
My Clinic In Another World

Seo Jun, a devoted surgeon, and devoted otaku meets an untimely demise at the hands of a colleague. However, his journey doesn't end there. Through a twist of fate orchestrated by a mysterious reaper, he's reborn as Han, a beggar, in a fantastical world. Armed with the unique [Clinic System] gift, Han embraces a new life, establishing a clinic amidst a war-torn city. But survival isn't just about medicine; Han must navigate his introverted nature and love for money while aiding the wounded. In a realm where magic and turmoil intertwine, can Han find solace and purpose? Join Han as he unravels the mysteries of his transmigration and strives to heal more than just physical wounds in "Clinic In Another World." ---- Updating Every Week Day! Please give me feedback, so I can improve my story as it continues. If you have questions, anything related to the setting of this story. Please ask me, this way I can develop my story as well. This story is a participant of the WSA 2024 contest. I would be thankful If you guys support me.

Hoku_1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs


The herb alliance branch was crowded, and the streets were filled with people. Some people had to push each other just to get by. Some still stood in the line, outside, but the line was much shorter since the alliance started to take people out of the line if they couldn't afford it or if they had severe symptoms of an illness because the alliance didn't have the tools to cure it, they would have to go to the Alchemists.

An individual hurriedly walked near the alliance but gasped seeing the crowd. He then went towards the back of the building and walked in through the back door. As he passed through several workers bowed toward him.

"Good morning, Sir. Ellan", said the workers as Ellan passed by, he slightly nodded at them and walked to his master's room. He didn't have any time for greetings.

"Master", Ellan exclaimed reaching his master's room. An uptight-looking man with a black cane in his left hand sitting in a chair drinking tea greeted Ellan.

"How was your daughter's treatment?", said Zale stroking his beard as he sipped on his tea. 

"Thank you for asking. She seems fine as of now, but she still hasn't woken up", Ellan said as he bit his lower lip anxiously. 

"Hmmm, If he can't cure her what would you do? After all, you took the loan from me, my disciple", said Zale teasing him. Though he had decided already to kill the phony physician if anything happened to his disciple's daughter.

"I would get the money back from him obviously", said Ellan giving a thumbs up with a sparkle In his eyes as he held a flyer in his hands. "No problem with the physician, but if he can't cure her, I would have to go to the damned Alchemists". 

"Hmmm…you seem to trust him, that phony physician", said Zale intrigued.

"I won't say I trust him more like…I know he won't do anything threatening", replied Ellan.

"What do you mean?", said Zale curious. 

"His clinic is luxurious, and he gives off a benevolent aura. He's most likely a fallen noble or a noble, which guarantees he won't do anything to me unless he wants to go against the alliance master", replied Ellan telling his master the observations he made of Han and his Clinic. 

"Hohohoho…", laughed Zale, his disciple had awakened his interest in the mysterious physician.

"Though he seems to be quite 'Unique'", said Ellan sharing the amount of time he caught the physician talking to himself or swiping in the air. This caused the bearded man to laugh even louder. 

Miracle Clinic, The Ward.

Han walked downstairs after freshening up. He had to check up on Blade and Gen but first, he had to go to the ward. After checking her condition last night, Han knew she should be able to wake up today! If not, then something would have gone wrong. He hoped that the little girl was alright.

Although Han failed to realize that he is a 17-year-old boy as well…

[Host, She's waking up now]

As the mechanical voice resounded in his head he walked near the bed and saw the little girl fluttering her eyes struggling to open them.

Irene groaned as her consciousness came back to her, feeling tired, weak and her throat parched. She struggled to open her eyes and was afraid since she didn't know what was happening around her, all she could see was darkness. Feeling afraid she touched objects around her and felt their softness. She finally opened her eyes after numerous tries. As she opened her eyes, she flinched seeing an unfamiliar figure standing In front of her.

"Yo, Irene. How are you?", said Han smiling and waving at her holding a clipboard in his hands.

Irene the teenager was speechless seeing the boy in the white coat greeting like a friend. She blushed since no one had ever greeted her like that all of the girls were only jealous of her because of her beauty. But now the gesture Han did, felt like an interaction between friends to her. "How are you feeling? I'm your physician, so feel free to tell me anything", Han said. Coming back to her senses, she requested water. 

The Waiting Area, Miracle Clinic.

Han yawned as he came downstairs after dealing with Irene. He had to say she was a great kid; she answered all his questions without any complaints and questions. He had documented her with the help of Sophie, and now Ellan had to visit her. Then after a week, Han decided to discharge her hopefully if her condition remained the same.

He came to the waiting area and saw Gen slouching over her desk, her messy blue hair lying on the desk.

"What are you doing?", Han asked narrowing his eyes. 

"Oh, I was just relaxing", said Gen. "So, what's up what did you come here for?", she said not changing her pose.

"You know I'm your master, right? Show some respect, will you? I just came here to see how you were doing on your 1st day", Han sighed. He didn't have the energy to keep nagging at her.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for coming I guess but there is no work since we have no patients", she chuckled as she teased him.

An arrow struck Han's conscience. 'I guess a receptionist can't do work if there are no patients', He thought coughing embarrassed. But an idea crossed his mind to get revenge.

"I have a task for you", said Han grinning smugly.

Gen remained silent as she was clueless about what plan her master was cooking up in his mind.

"Go upstairs and keep Irene company until her father comes", said Han.

Gen looked at him blankly. Han raised his wrist and pointed at his bracelet. Gen clicked her tongue and went upstairs to keep the kid company.

Seeing her leave, Han tilted his head back and held his fist in triumph.

After an hour, an individual arrived at the clinic. Ellan sighed exhausted he had barely gotten away from his master. He wanted to come along as well but Ellan didn't want him disturbing his quality time with his daughter. He nervously approached the clinic, hoping his daughter was awake.

Ellan entered the lobby and found it weird that the newly hired receptionist wasn't there. But he went upstairs regardless since he only wanted to visit his daughter. When he entered the ward, his eyes widened in shock.

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