takes a liking to their song without the male role.

" Let's work on the tone of the song for the last time and pray hard enough may God help us" She spoke gingerly getting a amen from them as the tried the song without a male lead it wasn't that amazing but it would do their church name was called upon.

The placed Their hands together trowing it in the air chanting their team name.

" Go over comers " The screamed smiling walking out on the stage many faces from different church's stared up at them making them feel a bit nervous mostly light because she was to lead them on.

Favour turned to a back the audience giving her a assuring smile as she took her cane gesturing for the pianist to start.

Light took a deep breath started to song.

🎶 True all the memories that are never really leaving.

🎶 True all the pains and unhappy ever after.

🎶 Nobody, nobody, nobody see you nobody would believe you .

The podium was filled with hands clapping really hard some screaming loving the way she carried the tone. Favour smiled ready to gesture the others to begin.

Keep reading byeeee see you on the next page.