
My Clinic In Another World

Seo Jun, a devoted surgeon, and devoted otaku meets an untimely demise at the hands of a colleague. However, his journey doesn't end there. Through a twist of fate orchestrated by a mysterious reaper, he's reborn as Han, a beggar, in a fantastical world. Armed with the unique [Clinic System] gift, Han embraces a new life, establishing a clinic amidst a war-torn city. But survival isn't just about medicine; Han must navigate his introverted nature and love for money while aiding the wounded. In a realm where magic and turmoil intertwine, can Han find solace and purpose? Join Han as he unravels the mysteries of his transmigration and strives to heal more than just physical wounds in "Clinic In Another World." ---- Updating Every Week Day! Please give me feedback, so I can improve my story as it continues. If you have questions, anything related to the setting of this story. Please ask me, this way I can develop my story as well. This story is a participant of the WSA 2024 contest. I would be thankful If you guys support me.

Hoku_1 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Blade, The Pedophile!

At the back of the Clinic.

Han arrived at the garden where Blade was working; he had to discuss the incident from a few hours ago. 

As he arrived in the garden, a citrusy smell hit his nose, surprising him. The plants swayed as the breeze passed by. The overgrown trees shadowed him. 

'Blade is unexpectedly good at this job, how come the garden is so well kept' Han thought, staring blankly at Blade, who continued shaping the plants without noticing him.

Underneath the scorching sun, Blade continuously wiped the sweat off his forehead. His defined shoulders could be seen as he shaped the plants, though he still struggled with the heavy shears in his hands. 

"Blade!" called out Han, getting his attention.

The voice startled Blade; he flinched, looking back. He saw his master standing behind him with a tight-lipped smile. He gulped; he knew he was in trouble this time.

"Master, good afternoon," said Blade as he bowed slightly, showing his full respect. "What makes you come here?" he questioned; his back was sweaty as he was getting anxious, not knowing the consequences.

Han stared at him, narrowing his eyes. "You're fired!" he said without a thought.

Blade's smiley face immediately contorts upon hearing his master's words. Sadness filled his heart; he had nowhere else to go. If the master kicked him out, how would he survive? He didn't want to work in a city as they didn't pay much for labor. This was the only opportunity that was about to fly away from him… 

Seeing the grief on Blade's face, Han justified his decision. "Do you know why I'm firing you?" he questioned.

Blade shook his head, clueless. 

Han sneered, seeing Blade act innocent. "It's because of your gaze. You stared at her body as if you were raping her with your eyes! I can't have a man with such thoughts near my patients. Know where you are working! This is a clinic, a place you will have to get used to dealing with such things and if you can't, then I'm sorry to say. I have to let you go". 

As Han explained why he was firing Blade, he lowered his head, unable to look at his master's face. He knew he was guilty…but he didn't want to give up.

Gritting his teeth, he apologized yet again. "Master, I-it was my first time, seeing a woman's naked body. This is the only place I have left! I love my job, please give me one last chance", he said, teary-eyed.

This is the only time Han feels sincerity from Blade's continuous pleading and apologizing. He rubbed his eyes as he exhaled. 'I don't know what is sad, his expressions or the fact that he never saw a woman's naked body before…at that age', he sighed, shaking his head.

'…I have to come to a decision. Though his gardening is excellent, I can't have a horny man on the run in this Clinic. After seeing the garden after so long, I can see the difference. He thought he had kept it exceptionally clean, swiping his sight across the area.

The Blade was overwhelmed, feeling the master's gaze on him.

"Ok! I'll give you one last chance", said Han. Hearing this, a smile blossomed on Blade's face. 

"On one condition! Only, if you never go to the 2nd floor of the Clinic. If I ever see you there, I will personally kick you out with no mercy!" said Han firmly.

Blade nodded hurriedly, accepting the condition right away. Nothing mattered if he got to stay.

"Now, get back to work," Han said as he prepared to leave.

Blade went back to shaping the bushes and plants happily alongside his shears.

As Han left the premises, he could hear Blade's humming.

'I don't know what to do with him anymore,' thought Han helplessly.

2nd Floor, Miracle Clinic.

Han sat at his table, overseeing Ellan. Yes, Ellan. He was still here! How much did this father love his daughter? Give me money if you love your daughter that much! He sighed.

Han's mouth twisted, realizing that he had sighed many times already. These people knew how to tire him out mentally.

As Han was thinking, Ellan finally approached him, intending to leave. Han again reminded him of the importance of money. He also explained how he could keep visiting Irene until she was in the Clinic.

Ellen nodded and exited the Clinic. Before leaving for the city, he looked back and mumbled, "Miracle Clinic," Reading off the Clinic's entrance. "Indeed…it is a miracle", he muttered as he set off to his destination.

3rd Floor, Miracle Clinic.

Han yawned as he stretched his body. "Irene should wake up in 2 days, since she's a teen and I didn't use anesthesia during the procedure her body would be pretty exhausted", he said as he prepared to go to bed.

Although something caught his eye before he went to bed, a ticket shone on his nightstand. "Oh, I had forgotten about the other quest reward" Han gazed at the piece of paper in anticipation. 

[To Activate, rip the ticket apart]

Han nodded, understanding the mechanisms of the ticket. He closed his eyes, not wanting to jinx his luck, and carefully ripped apart the ticket.

[You have gained a Sticker]

All of Han's anticipation turned into a deep frown. "This is what you reward me from a LOTTERY. A damn sticker!" he said as he clenched his fists.

[As I informed the Host, it is a 50-50% chance.]

Hearing Sophie, he tried calming down. But still, he was disappointed to find out this was the best he could get out of a lottery.

Han calmed down, realizing the gamble this ticket came with. "Ok, let's look at the description and see what this sticker does. If it's a normal sticker then well I'll fucking shred it!" Han said, squinting his eyes.

[Unknown Sticker- Attracts the scent of blood].

The brightly shining sticker changed its color in Han's palms. Its color changed to black, and a symbol also appeared on it. A Spiral around a stick that had a fire blazing from it.

The more Han stared at the fire, the more he felt it was alive and could consume him.

Han narrows his eyes holding suspicion as he investigates the sticker in his palms. "This sounds ominous, like it came from the devil's den…Though the more I think about it the more this sticker is suitable for the clinic. If it attracts blood then it attracts patients as well".

Realizing the potential, the creepy sticker held. Han happily stuck it on a wall near him.

Han got into his bed and thought about the milestone quest he had received. He knew he had to finish all the requirements as soon as possible because the reward was too precious for him to let go.

So, Han decided to tackle the receptionist requirement first, and he knew just the place where to get one!

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