
My class is transferred, but only I reincarnated as an FPS player

Haruto Kuramoto was supposed to move to another world with his classmates, but only he failed to move and only his soul came to God. As God apologized, I wondered if Haruto Kuramoto was crazy about it, so that he could use the abilities of the FPS game and reincarnate. He who starts from reincarnation? The adventure has begun. P.S. This novel is google translated. I don't own any of this, for fun purpose only Author: Blue sky bonito Chapters: 173 Chapters and is still ongoing

Loershi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Chapter 3

If you proceed as it is, let's stop the carriage because it is dangerous.

"Mr. Guell! Please stop the horse !!"

"Why did something happen?"

"I don't know if it's a monster, but there are enemies ahead!"

"Stop the carriage and watch out for the area !!"

Upon hearing that, Guell stared at me, opened his eyes, and then gave instructions to the subordinates around him. He stopped moving and took out all the weapons, but there was only one person who responded differently.

"Don't lie! Captain, you don't have to stop, let's move on!"

eh! ?? I'm sure Aid-san, what are you talking about?

"Aid what are you talking about! She doesn't look like she's lying!"

"I agree with Amy. And I was wondering if I should stop because there was a slight smell of people from the direction she was saying, but I decided to stop with her words. Those who proceed safely Would be good "

Upon hearing that, Aid made a wrinkle between his eyebrows and turned to Guell after staring at me for some reason.

"Maybe the adventurers are just hunting monsters."

"Hmm ... it's possible, but many adventurers are troublesome."

I decided that it was going to be a long story, so I got off the horse and took out the binoculars. Then, turn your body in the direction indicated by the radar and look through the binoculars to check the exact position and the number of enemies.

"Hmm? ... It's strange for that. There are five people over there, but they are all looking at me while hiding behind trees and in the grass. It's like I'm aiming at us.・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Ne "

It's a discussion that you're turning your face to the side and moving your mouth. Then these five are friends ...? I turned to the back alone. Maybe there are friends behind them?

When I was checking the enemy about 200 meters away like that, someone approached me behind me.

"Mr. Elleina, is that true !!"

Oh, was it the handsome Keith who came to me?

"Yes, I think the people you see now are reconnaissance. Keith-san, I'm sure there was a gentle right curve ahead."

Since I have confirmed the route on the map in advance, I know what kind of route I will take.

"Oh, that's right. What happened?"

I continue to explain to Guells.

"Forests grow along the road on the left side and there is no place to hide on the right side, which is the best place for a surprise attack point."

"Ah, that's right."

"Maybe the strategy the opponent is thinking of is to block the way out when we come in the middle of the curve, and then engage and divide this unit into the side that fights the enemy who blocked the road and the side that protects the carriage. "

It wouldn't be free without anyone guarding the carriage on which the aristocrat Duke Baldeck is riding.

"Well then?"

"If you can divide it, I think that other friends will sneak up from the back of the carriage and attack while confusing the defender by shooting an arrow from the side of the carriage. Well, it's just my speculation. "

The most efficient way is the one I just mentioned. Well, if the other party is ignorant, they will attack all at once when they come to the side. If there are a lot of them, this one will win! !! Something like that.

"" "" "..." "" ""

that? Everyone is solidified. Moreover, the Duke is coming down from the carriage before I knew it. Isn't it better to go back to the carriage because it's dangerous?

"Ah, are you all okay?"

"" "" "Huh !?" ""

Guell, who noticed, begins to give instructions to his friends.

"Use Keith's evil eye to see if the guys you see now are enemies. Lizrina calls a summoned beast to scout. There may be other enemies, as she says."

"" Ha, hi! ""

Keith and Lizrina started to move as directed by Guell.

~ ~ ~ Guell side ~ ~ ~

"Hey, Guell ... is it a little good?"

Amy asks Guell in a confused manner.

"What's wrong with Amy, now the captain?"

"I'm sorry Captain ... What do you think of that child?"

"Why ..."

The two enter the meadow on the right side of the road and stare at Elleina doing something.

"She doesn't know what to say to be honest. Who is she?"

"Assassin from another continent?"

"Then wouldn't you talk to us? And wouldn't there be an assassin who wouldn't kill you when there was a big guy so close?"

Amy seems to have closed her eyes and thought for a while, but she looks somewhat unconvinced.

"That's right. And she was also concerned, but today's aid looks strange."

"Oh, I felt that too. I'm thinking of discussing it with Aid later."

"I also ask"

As they talked, Lizrina and Keith came over to see if the reconnaissance was over.

"Captain! Her lit of my summoned beast is back!"

"I'm just done. I found out something amazing."

"Okay, call Elleina and start a strategy meeting when you come."

"Okay. Elleina-chan, come over here! We'll have a strategy meeting!"

Amy calls Elleina out loud in the direction of Elleina, but she can't be heard by the people over there, right?

"Yes! I understand!"

Elleina, who was doing something in the grass, ran back to the unit after replying, but you guys were too loud! The other party will ask you! !!

~ ~ ~ Elliner side ~ ~ ~

"First of all, it's from me. Everyone who was looking at us from behind a tree is likely to be an adventurer in terms of equipment. From the perspective of using my appraisal skills, all five have a criminal history. had"

Appraisal skill is a convenient skill to be able to see that much.

"I'm the one who has thirty people, including the five that Keith saw, separated by ten and are lying down on the spot or hiding in the shadows and waiting with their weapons. It's still stuck, and for some reason they don't seem to have a horse. "

After hearing the report, Guell thinks about something and then tells Lizrina.

"Maybe you couldn't rent a horse in the stables because you didn't have a horse? It's common for adventurers, unlike the adventure department. So, do you know where your opponent is?"

"Yes, the placement of the enemies is hiding behind the five who are now appearing at the beginning of the curve from here, hiding ten in the middle of the curve and waiting, and ten before the middle. Is waiting on the side of the road. If we go on like this, we can see that it fits into the tactics that Elleina said. "

"Captain, let's go from the meadow on the right, so you don't have to engage them."

"The grassland is impossible. I found out when I entered the grassland, but there were many places where the ground was loose. If the carriage entered the grassland as it is, it may be buried in the ground and get stuck."

Mr. Aid comes up with a plan, but I have him say the opposite with a reason. Yes, I went to the grassland to see if it could be done.

The moment I said that, Aid was staring at me again.

Why does this person stare at me one by one? Perhaps the little girl isn't out! !! Do you want to say?

"Let's go back to the royal capital. It's hard to deal with thirty people."

Guell, who heard Amy's words, thinks with his arms crossed, saying that he is ...

Hmm? ······what? The movement of the radar is awesome! !! ??

"The enemy is running over here !!!"

"What !?"

"The captain is true !! Adventurers are running over here with their weapons !!"

Keith is in a hurry and reports to Guell while pointing his finger at the forest side.

"Everyone is in a fighting system! We will meet the adventurers !!"

Everyone in the escort unit has weapons and tries to meet the adventurer, so I have to cooperate.

"Mr. Elleina, you're in danger, so you're back!"

Amy says so, but I have no intention of going down.

"Please retire, it's dangerous."

"You're in danger! You only have a knife, right?"

・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ It seems better to show it than to explain it by mouth.

Change the selector of ACE32 from safety to semi, take a kneeling posture and aim at one of the enemies about 170 meters away.

"Please close your ears. You will hear a loud noise."


I've been careful, so let's move on to the attack.

I'm a so-called triple tap that aims at the enemy and shoots three shots. Immediately after that, the man was hit by a bullet. Two shots on his chest and one on his head as intended. Immediately after that, the body of the running man loses power, loses his balance, rolls as if he stumbled, and becomes immobile.

Among the enemies, the one who was watching the situation stopped and shouted with a voice that could be heard so far. Others hear the voice, stop and look back, and begin to get confused when they see their dead companions.

The first murder ... But if I was concerned about that now, I would be killed. So you just kill the enemy without hesitation.

"It's full of gaps"

Aim at one of the stationary enemies and I shoot three shots. Of the three shots, two hit the abdomen and chest, and two shots were shot at the chest where the knees stood.

"Second person!"

The enemy holding the shield notices that it is an attack from here, and runs hiding behind the shield. If you shoot five shots in a row at the place where the enemy's body will be, the bullet will penetrate the shield, hit the enemy hidden behind it, and collapse in the form of being crushed by the shield.

"Did the enemy start to notice now?"

"What's happening? The enemy suddenly started to fall down."

"Maybe you defeated me now?"

I don't have time to explain to Guells right now. Because the enemy is ready and starts running towards us again. Among them, the one who has the bow stops at the place and shoots an arrow, but the range of the bow does not reach and it pierces the ground before hitting us.

I change my posture from kneeling to standing so that an arrow may come down, switch the selector from semi to full auto, then aim at one of the enemies and shoot a burst. Defeat the enemy by bursting again where it hits the enemy's abdomen and shoulders and stops moving.

"Fourth person!"

But this way you'll be killed before you can beat it. it can not be helped!

After defeating the fourth person, I change the purpose from killing the enemy to stopping the movement of the enemy.

Change the aiming method from the previous one, aim at the enemy as if tracing a point from the enemy on the right end to the enemy on the left end, and hit the full auto at the point where the aim is met. When the bullets are about to run out on the way, reload it, and from the place where it was interrupted, repeat aiming and shooting like tracing the enemy again.

Approximately 25 meters away, most of the enemies have been hit by bullets somewhere on their bodies and have been injured and stopped, or have fallen and stuck and have stopped coming towards us.

I don't know if the enemy felt bad or scared, but started screaming and running away. Shoot one of them on the knee to prevent him from escaping.

"Now, let's collect that person and listen to him. It's a different story! Or it doesn't pay! It's possible that someone has hired him."

"... Ah, that's right. The iron cane you have Was a weapon. "

Guell will ask you, so let's answer briefly.

"That's right. It's a weapon that only I can use."

Everyone else is stunned to see the sight in front of them.

"Lie ... Who on earth are you dealing with thirty adventurers alone?"

Amy asks a question, so she answers with a smile on her face.

"Well, maybe it's just a person ...?"

"Why do you ask me? Oh oh oh !!?"

No, because it's a body made by God, it's doubtful whether it's a human or not ... right?

After that, Amy's loud voice echoed in the meadow.