
My Clan of Husbands

Zara is a beautiful young girl that awoke in a strange land after an accident and met a handsome man who called himself a wolf. Not only that, if she wishes to survive in an unknown land she must add males to her clan. Otherwise different dangers approach her!

TheRomanceAddict · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Females

"Next time don't sleep so close to me." Zara said while embarrassed.

"But why not, after all I am going to be your male. How else am I going to protect you if I don't sleep close to you?" Ayan said with a grin.

Zara even more embarrassed said nothing, just turned her face away from him.

"Listen, I'm going to go out into the city today, I want to see what it's like here."

"Hmm okay but I'm coming with you!" Ayan exclaimed.

"What no, I don't need you to follow me around everywhere I go, I'll be fine, I just want to check out the city." Zara replied.

"I can't let you go alone, you're so beautiful another male might come and propose a contract to you! Not to mention your clothes are so different you're definitely going to attract a lot of males!" He told Zara.

Zara looked down and realized he was right, she was still wearing her summer uniform from school. She didn't want to stand out more than she already did, she needed some new clothes.

"Hey Ayan, you wouldn't happen to have any clothes for me to wear would you?"

Ayan looked so happy that Zara was requesting something from him, " Of course my beautiful female, I'll be right back with something more appropriate for you to wear!"

Ayan ran out from the small stone house and later returned.

"Um don't you think I'll stand out even more with this?" Zara asked worried.

"Of course not, in fact you look even more beautiful than before my female." Ayan had a look in his eye that seemed he was going to pounce on Zara any moment now.

Zara had changed out of her clothes and was now wearing a skimpy 2 piece outfit, made from either animal skin or just a thick cloth, she couldn't tell the difference.

"If you say so.." she said under her breath.

Zara decided to just wear it since she wanted to fit in a little bit more with the people of this world.

"Alright let's go!" Zara said happily.

Zara walked down the city streets with much amusement, there were always so many males around, and they always seemed to be so busy doing something.

Some males had prey hanging off of their body, others carrying fruits and vegetables, some collecting firewood, the males in the city never seemed to stop working!

Zara came around the corner when she spotted another female, she got so excited to be able to speak to another girl, it make her feel more calm in the city. She happily came up to this female.

"Why is this hideous female coming towards me?" She asked one of the males around her.

"Wait, hideous? Who?" Zara looked around her to see who she was talking about. "She can't mean Ayan can she?"

"I'm talking about you, female, with the strange colored hair." Ahh, so she was talking about Zara. "How sad, such a hideous girl running around the city, no wonder you don't have any contract marks, no male could possibly want you."

Zara stood stunned, almost like her life energy was hanging out of her body. No one had ever been that mean to her.

"Sarah my female, you must be hungry, let's go, I'll hunt for you something tasty for you to eat!" Another male around Sarah told her.

Sarah was a female with 4 males, she was not considered beautiful by Zara's standards but seeing as the women of this world were not as beautiful and rare, she might as well have been a beauty queen. However nothing extraordinary, with a flabby stomach and dull short hair.

Around her Sarah also had a few small animals, they appeared to be almost like small black kittens. She was curious of course.

"Those are their offspring my female."

Suddenly the hair on the back of Zara's head stood straight up, she had forgotten that Ayan was strolling along behind her and he would not let her go alone.

Sarah the pudgy female noticed Ayan, "Oh what do we have here? Is that you Ayan? As you can see I look even more beautiful today, why don't you join my clan and I'll make a contract with you today?"

Zara was beginning to get upset with this annoying female.

"Sorry but this male right here is mine!" Zara shouted out so loudly that she hadn't even realized what she just said.

"Oh really? I don't see any contract marks on you, he must not want you because of your hideous looks!" Sarah cackled like a witch.

"Ayan I am offering you a contract, you can protect me and I will give you plenty of offspring." Sarah boasted toward Ayan.

"No thanks, you're quite ugly compared to my beauty." Ayan said annoyed.

"Ugly? How dare you! I'm one of the most beautiful females in this town! Look at how many offspring I have already, apart from beautiful I'm extremely fertile! Not to mention I already have 4 males in my clan!" Sarah said angrily.

"Not interested." Ayan said so casually as he grabbed Zara's hand and pulled her away from there.

You could still hear Sarah yelling all kind of nonsense and they walked further and further apart.

"Are all females like that?" Zara asked while looking down.

"Some, as males fight for the attention of females, females also fight to get the strongest males in their clan" Ayan responded.

"Don't worry my female, I only want you no one else."

"I wasn't worried." Zara said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh? He he hehe, perhaps jealous?" Ayan said with a sheepish grin.

Zara could feel her face blushing again. "No of course not! Why would I? Like I said I don't even know you that well yet, and will you quit calling me female? My name is Zara."

Ayan laugher whole heartily. "Very well, my Zara, let's go home."