
My Clan of Husbands

Zara is a beautiful young girl that awoke in a strange land after an accident and met a handsome man who called himself a wolf. Not only that, if she wishes to survive in an unknown land she must add males to her clan. Otherwise different dangers approach her!

TheRomanceAddict · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The Beautiful Man Before Me

"Zara....Zara...wake up, we're waiting for you."

"Huh?" Said Zara as she quickly opened her eyes. The dazed and confused girl slowly sat up and held out her hand in front of her to see where she was.

"Lilies?" No these aren't lilies, the color is different, she thought to herself.

Zara a beautiful young girl with amber eyes and long snow white colored hair looked around her.

As her vision cleared she was able to see she was in a field of flowers, but where exactly was she? She looked up at the sky to see it was dark but bright with stars.

The moon! Why were there two of them? At this point Zara began to get scared. "Why can't I remember anything?"

Tears began to roll down her face when she suddenly heard something in the field around her.

Zara quickly stood up, her legs numb and still feeling dazed. "Who are you?!" No answer. "Where am I?" She shouted at what seemed to be just an empty field of flowers. Still no answer.

"What do I do now?" She whispered.

"A female?" A deep voice seemed like come out from the deep field of flowers.

"You! Why are you here alone this late at night? And what is the name of your clan? Why are they not with you!?"

Zara still scared from not knowing where she was seemed even more confused. "Clan? What are you talking about?" She asked out into the field.

Suddenly like a bright beam of light that appeared before her was a man. A beautiful man with jet black hair and eyes as dark and beautiful as the sky they were under appeared. As he got closer to Zara she could see he was a young man, perhaps in his early twenties?

This man that appeared before her was not only beautiful in face but had a body that seemed to have endured vigorous training.

But wait, why was he only wearing a small piece of clothing that only covered his manhood? "This is starting to get really weird" Zara said under her breath.

The young man got even closer to her.

"He really is beautiful isn't he?" Zara thought. "No this is not the time for this!" She said as her face turned red.

"You? Do you really not have a clan?" The young man asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about, therefore the answer is no." Zara said shyly.

"Well in that case, why not let me be your first male?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Huh? Ehhhh!!!!!! What are you talking about!? What do you mean you want to be my first male?!" Zara shouted all flustered.

"Exactly what I mean, let me be your first male. I'll protect you from everything and everyone. It's simple really, all we have to do is consummate the contract and I'll be yours." The young man said unfazed.

Contract? Consummate? Protect? All these thoughts were running through Zara's head when he said this. Naturally her petite young face turned the color of bright red apples.

"What is he possibly thinking? A man I don't know out in the field wearing barely anything asking me to sleep with him? This can't possibly be real." Zara whispered.

But wait, protect? Protect me from what exactly?

"Well then, since you didn't refuse I'll take that as a yes! I can't believe I'm going to be the first male of such a beautiful female!" The young man said gleefully.

"Wait, when did I agree to that?! I don't even know who you are!" Zara shouted at him.

"Oh I apologize, introductions aren't usually done until after the contract is made, I'm Ayan, from the wolf tribe." He responded.

"Wolf tribe? Is this guy a furry? I'm officially lost. I'm actually dead aren't I?" Zara asked herself.

Before she could say anything in the blink of an eye Ayan rushed over and picked her up into his arms princess style. As impossible as it seemed Ayan was sprinting through the field at an incredible speed that didn't seem human.

All Zara could do was hang close to him as she was more afraid of falling off. Where was he taking her? Where exactly was she? And most importantly what is Ayan?