

I jolted when I heard that voice. The voice of the devil right next to my ear. It sent heat to my body that I started thinking how it will feel to have him fan my whole face with his breath. "don't" I whispered to myself. As if he heard me he said "don't what" with a smirk on his face.

Immediately, it said "I am so sorry sir I didn't know you were the CEO I would have showed more respect please don't fire me I really need this job" he just looked at me and chuckled that people around looked amazed. Maybe he doesn't laugh I said to myself.


I was so carried away that I didn't know when I chuckled that had people looking at us. It was normal cause I rarely laugh. I looked at the beauty before me and said "I won't send you away" "there's no need for that" she looked up I think with doubt in her big jade eyes "really" she said and I nodded.

I left her and went to my private sector to eat. When I sat down, my friend said "that was one loud laugh" and I told him "she's the one" and he just nodded. This was the reason I like my friend Jason. He isn't like the other friend I have. After this though I picked up my spoon to eat when "hey wassup people" I rolled my eyes immediately speak of the devil and he will appear. "you're a doctor can't you at least be civilized" I told him put he just scoffed and walked over to where Jason was.

I couldn't believe it. He just came and my personal assistant forget about me. He even told him everything. How can I forget?? Anywhere Tristan is Jason will always be a talkative. "so,you were flirting with her" I heard Tristan's annoying voice and pushed him away. They both laughed. "Let's get going" I said and they stood up and we left the cafeteria.