

Yumiko a 17 year old girl is paired with Arata to be her tutor. Yumiko is sunshine though her smartness is not so bright. She is nice, cute, love her mom elder brother, best friend -Kaoru. But there is still room left for someone -Arata. He is mean, smart and doesn't considers people feelings which makes him seem harsh. He is popular among girls and even boys for being handsome and cute. Will Yumiko be able to reach for her cold love -or not. Adventure with yumiko and her friends to a journey of self discovery and love

Hobi2 · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: "In the Heart of Compassion"

Two weeks had whisked by like fleeting moments captured in the soft embrace of time. In those precious days, I found myself inching probably closer to Arata, our tutoring sessions were going pretty well, and I saw my self growing into a smart young lady.


I hurriedly brushed my hair into two bunny ears, adding my favorite piece of cute jewelry to enhance my look. With a glance at the clock, I realized I was running late for the last day of the school week. I slid down the stair rails as fast as I could, her excitement tinged with a hint of worry. As she descended the stairs,her heart quickened with the excitement of the day's possibilities.

YUMIKO: (calling out) Katori, I'm running late! I promise to be careful on the stairs.

KATORI: (worriedly) Please be careful, Yumiko. We can't afford any more accidents, especially with Mom just recovering.

YUMIKO: (reassuringly) I'll be fine, Katori. Don't worry too much.

With a quick hug to my concerned brother, I dashed to the kitchen to bid farewell to my mom. Her worried expression softened as she handed me a slice of toast, a silent gesture of maternal love that warmed my heart.

MOM: (concerned) Take a slice of toast, dear. You always make me worry when you rush out like this.

YUMIKO: (apologetically) I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm already late. I'll grab something at the convenience store before I get to school school. Love you, bye!

With a quick peck on her cheek, I darted out of the house, where Kaoru awaited me with a smile. Despite her busy schedule, she had made time to walk to school with me, a small but cherished gesture of friendship.


As we strolled through the familiar streets, the crisp morning air filled with the chatter of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves. Suddenly, Arata emerged from a nearby block 

YUMIKO's face lit up with a cheerful grin as she spotted ARATA emerging from a nearby block, his bicycle in hand.

YUMIKO (cheerfully): "Ah, Arata! Good morning!"

ARATA's expression remained stoic as he joined them, his eyes fixed ahead.

YUMIKO (inquiring): "Are you going to follow us?"

Despite the warmth in YUMIKO's voice, ARATA offered no response, his silence echoing between them. With a shrug, YUMIKO and KAORU continued on their way, with ARATA falling into step behind them.

KAORU (whispering, concerned): "Yumiko, this feels awkward."

YUMIKO (reassuringly): "Don't worry, Kaoru. We'll be at school soon. Besides, there's something oddly comforting about having Arata with us, even if he's trailing behind."

The trio continued their journey to school, the morning sun casting long shadows across the pavement.


As they reached the school gate, the imposing figure of REN, the head prefect, awaited them, her presence commanding attention.

REN (sternly): "Yumiko, you're late again."

With a sigh, YUMIKO accepted the red point from REN, her shoulders sagging with resignation.

YUMIKO (nodding in understanding): "Yes, senpai."

Ren's gaze softened slightly as she turned to ARATA and KAORU, offering them a nod of acknowledgment before addressing YUMIKO once more.

REN (advising): "Most people in the school know you come from a very prestigious family, Yumiko. Perhaps it's time to consider alternative transportation."

YUMIKO (gratefully): "Thank you, senpai. I'll keep that in mind."

With a final nod, Ren watched as YUMIKO hurried off to catch up with her friends, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.


With a sense of relief, YUMIKO and KAORU settled into their seats, grateful for the brief respite from the morning rush.

JUN (replying): "Hello."

The classroom buzzed with anticipation as MR. SATO entered, his presence commanding attention. Mr. Sato, their teacher, prepared to introduce the day's surprise. Yumiko and her classmates exchanged curious glances, wondering what awaited them.

MR. SATO (excitedly): "How are you, everyone? I have a surprise for you today... We have two new students, and guess what? They're siblings!"

A ripple of excitement swept through the room, heads turning expectantly towards the door as HUGO and HANA FUJINO made their entrance. Yumiko couldn't help but notice the striking contrast between the two siblings - Hugo's confident stride and Hana's timid posture.

HUGO (charismatically): "Greetings, everyone! My name is Hugo Fujino, and this is my sister, Hana."

Despite Hugo's outgoing demeanor, Hana remained reserved, her gaze fixed on the floor as if trying to disappear into the linoleum tiles. Yumiko felt a pang of empathy for the shy girl, recognizing a familiar discomfort in her own past experiences.

MR. SATO (addressing the class): "Let's give a warm welcome to our new students, Hugo and Hana Fujino!"

The classroom erupted into polite applause, though Yumiko noticed a few curious whispers exchanged between her classmates. As Hugo and Hana found their seats behind her and Jun, Mr. Sato proceeded with the day's lesson, delving into the intricacies of Japanese history. MR. SATO (enthusiastically): "Today, we'll be exploring the Meiji Restoration, a pivotal period in Japan's history that marked the transition from feudalism to modernity." As Mr. Sato launched into his lecture my stomach twists uncomfortably as Mr. Sato dives into the complexities of Japanese history. I shift in my seat, trying to ignore the growing ache that threatens to overpower me. The pain intensifies with each passing moment, but I refuse to speak up and disturb the class.

Suddenly, the discomfort becomes unbearable, stabbing at me like a knife. My vision blurs, and I feel myself losing consciousness. With a faint gasp, I slump forward, darkness closing in around me.

I slowly regain consciousness, finding myself lying on a cot in the nurse's office. Blinking groggily, I see Arata sitting beside me, his usually pale face flushed with worry.

"Yumiko, you're awake! Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Arata's voice trembles with concern, his attempt to sound calm failing miserably.

"I'm fine, Arata," I murmur weakly. "This happens sometimes when I forget to take my medication. No need to worry."

Arata's brows furrow in confusion and concern. "Medication? What for? Why didn't you tell me?"

I wince, feeling guilty for keeping this from him. "It's nothing, really. You're asking too many questions. It's none of your business, please."

I try to sound reassuring, but the unease in my voice is unmistakable.

Later, as I return to class after regaining my strength, my friends greet me with a mixture of concern and scolding.

"Yumiko-chan, are you okay? How could you forget to take your medicine with your condition, huh? Fool," Kaoru's voice trembles with frustration and fear, her concern for me palpable.

I embrace her tightly, silently thanking her for her care and concern.

Mr. Sato enters the room, offering a brief apology and well wishes for my recovery.

"Yumiko, sorry to hear about your health scare. I hope you're feeling better," he says sincerely.

I nod gratefully, my smile returning as I assure him that I'm feeling much improved.

As lunchtime approaches, my thoughts turn to Hugo and Hana, the new students I met earlier. I'm eager to invite them to join us for lunch, but Kaoru's protective instincts kick in.

Despite my assurances that I'm feeling better, Kaoru insists on accompanying me to ensure my well-being. With a sigh, I agree, knowing that her concern comes from a place of love.

Together, we make our way to the cafeteria, and I'm determined to make the most of our lunchtime together and to extend a warm welcome to our new classmates.